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Staff Areas of Responsibility

Buxworth Primary School Staffing Areas of responsibility

Mr. P. Bertram- Headteacher, Safeguarding Lead
Mrs. K. Hill- School Business Officer
Miss. L. Crombleholme- Head of KS1 and EYFS, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Assessment Lead, P.E. Co-ordinator, Phonics Lead, History Co-ordinator (shared) EYFS Class Teacher
Miss R. Kime- Head of KS2, Behaviour Lead, Curriculum Lead, STEM Co-ordinator, Design and Technology Co-ordinator, Music Co-ordinator, Professional Mentor for ITT Students and School Placement Lead, Year 6 Class Teacher
Mrs. M. Brammer- SENco, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, R.E. Co-ordinator, P.H.S.E Co-ordinator, History C-ordinator (shared) Year 5 Class Teacher
Mrs. C. Downings- Maths Co-ordinator, Geography Co-ordinator, Mental Health and wellbeing Co-ordinator, Year 3/4 Class Teacher
Mrs. L. Turega- English Co-ordinator (shared), Reading Lead, Year 3/4 Class Teacher
Mr. P. Tupman- ICT Co-ordinator, Art Co-ordinator, Year 1/2 Class Teacher
Mrs. C. Tamkin- English Co-ordinator (shared), MFL Co-ordinator Year 1/2 Class Teacher ( On maternity)
Mrs. H. Rudder- Supply cover Teacher, 1:1 TA specialist
Mrs. C. Sommerville- KS1 HLTA, Forest Schools Co-ordinator (Shared)
Mrs. H. Povey- KS1 HLTA, Behaviour Box Lead
Mr.S. Swann- KS2 TA, Sports Coach
Mrs. D. Hussey- KS1 and 2 TA
Miss K. Fay- Apprentice TA KS1 and LKS2


  • Station Road,
  • Buxworth,
  • High Peak,
  • Derbyshire,
  • SK23 7NJ.
  • Tel: 01663 732426