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The children came back to school very well rested and rearing to go. 


We kicked off our topic by setting up a Dentists role play and learning all about how dentists help us. 


We kindly had lots of toothbrushes, mirrors and dental packs donated by Goyt Valley Dental Practice and the children have been using them to act out being dentists.


They have done some wonderful writing on how dentist help us and also written instructions -  How To Clean Your Teeth.  They all practised lots before writing them. 


In Maths the children have been working out how to share  numbers equally in to 2 groups - Halving. 

  • Station Road,
  • Buxworth,
  • High Peak,
  • Derbyshire,
  • SK23 7NJ.
  • Tel: 01663 732426