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EYFS Little Conkers

Summer Term 1 

Castles and Knights

Welcome to Summer Term 1.  Our Topic this term is  Castles and Knights. We will be learning about history and life in the past and comparing it with life today. We will learn all about castles; the different parts and their purpose. We learn about knights, lords, ladies, peasants and squires and use our knowledge to discuss and write what we would do if we were in the different positions.  We will learn about life in Medieval Britain by becoming knights or peasants and preparing for a medieval banquet that you are invited to on May 23rd at 1.30pm.

In English we will be  writing  sentences to write fact files, information reports, retell stories and create menus. We will be consolidating our Phase 2 and 3 phonics skills and learning Phase 4 consonant clusters and blends. We will be reading and using lots of fiction, non-fiction  and poetry books.

We will use our daily phonics lessons to help us to read and write. Correct letter formation will continue to be a key focus.

In Maths, the  children  will continue to develop a deep understanding of numbers to 10 and key mathematical knowledge by Sorting numbers according to attributes - odd and even numbers, Counting – larger sets and things that cannot be seen, Subitising – to 6, including in structured arrangements, Composition - of 10 including numberbonds to 10 and conducting comparisons – linked to ordinality.

Other Business  Forest School will continue to be on a Friday afternoon this term. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and the outdoor environment. Even in warm weather long sleeves and trousers are preferred due to risk of scratches or cuts.

Medieval Banquet- on Thursday May 23rd in the Banquet Hall  from 1.30pm. Please come suitably dressed to enjoy food, music, dancing and games. Please invite family and friends too. The children will be preparing a range of medieval fare,  making the tableware, practising medieval dances and helping you to play medieval games.  Please discuss with the children after week 4 of term whether they are  lord, lady, squire or peasant and could they wear something that you have a home that may be suitable. You do not have to buy new clothes for the occasion. Just make do.


PLEASE TRY AND LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD READ AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK. Please continue to practise their PHONICS SOUND CARDS and any High Frequency and Tricky Words ( not phonetically decodeable) that go home.   Remember to check out Tapestry to see what your child has been doing and the class webpage on the school  website.


 Class Trip to Bolsolver Castle – May 15th 9am – 2.30pm  Look out for an email containing more details this week. Volunteers are needed so please let Ms Crombleholme know if you are available that day.

Click on the links below to see our holistic plan and how it links to the EYFS curriculum. 

Spring Term 2 



Welcome to Spring Term 2.  Our Topic this term is  Marvellous Minibeasts. We will be learning about the wonderful world of minibeasts and their habitats and how they contribute to the wonderful bio diversity in our world. In English we will be learning to write sentences using our developing phonics skills. We will be reading and using lots of fiction, non-fiction  and poetry books, including The Very Hungry Caterpillar, What the Ladybird Heard  and The Snail and The Whale.

We will use our daily phonics lessons to help us to read and write. Correct letter formation will continue to be a key focus.

In Maths, the  children  will be deepening  their understanding of numbers to 10 and extending that to numbers to 20. We will be focusing on  number composition, counting, ordering, addition and subtraction. We will also look at doubles and odd and even numbers. We will be using Maths in real life problems and situations to consolidate and apply our understanding. For example ‘How many  minibeasts are here? How many are there if we add the ladybirds and snails together?’  

In  our topic we will be learning about ladybirds, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies, snails, slugs, millipedes, centipedes, bees and wasps. We will also be learning about trees and plants;  planting seeds and learning  what they need to live and grow.  

Other Business

Forest School will continue to be on a Friday afternoon this term. Please send lots of warm clothes as the weather is still unpredictable and the children get cold easily. They always need their wellies.

P.E will be on a Monday afternoon.  

PLEASE TRY AND LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD READ AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK. PHONICS SOUND CARDS WILL BE SENT HOME. We will also begin to send  Key words on Reading Diaries for you to practise reading with your child. Remember to check out Tapestry to see what your child has been doing and the class webpage on the school  website.

Spring Term 1 

Winter Wonderland

Welcome to Spring Term 1

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are fully rested and rearing to go.

This term our topic is Winter Wonderland. We will be learning all about Winter in our country and around the world for  people, plants, trees and animals. We will spend time looking at the polar regions of The Arctic and Antarctic and what life is like there. We will use a variety of fiction and non fiction texts, videos and online content to bring our learning to life.

In Literacy we will be enjoying lots of wonderful animations and stories such as Frozen, The Story of Jack Frost, Lost and Found, A Winter Sleep, The Gruffalo's Child and Stickman which will inspire us to read and write. We will also be enjoying non-fiction texts such as The Polar Regions, Animals in Winter and The Coldest Tundra.  

In Art we will be creating many winter pictures and pieces and also learning about the famous artists Wassily Kandinsky and Vincent Van Gogh. They will inspire us to create our own Winter Landscape art and Starry Night pieces. To find out about all the other areas of learning please read the Topic Overview attached.

This term the children will be engaging in our Continuous Provision Challenge Card system where they will be asked to complete a challenge in each area of learning. If they manage to complete all challenges they will receive a special award sticker. Look out for special stickers coming home on a Friday. 

Forest School will continue to be on a Friday afternoon and P.E on a Monday afternoon.

Please could I ask you all to try to read with your child every night and practise the flashcards and homework sheets that come home. 


If you have any questions please ask.

Thank you very much for all of your help and continued support.

Autumn Term 2 

Winter Festivals

Please click on the links below to see how our topic links into the EYFS curriculum. 

Autumn Term 1 2023

What Makes Me Special? 




Please click on the links below to see how our topic fits into the EYFS curriculum.

Dear Parents,


Welcome to an exciting new year in The Little Conkers’ class. We are very happy to welcome all of our new children.  

Our topic this term is ‘ What Makes Me Special.’ We will be learning, talking and sharing things  all about ourselves. We will talk about what ourselves, our friends, our family and what we enjoy doing. Later in the term we will be sharing our favourite books and stories and enjoy acting them out; role playing characters and making up shows for our friends and families to watch.  We will also be discovering what we are all brilliant at and what  our special talents are. It will be so much fun.  We will be showcasing these in a Talent Show event on Tuesday 24th October at 2.15pm. All are welcome to come.

A Holistic overview  accompanies this letter with further details of our learning this term.

Below is some information regarding the organisation of the class which I hope will help you have a smooth and productive year. If you are unsure about anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


Miss Crombleholme will be teaching in The Little Conkers’ Class  every day. Mr Swann will teach with P.E on a Monday afternoon and Mrs Rudder will lead the Outdoor Learning sessions on a Friday afternoon. 


The children will enjoy physical activities every day of the week as part of their daily routine.  They also  have a timetabled P.E slot on a Monday afternoon, so will need to come to school dressed in their P.E  kits on a Monday. They will stay in their kit all day. During the Autumn and Winter please bear in mind that they will be playing outside throughout the day and they may be cold if they come just in shorts so jogging bottoms may be more suitable. Please could you ensure that ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING THAT COME INTO SCHOOL ARE LABELLED.  

Spare Clothes

Please bring in a spare set of clothes, in a named bag, that can be left at school and used to change into if your child gets wet or dirty. This will be sent home to be washed and any items replaced at the end of each term.

Reading Books.

When your child is ready they will receive reading books from The Pearson Reading Scheme. These will be in line with their phonics learning each week. They may sometimes be given books from different stages to support their phonic awareness and develop their reading confidence.  PLEASE try and read through all books every week, to ensure your child keeps up with the learning in class. Sign, date and comment on their reading in their Reading Records every time. Books will only be changed when they have been shared multiple times with your child at home and a parent has signed in their diary. We encourage the children to read through their books multiple times as they develop confidence and reading skills with each occasion.

  Reception children will receive reading books by the end of the first  term.  

Please could you support your child by trying to listen to them read every week day. It doesn’t need to be for a long time, 5-10 minutes is adequate. When children read frequently it really helps them develop and improve.


When deemed appropriate you child will receive Home Learning Challenges that will last for the term. Later in the school year they will receive sound cards to practise and  key words to learn to read .

Weekend Diary

This week children will be given a  ‘Weekend Diary’ homework book. This is to be completed each weekend and returned to school on a Monday morning. Please  could they draw a picture and write about something they did over the weekend . Please encourage your child to draw the pictures. In the early days, please could you scribe what they have drawn but from October they will be learning letters and sounds so I would like them to start trying to write what they have done. This will start with just the beginning letters of a word but will soon develop to include the end and middle sounds of words.  These diaries become a wonderful record of their progress over the year.

Star of the Day

Each day, I will pick one child to be the ‘Star of the Day.’ They will get to pick one of the Star Bears  to take home , keep for a night and then return the day after. I will choose the star by thinking about who has shone and tried really hard in their work, with their friendships, or in their behaviour that day.

Water Bottles

The children can bring a water bottle into class each day. Please could they contain WATER not juice as juice stains and causes more problems when spilt.  Please ensure it is clearly labelled.

Outdoor Learning sessions will be on a Friday afternoon, starting on the 15th  of September. A letter will be sent out with more details soon. On Forest School days,  please send your child into school dressed casually with clothes that they are comfortable in. They can bring waterproof overalls in a named bag to be put on in the afternoon.     

Reception Parents Meeting

I will be holding a Parents meeting on Wednesday 20th September at 3.15- 4pm, in our classroom, to explain how we teach your child phonics, reading, writing and Maths in the Early Years.  Children can stay on after school with you or be collected.

Finally, thank you so much for spending the time to read this letter. I know it is long but hopefully it will help you understand the running of the class a little better. If you have any questions on any of the above, or anything else, please do not hesitate to speak to me after school.

We are all very excited about the coming year and the superb learning opportunities the children will have. Thank you in advance for your help and support in enabling your child to learn to their full potential.

Kind regards

Miss Crombleholme    

Summer Term 2    2022-2023

The Wonderful World of Books

Click the links below to see the Reception Holistic Plan and see the links to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Summer Term 1 2022-23

Ahoy Me Hearties

Click the links below to see the Reception Holistic Plan and see how it links to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Spring Term 2 2022-23

Our Wonderful World

Click the links below to view the Reception Holistic Plan and see how it links to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. 

Welcome to Spring Term 2.  Our Topic this term is  Our Wonderful World. We will be learning about our amazing world, the oceans, land and animals. In particular we will be focusing on different minibeasts and their habitats. In English we will be learning to write sentences using our developing phonics skills. We will be reading and using lots of fiction, non-fiction  and poetry books, including The Very Hungry Caterpillar, What the Ladybird Heard  and The Snail and The Whale.

We will use our daily phonics lessons to help us to read and write. Correct letter formation will continue to be a key focus.

In Maths, the  children  will be extending their learning on simple, complex and numerical patterns  starting to learn to count in different numbers. They will be continuing their understanding of numbers  by learning numbers to and beyond 20. They will learn the value of the number, to count to it, show it, and use it in real life problems and situations such as ‘How many  minibeasts are here? How many are there if we add the ladybirds and snails together?’  

In  our topic we will be learning about ladybirds, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies, snails, slugs, millipedes, centipedes, bees and wasps. We will also be learning about trees and plants;  planting seeds and learning  what they need to live and grow.  

Other Business

Forest School will continue to be on a Friday afternoon this term. Please send lots of warm clothes as the weather is still unpredictable and the children get cold easily. They always need their wellies.

P.E will be on a Monday afternoon.  

PLEASE TRY AND LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD READ AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK. PHONICS SOUND CARDS  High Frequency word sheets for reading will be continued this term. Remember to check out Tapestry to see what your child has been doing and the class webpage on the school  website.

There will be a trip to The Moorland Discovery Centre on Tuesday 14th March. We will be learning all about a woodland environment; the plants, trees and animals that inhabit the area, the homes they need and food they need and how to treat the land with respect.   Information will be sent out in the coming days. If you can volunteer for the day, please let Miss Crombleholme know as soon as possible. Thank you.

Spring Term 1 2022-2023

Splendid Skies

Click the links below to view the Reception Holistic Plan and see how it links to the Early Years curriculum.

Welcome to Spring Term 1 2023

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are fully rested and rearing to go.

This term our topic is Splendid Skies. We will be learning  about space, the earth, the moon, and our sky. We will learn how the sun is a star and how it impacts our planet through night and day, the  seasons and our weather. We will learn about our moon, gravity, the tides and about the first people to explore it. We will learn about our planet and what it is like to live on it. We will  be doing lots of creative activities to help us understand and appreciate our skies more.  

In English  we will be enjoying lots of wonderful stories such as Whatever Next – Jill Murphy, Roaring Rockets by Tony Mitton and Ant Parker, Beegu by Alexis Deacon, Man on the Moon (a day in the life of Bob) by Simon Bartram, Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben Court, I’m Coming to Get You by Tony Ross, Here Come the Aliens by Colin McNaughton, We’re Off to Look For Aliens by Colin McNaughton Laura’s Star by Klaus Baumgart, How to catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers. We will also use non fictions texts to find out facts, information and answers t questions we have. If you have any books that will help us in our topic, please send them in so we can share and enjoy them. Please name them first.

 For more specific information about our learning please see the Holistic Plan overleaf.

Forest School will continue to be on a Friday afternoon and P.E on a Monday.

Please could I ask you all to try to read with your child every night and practise the flashcards and homework sheets that come home. 


If you have any questions please ask.

Thank you very much for all of your help and continued support.

Kind regards

Miss Crombleholme

Autumn Term 2 2022-23

Something Special


Click the links below to view the Reception Holistic Plan and see how it links to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. 

Dear Parents, 


Welcome back to a new term in The Little Conkers Class. This term our topic is Something Special. 

We will be learning about lots of celebrations, festivals and happy times from different cultures and religions including Bonfire Night, Diwali, Christmas and  Hanukkah  . We will learn about important times in history through  Armistice Day and The Gunpowder Plot and learn about our world looking at our local environment and different countries around the world. 


We will begin our Phase 2 Phonics journey learn to read and write letters inorder to blend them into words. Please help your child at home by asking them what sound they learnt today and helping them to look for it in reading and words in the environment. Please continue to read with them at home at least 3 times a week. 


We will culminate our term by learning about Christmas and the story of birth of Jesus Christ. To support this learning we will  practising a Christmas Nativity, called Whoops A Daisy Angel, which will tell the Christmas Story. Our performance will be on 7th December at 9.30am. All are welcome to come and watch. Please look out for a letter with your child's role and words to practise in the coming weeks. 


In Reception, instead of holding a Parents Evening, where I see everybody in one go, I arrange a meeting following the week where your child is the focus child. Each child will have 1 week where I pay particular attention to them, their learning and what they have achieved; this is called their focus child week. If your child hasn't been the focus child yet you will get it at some point this term.  A letter will be sent home in your child's book bag informing you when it is their week. 


Thank you for all of your continued help and support in helping yor children to learn. 


If you ever have any questions please just grab me after school.


looking forward to a fun filled, exciting term.


Miss Crombleholme





Autumn Term 1   2022-23

Marvellous Me

Click the links below to view the Reception Holistic Plan and see how it links to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. 

Dear Children and Parents, 


Welcome to an exciting new year in The Little Conkers’ class. We are very happy to welcome our new children into Reception: Arthur, Erin, Meave, Evie, Oliver, Braydon, Samuel, Millie, Felix, Alfie, Isla and Freya.


Our topic this term is ‘ Marvellous Me.’ We will be learning, talking and sharing things  all about ourselves. We will talk about what we like and don’t like, our friends, our family and what we enjoy doing. Later in the term we will be sharing our favourite books and stories and enjoy acting them out; role playing characters and making up shows for our friends and families to watch.  We will also be discovering what we are all brilliant at and what  our special talents are. It will be so much fun.  We will be showcasing these in a parents’ Talent Show event on Tuesday 18th October at 2pm. All are welcome to come.


In the first week you will receive a copy of our Holistic Overview that will show our learning this term and a welcome letter that will explain lots of practical information about how the class will run. 

If you have any questions about the class or anything else throughout the term please do not hesitate to ask. After school is always easier as I will be focused on the children in the mornings. 


Please visit this class page regularly to see photos of our learning and what we have been up to and remeber to log on to your Tapestry account where you will also see what your child has been doing. 


I am sure we will all have a wonderful term and I can't wait for it all to begin. smiley 


Yours excitedly


Ms Crombleholme

Summer Term 2 2022

People Who Help Us



Click the link below to view the Reception Holistic Plan and see links to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Summer Term 1 2022

Castles and Knights


Click the link below to view the Reception Holistic Plan and see links to the Early Years Foundation stage curriculum objectives. 

Welcome to Summer Term 1. 

Our Topic this term is  Castles and Knights.

We will be learning about history and life in the past and comparing it with life today. We will learn all about castles; what they are, what the different parts and their purpose. We learn what knights, lords, ladies, peasants and squires were and use our knowledge to discuss and write what we would do if we were a knight.  We will learn about life in Medieval Britain by becoming knights or peasants  preparing  for and enjoying  a medieval banquet.


In Literacy we will be  writing  sentences to write fact files, information reports, retell stories and to write menus. We will be consolidating our Phase 2 and 3 phonics skills and learning Phase 4 consonant clusters and blends. We will be reading and using lots of fiction, non-fiction  and poetry books.


We will use our daily phonics lessons to help us to read and write. Correct letter formation will continue to be a key focus.


In Maths, the  children  will be extending their learning on numbers 0-10 by learning and deepening their understanding of numbers 11-20. We will be learning to add and subtract using a range of strategies and we will be learning doubles, halves, Odd and even numbers.


Other Business


Forest School will continue to be on a Friday afternoon this term. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and the outdoor environment. Even in warm weather long sleeves and trousers are preferred due to risk of scratches or cuts.


P.E will continue to be on a Tuesday afternoon.  


PLEASE TRY AND LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD READ AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK.Please continue to practise their PHONICS SOUND CARDS and any High Frequency and Tricky Words ( not phonetically decodeable) that go home.   Remember to check out Tapestry to see what your child has been doing and the class webpage on the school  website.


 Class Trip to Bolsolver Castle – May 4th 9am – 2.30pm  Look out for an email containing more details this week. Volunteers are needed so please let Ms Crombleholme know if you are available that day.



Spring 2022 Term 2 


Click the link below to view the Reception Holistic Plan and see how it links to the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum objectives. 

Welcome back to Spring Term 2. 

This term we will be learning all about our wonderful world as it moves from Winter and blossoms into Spring. We will look at the seasons changing, our local environment and all of the life we can see within it.  In particular we will be learning about minibeasts and how they live; naming and planting seeds and learning about native trees. 



To enrich our learning further we will be going on a trip to the Moorland Discovery Centre. Please look out for details in the next few weeks.  At the end of term,  to showcase all of our wonderful learning we will be hosting a Minibeast Mayhem Early Enterprise Event. The children will plan, prepare and run their own event which we would love you to attend. Book it into your diary: Thursday 7th April 1.30-2.30 pm   



To find out more details about what we will be doing in each area of learning please see the attached documents : Holistic Plan and  Objectives covered. 

Spring 2022- Term 1 

Winter Wonderland 

Click on  the links below to view the EYFS holistic plan and how it links with the EYFS curriculum objectives. 

Welcome to Spring Term 1 

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are fully rested and rearing to go.



This term our topic is Winter Wonderland. We will be learning all about Winter in our country and around the world. We will be learning about The Polar regions of The Arctic and Antartic and what life is like there for the people and animals. We will be learning about life in Great Britain in Winter and learning how people and animals adapt. 


In Literacy we will be enjoying lots of wonderful animations and stories such as Frozen, The Story of Jack Frost, Lost and Found, A Winter Sleep, The Gruffalo's Child and Stickman to help us read and write. We will also be enjoying non fiction texts such as The Polar Regions, Animals in Winter and  The Coldest Tundra.  


In Expressive Art and Design we will be learning about the  famous artists Wassily  Kandinsky and Vincent Van Gogh and creating our own Winter Landscape art and Starry Night pieces. 


Of course we will be enjoying lots of fun activities and learning opportunties along the way; including planning, preparing for and enjoying a winter exploration and hopefully enjoying a trip to Marple Rope Race learning the climbing skills we would need to conquer a mountain such as Mount Everest. 


This term the children will be engaing in our Continuous Provision Challenge Card system where they will be asked to complete a challenge in each area of learning. If they manage to complete all challenges they will receive a special award sticker. Look out for special stickers coming home on a Friday. 


Please read our Curriculum Overview for more details of our learning and objectives covered this term. 


Please continue to read with your child every night and practise all flashcards, key words and homework sheets that come home.


Look at the class page website weekly in the What We Have Been Learning folder.

Welcome to Autumn Term 2 

This term our topic is Winter Festivals.

We will be learning about and experiencing lots of festivals including Bonfire Night, Armistice  Day, Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas. We will also be learning about The Great Fire of London, The Gupowder Plot and The Christmas Story.We will be preparing for and performing a Christmas Nativity that we hope you will be invited to come and enjoy. Please look out for more information in the coming weeks. 


Please read our Curriculum Overview to find out more about our learning in each area. 


Our Class Trip to Whaley Bridge


The children all had a wonderful day having new experiences.

We walked along the canal looking at our local environment. On the way we were invited in to look at the goats and big pig and we even got to feel what a pig's skin and bristles feel like. We were amazed that they were so hard, dry and spiky. We walked on to Tesco where we each found a vegetable that has recently been harvested. ( We are learning about Harvest Time this week.)  We bought and paid for our vegetable so we can use it to make a vegetable pie.  After this we walked into Whaley and went to the cake shop. Everybody chose their own cake and politely told  Jen and Tracey, the shop assistants, what they would like. Everybody paid themselves.  We went to the park to eat our cake and have a play. After that we walked to the bus stop and caught the bus back to school just in time for lunch. After lunch everyone was tired so we watched Cbeebies for 10 minutes to relax. 





Week Commencing 4.10.21 


This week the children have enjoyed  lots of learning in  phonics, maths and Literacy.

In Maths we have been learning how to count 'how many.' We have been been counting between 3, 4 and 10 . We are starting to learn rhymes to help us with number formation which they children are loving. 


One of our key songs this week has been Incy Wincy Spider and a lot of our continuous provision has been based around this. The children have  used the rhyme pictures to order the nursery rhyme, they have made Incy Wincy Masks, they've enjoyed using the tweezers to retrieve certain numbers of spiders from a spiders web, they have been drawing and making spiders and webs using wool, string, balck paint, paer and LOTS of cellotape. They have loved playing outside with the drain pipes and water and washing the spiders out. 


in Phonics the Blue group ahve really enjoyed their Wiggle Whilst You Squiggle dancing learning to make circles. Over the week our circles on paper have progressed from big to smaller and even to starting to write some curly letters. 


Well done Little Conkers on aving a superb week. 


Week Commencing 20.9.21


The children all had a fantastic week develping their friendships, learning about each other and learning about our classroom. They enjoyed playing lots of games together, role playing a cafe with chefs, waiters, waitresses and customers. They loved using the construction toys to make everything from dinosaurs to transformers and they had the BEST time at the park  using and developing lots of strength, balance and coordination. They used all of the fundamental movement skills we are developing in Reception. 

Well done Little Conkers on a super week. 



Welcome to The Little Conkers' Class page.



Week 2 Commencing 13.9.21 

The children all had a wonderful week in school. They started having school  dinners and all REALLY enjoyed Mrs Nolan's wonderful meals.  They continued to  make lots of friends and spent time learning and playing together. They played with the playdough, puzzles, construction toys, the water wall, tools, instruments, farm animals and  they created things. 


We have enjoyed lots of new stories and books and enjoyed learning lots of new words. This week we have learnt : fragile, urgent, foe, mysterious, resilience, poke, tug, buffered, talent, and weary.  


On Wednesday we read the story Jolly Tall by Jane Hissey, about a giraffe who was found in a very big box. We spent time predicting what we thought was in the box, then after we found out, we thought about how we could get him out of the box. The children were brilliant at using their thinking ad problem solving skills to come up with ideas. Then I brought in a big box and we made a plan- how could we make it into a house for the giraffe. I wrote the children's ideas down and then then demonstrated wonderful friendship and teamwork skills by decorating the box and a path way together. They have thoroughly enjoyed playing in the big box too. 


Week 1 Beginning 6.9.21

The children all had a wonderful first week in school and all seemed to really enjoy themselves.

They spent time : making friends and building together; making food together; enjoying the water play and outside toys; writing, drawing, painting and creating at The Creation Station, dressing up and enjoying the role play clothes; playing playdo and using lots of the construction toys. Throughout they were making friends; working together; speaking to each other and listening to each others' ideas and problem solving.


Well done Little Conkers on a wonderful first week. 


Please check in to our page regularly to read a blog about what the children have been doing each week and to see our marvellous photos. 


Newsletters, curriculum overviews and important updates will also be posted. 



Welcome to our Autumn Term 1 2021.


We are welcoming 15 lovely children into our school and we are all very excited to do so.

We welcome you with open arms and hearts and hope you all have a wonderful primary school life at Buxworth.



This term our topic is 'What Makes Me Special?'


We will be having a fantastic first term learning all about ourselves, each other and discovering our talents. We will showcase all the things that make us special at the end of the term during our  parents Talent Show event.  



We will be spending time making friends and developing relationships as well as developing all of our personal, social, emotional, communication and listening skills. We will enjoy lots of fun, games and playing whilst all learning together. 



More details are included in the curriculum overview document attached.

Information about how the class will run is included in the Welcome Letter. 


I look forward to speaking with you often and helping you and your child settle in to Buxworth School.




Week 3 Commencing 16.11.20 

They children had a wonderful week doing lots of lovely learning, playing and growing together. 


In phonics the Reception children continued to learnt Phase 2 , one letter phonemes. They loved learning e,  then cracking and making scrambled egg to help consolidate their learning. 






In Maths the Reception children were learning more and less . They counted up to 5 and showed the numbers using counters. They also drew more or less than the numbers I said. 


The year 1 children  continued with their learning about addition and subtraction and understanding how to derive relative addition and subtraction facts from numbers. 


Everyone enjoyed learning the Hindu story of  Rama and Sita . The  Year 1 children did lots of writing about the story and  wrote some marvelous character descriptions.  


The Reception children enjoyed acting the story out and playing the characters. they made crowns like Rama and Sita and used the  big tree branches to enact the forest.





In Science the Year 1 children were learning to be scientists by recording  data. they are learning about seasonal changes and we are recording the weather over the course of the week. To help us record the wind direction they all made weather vanes. 




Week 2 Term 2 Commencing 9.11.20 

This week our focus was Remembrance and Armistice Day. The Reception children learnt about war and what Armistice Day . We started our learning using the Cbeebies  animation below which sparked lots of discussions, talking and thoughts. We talked about how the rabbit felt and so how soldiers must have felt in war time.


The children drew beautiful pictures of poppies.


The year 1 children learnt what war was like in the trenches. They decided it was horrible and that they would not want to ever  have to be there.

We found out the names of the soldiers from Buxworth who had died in the wars and we wrote letters to them .

Our work is shown as part of the Buxworth School Virtual Remembrance Day Service.


In Forest School the children showed how they are learning to play and work together, using kind words, gestures  and hands. They shared the tools to start weeding, digging and  planting daffodil bulbs.; they played in the shelter together enjoying the tarpaulin and how it protected them from the weather, they used their senses to look at,  smell and touch  herbs and then they made bouquets. All of the children had a wonderful time and loved their session.


At the end of the school day we have started to do yoga ; it helps calm everyone down and is gteat for our core muscle strength. Try is at home. We use cosmic yoga for kids to help us.




Look out for the Phonics signs which will be fixed to the wooden play house in the playground. They will have on the sound each phonics group is learning each day so you can help reinforce and practise the sounds with the children at home.  The Reception children are in the Red group. The Year 1 children will be able to tell you whether they are Yellow or Green group. 


Next week the children are starting to learn about the Hindu festival of Diwali  which was celebrated this weekend .  We are starting by learning the story of Rama and Sita  this week and then how it is celebrated next week. On Thursday 26th November we will be having a Diwali Day to enjoy the celebrations. 




Week 7 Commencing 19.10.20 


The children had a super time this week doing lots of Maths, Phonics and topic activities. 

We continued with our text of  The Bog Baby and the Year 1 children went to the forest to find natural resources to make Bog Baby homes. They then wrote ia recount text telling how they made them. The Reception children enjoyed making the homes too and combined lots of different materials to make some superb houses that I am sure the Bog babies would LOVE to live in.


On Thursday we all enjoyed our end of topic treat: An Enchanted Forest Tea Party. The children spent time making their own party food of cheese or ham sandwiches  and special sparkly biscuits. Then we went out in to the Forest and enjoyed a lovely party with balloons, bubbles and lots of fun. It was a brilliant way to end our wonderful topic.   


Week 6  Commencing 12th October 

This week the children worked really hard and enjoyed lots of fun activities.  The Year 1 children learnt how to do number bonds to 5 and 10 in Maths and the Reception children were counting up to 4. In Literacy we learnt The Bog Baby story and the Year 1 children rewrote the story in their own books. their writing and work was AMAZING. I am really proud of how hard they tried and how brilliant their work was.  

The Reception children started learning how to read, write and say the one letter sounds. They learnt an action, song, letter formation rhyme, how to sound each phoneme  and  how to write each letter shape. They are all loving their phonics lessons. 


Next week we are continuing with The Bog Baby as our text . We will be collecting natural materials to make homes for our bog babies that we are making out of acorns. We will be writing instructions on how to make our homes. We will all be helping to make sandwiches, biscuits and treats for  an enchanted forest tea party for all of the bog babies and the fairies we have learnt about, created and imagined during our Enchanted Forest topic.  


Week 4 Commencing 28.9.20

The children all had another superb week, learning lots and enjoying their friends.


Continuing our Enchanted Forest theme, we focused on the story of Snow White and the seven Dwarfs. Everybody loved it. The Year 1 children did some AMAZING writing retelling the story. They all showed how they can segment words to spell them , write in sentences and use finger spaces. some children even used conjunctions.  In Maths the Year 1s started to learn how to partition numbers to 5 using the Part Whole Model. They are continuing with it this week and working on number bonds to 10.


The Reception children have enjoyed phonics lessons where they have been identifying different sounds that animals and instrument make. In Maths they have been counting forwards and backwards to 3 and matching the quantity with the numeral.


Every day we all spend time reading and the children are really getting good at quietly sitting and enjoying their books. 


In Forest School we all had a magical time, continuing with our interests of making fairy and wizard wands and we also enjoyed  making magic potions.


We all loved P.E. Learning to warm up  together, following the instructions, playing cups and saucers as a team game and then learning to jump in different ways. 


And, of, course, we have all enjoyed lots of playing too. Well done Little Conkers Class on a wonderful week. 


Week 3 Commencing 21.9.20

The children had a wonderfully enchanting week using Enid Blyton's The Magic Faraway Tree as a stimulus. They spent time  learning and understanding what 'enchanted' meant and  then  used it in all of their writng and many activities. They loved listening to The Magic Faraway Tree and being introduced to the characters. 


In Expressive Art and Design they started to make their own Magic tree and used lots of different painting techniques.  

In free play they enjoyed building trees out of duplo and magic crowns using the connecting people. 

In Forest School they went to see if they could find the Magic Faraway Tree and were amazed to find fairy bracelets and even a fairy door way leading to a little house!!! They loved making magical wands , swords and houses of their own. 


the Reception children started their phonics lessons by making listening ears and listening for different sounds. Over the next few weeks they are learning to identify and isolate sounds which will help when we teach them to segment words into their separate sounds. 


We finished on Friday by making fairy biscuits for Silky the fairy from the Magic Faraway Tree story. 

Our Forest School session was so magical and so much fun. The children all explored the forest looking for the Magic Faraway Tree and were amazed to discover fairy tinsel and fairy houses!!!

Week 3 Commencing 14.9.20 


What a wonderful week the children had. The Reception children  showed they were a lot more settled and they all enjoyed playing together and mixing with new friends. It was lovely to see them all playing together, listening to each other, sharing and taking turns.  They spent lots of time outdoors, learning new skills and making up games.  On Friday , they made up a marvellous game going to Fairyland on the train. Brandon was the train driver and everybody  wrote themselves a ticket to get on the train and a fairy wand to use when they got there. It was a very popular game with nearly all of the Reception joining in. 


Well done Reception.  



The Year 1 children have enjoyed lots of learning and playing. 

In Maths they have been consolidating counting to 10, comparing numbers and finding 1 more and 1 less than.  

The children  started thinking about what an 'Enchanted Forest' was and we made a mind map; they had some wonderful ideas .


On Wednesday we started thinking about what an enchanted forest  might look like and who might live there. We went to The Eco Area to collect things to make enchanted pictures. We were amazed and excited to find a letter addressed to us from Shimmer the fairy!, who had found herself transported into our land and was trying to find a way back home.  We all read it and then decided to collect materials to make a house for Shimmer . 


A huge congratulations to our award winners this week; Millie was our ' Reader of the Week', Eva got a silver award and certificate for her wonderful attitude to school,  learning and for being a kind friend .

 William won his silver  for always trying his hardest in everything he does  and for always following the class rules. 

Well done to all of you. 


 Week 2 Commencing 7.9.20


The children have all settled well in to their new class. They have made lots of new friends and it has been lovely to see the Year 1 children helping and playing with the new ones coming in. 



Next week the Year 1 children are starting their Phonics, Maths and Literacy lessons. Please ask them what they have learnt each day when you talk with them after school. Please  also help them prepare by practising their spellings ready for their test on Monday. 


Reception children will be continuing  to learn our class and school rules and making friends. 


There won't be any official P.E or  Forest School this week, although the children are very active every day and the Year 1 children will be working in the Eco Area a lot for our topic based Literacy. 



 Autumn Term

Week 1       3.9.20 

Welcome back to the beginning of our Autumn Term. I hope you all had an enjoyable summer with lots of fun. 


I am so excited to be back at school and back with our Little Conkers' class. The new and old children have all come in to school excited, happy, rested and ready to learn. 


Our topic this term is THE ENCHANTED WOODLAND  and I am sure we are going to have lots of fun with it. We will be learning inside and out,  using our wonderful Eco Area and  our imaginations a lot to learn about our real world and create some wonderful imaginary , fairy worlds too. We will be using lots of fairy tales and stories to help us on our way. 


At the bottom of this entry are the Curriculum Overview letter you received and the Welcome Letter. 

I will endeavour to post photos  and a little blurb of what we have been doing each week in class so please check in to the class page each Sunday evening . I will also use it as a forum to post class messages.


If you have any questions or anything that you would like to communicate with me please email me or contact the office . 




Week 5 Commencing 29.6.20 

Well done everybody in The Little Conkers Class whether you are home or school learning. It looks like everyone has tried hard and had a superb week. 


In class we have had a great week learning about water. We enjoyed listening to and writing about Rainbow Fish and The Little raindrop stories. we also loved finding out about,  making and writing about the  water cycle. The  children extended their learning in Forest school by going in the river and feeling the water. They made fishing rods to use, learning the skills of peeling the sticks before decorating them  and learning to tie a granny knot to make fishing rods. As it was Evie's birthday they decorated a biscuit  ( using their own spoons) and had a Happy Birthday song. 

The children have enjoyed learning more about numbers  16-20 and have spent time practising counting,  writing the numbers correctly and showing the value of the numbers.

They have also enjoyed lots of  reading and of course, outside play . 


Below are just a few of the lovely learning photos from this week .


If anybody who is home learning needs any help or advice,please don't forget you can always email me. or if you would like your child to come into class on any day, just let us know.  They can come in any number of days per week. 


Learning for next week is below. Our topic next week is Air. 


Happy learning everyone. 




Week 4 Commencing 22.6.20  


Well done everybody who has kept up their home learning and continued to learn some amazing new things. I gather from all of the Tapestry posts that there has been some brilliant hard work done and a lot of fun.  

Below are a few photos from your week. 



Harry made some brilliant nature frames.




William enjoyed a woodland walk.



The children back in school loved doing Forest School again and working as a team. 

We listened for birds, did some bird watching, made bird feeders and enjoyed playing together.



Alfie has worked so hard on his maths, writing and learning about birds. 




A huge well done to everyone.


This week we are learning about water. 

I have attached a different type of plan that has some superb links, learning and fun things to do. 

There is also a phonics plan attached with the sounds to focus on each day and maths resources to support the home learning topic plan. 


Have a great week everyone. 




Week 3 Home Learning Commencing 15.6.20


This week we are learning all about birds. I see and hear  so many beautiful birds where we live, some of them perching, some swooping and some zooming.  See what you can find out about the wonderful nature around us. 

Hope you have a brilliant week. 



 June is the start of The Wildlife Trust's 30 Days Wild programme. Children are encouraged to do something out in the wild on each day. There are so many wonderful activities and suggestions on their website about different ways to enjoy the wilderness and wildlife around us. Visit the website and have a go at the 30 days  Wild campaign. Please send photos of things you have done, collected or experienced and  pictures and writing you have done. Copy and paste the link


or click on to the external link below .





Week 2 Home Learning Plan Commencing 8.6.20


Hello Little Conkers, I hope you have all had a wonderful week and still managed lots of outside time, despite the change in weather.  I have been so impressed with your wonderful learning last week and some of the brilliant pieces of art work and scenes you have created. 

Check out Harry's amazing sea scene. 


And Florence's too.



For this week's learning our topic focus  we are going to be learning about the fastest sea creatures in the ocean. Hope you enjoy it. 


As always , please send me photos on Tapestry. 





Hello Little Conkers, 

Welcome to the final term of the year. I hope you all had a wonderful, fun and restful holiday and are now ready to enjoy lots of fun work and activities this term. 

When school reopens on the 8th June, I will continue to post the online learning plan each week and will be looking at Tapestry and commenting on all of your work daily, as usual. The in class plan and the online one will be very close to each other. 


This term we are continuing with our Zoom topic and will be finding out about fast sea creatures, fast birds and fast people but to set the scene for our fastest sea animals week next week, we are starting with learning all about sea creatures. We will enjoy all the different animals and beautiful world there is under the sea. 


I have attached the weekly plan and resources. If you have any questions, as always please email.

Please post your work on Tapestry. 


Enjoy your week my beautiful little conkers.


For brilliant phonics lessons to support your child's learning on each sound please click on the link below and navigate the page to find the sound you would like to learn.



Week Commencing 18.5.20  Home Learning Plan

Thank you so much to everyone who took up the 'What Makes Me Happy' challenge from last week and sent some photos; I loved seeing you in your happy places. For those that didn't quite manage to send their photos yet, I have added some of them doing their work.

Here are a selection. 



Batman Adventure.mp4

Still image for this video

 Good evening Little Conkers, 

I hope you are all well, happy and safe. 

I have attached next week's plan below. Our theme is Cheetah's, the fastest land animal that zooms.


Thank you everyone who has posted lots of photos on Tapestry which have made me smile and kept me in touch with the children. I still feel so connected to so many of you. I wondered if a little side project this week could be to do things that make you feel happy and then email a photo to me or post it on Tapestry. I will attach them here next week so we can all see each other and feel connected.


Here are my things I have done this weekend that has made me feel happy: As you all know, I love to run and cycle. My family and I  cycled up Winnats Pass as part of a bike ride; it was very hard!!!

I have done lots of baking....and eating of cake! (We love chocolate cake.)

On Friday ,  Will made a V.E day cake , we decorated the house and learnt about V.E Day .

Finally my morning walk with Tilly and Baxter is very peaceful and beautiful. 


I have attached some extra resources dated 12.5.20 that are a little easier. They are aimed at children who would this week like to work with numbers to 10 ,  practise 3 letter words and work on pencil control. The level of work children are doing doesn't matter one little bit, you should choose the work that is right for your child, that they want to do.


 Hi Little Conkers, 


I hope you are all well. It has been so lovely to see you all on Tapestry through the photos your grown ups have posted and I have loved being able to chat with your parents on it too. Thank you sooooo much for all of the hard work you are doing. It makes me so proud and even more excited about us all coming back to class, as soon as we are allowed. I can't wait. Until that time....I have posted some pictures of work you have done this week below and of course put next week's plan and resources on too. I will post a few story times on Tapestry so please do check in each day to catch the  session , listen and enjoy them. 


Missing you all so much. 






Jack's Reading.mp4

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week 2 Summer Term Commencing 27.4.20

This week we are sticking with the rocket theme to enjoy a story book which I love, and I know you will too. It is called Whatever Next and the author is Jill Murphy.  I have presented the work in a different way this week, giving shorter and less work.  I have focussed on short writing, reading, phonics and maths jobs, to allow lots of playing and fun family time after. If you would like more or harder challenges, extend the learning for them or email me if you would like more suggestions. I have suggested a rainbow challenge system so the children can do extra activities, if they wish, to complete their rainbows.  


There are 2 plans; the Sunshines' plan is the medium challenge level and the Stars' plan is the higher level challenge. Hope it goes well. Please continue to work hard and post your work and photos on Tapestry. Every little you do will make a difference. 


Keep well, stay safe and enjoy.


See you all soon Miss Crombleholme






Welcome to the Summer term. smiley


I hope you all had a happy, fun and enjoyable Easter break. 

I am sorry that we are not able to continue our learning together in class, so until we can I will continue to post our weekly plan and resources on here. 


This term our topic is ' Things that Zoom' .


We will be learning about the fastest in many things: cars, space craft, trains, emergency vehicles, land animals, sea animals, birds and more. It's going to be a fun learning tpic that I am sure you will enjoy. Any suggestions for other fast things we can learn about just let me know. 


I have attached a curriculum overview for this half term and this week's plan below. I have also attached resources to help in your learning. 


As ever,  your child's learning is very important to me, but the most important thing, at this young age, is their emotional wellbeing. Please remember to make time to enjoy them, relax , have fun, cuddles and good quality play time together too. .....and read every day!!


Missing you all more than you know. Keep well and safe.

Miss Crombleholme


Well done everyone who has worked so hard and done so much learning over the last few weeks. It has been wonderful to get your regular pictures and posts on Tapestry. Thank you. 

Have a look below at just a few photos from your work.

Super well done Everyone.



For the Easter holidays there will not be a plan; it is a holiday. Enjoy your children, family and time playing together. If however, you would like some ideas of things to do, ( these are a choice, no obligation),  I have attached some documents below with Easter Maths , Easter learning, Spring activities etc. I also thought the children might like to make Easter cards and do some Easter cooking and baking.  This week and last a few children have already  been baking. Florence has been making biscuits, William a delicious looking cake,  Harry Z  has made his own butter ( inspired by the farm clips) and  Millie has made some wonderful hot cross buns which   inspired me to do the same. 

I wondered if the children might like to bake their favourite treat, take some photos, write out the recipe and then I will share them on here for everyone else to try too. We could have a Little Conkers' Bake Off … virtually. smiley



Happy Easter everyone. The next plan will be on here the weekend of 18th April.


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Jack Number Sentences.mp4

Still image for this video

A little message from me. I have posted a video message to you all on Tapestry. Please have a look. Take care my Little Conkers. xx


Home Learning Planner Week 2 Commencing 30.3.20


Thank you so much to everyone who has been posting their learning and work on to their Tapestry journal. I have been looking and writing on each of them. Keep it up.

If you have forgotten your password or need help to re engage with tapestry send me an email; 



Please try to read with your child each day; 5 or 10  minutes is enough to keep them progressing.


I have written a full plan but you don't have to do everything on it. Pick what you can. Please don't overload or over work the children. they would have lots of time to play whilst in class usually and they should have the same with you. Happy children will learn. 


Thank you for all that you are doing.



Wednesday 25th March 

Are there any changes? Look at the colour of the chrysalis, the shape and the texture. There are 4 hung to the top of the pot and 1 that has chrysalised on the bottom. How are they different? 


Write and post your comments on Tapestry. 



Little Conkers, the caterpillars have got a new my home. I will take a picture each day and post it for you to look at so you can watch their metamorphosis. You could  talk and write about the changes each day in your writing book. 


Tuesday 24th March. 





Home Learning Week beginning 23.3.20

Hello everyone. Thank you for checking the class page and finding out how to help your child continue to learn each day . I am very sad to not be the one helping your child but am sure that together, through you accessing my plans and activities and then delivering their learning, they will continue to grow and blossom.


  I have prepared packs of work that will be sent home with your child on Friday. These include phonics sheets, maths activities and a writing book.  I will post a weekly lesson and topic plan on here that will include activities and learning related to the theme for the week. Please ensure your child does some learning and work every day to keep their brains active and engaged and ready to learn when school resumes.  


I have written a daily timetable that may help you and your child to maintain a routine and structure over this period. Please use if you wish or adopt your own.


Please ensure you read with your child  every day,  as this is essential in helping them  to learn to read and access all future learning. 


Epic Early Years website are posting a series of practical ways you can  teach your child each Sunday evening and which will be worth checking out. 


Also worth noting is that The National Trust are opening all of their  parks and lands up . free of charge during this period so please use them as part of the children's outside play time scheduled each day. 



Activities for next week will be posted tomorrow.


Suggested daily  routine is posted below. 

The timetable of work for next week is attached below. Please do what you can. 

Please ensure you read with your child for at least 15 minutes EVERY DAY.  I will post websites and ;inks for sites that will give access to online reading materials as the weeks progress. For now, please read the school reading books.


A wonderful resources that is already offering free access is  . Please enter the username : march20  and the password: home   . This site also has decodeable comic books to read on   


I will post new timetable each week. 


Please use Tapestry to upload any pictures you take of your child working and of their work, on to their account. I can access it from my side and can see their progress. Enter a ' new observation' and follow the link to upload media content. 


Keep well and keep safe. Missing them all, already. 


Ms Crombleholme

Welcome to Term 4 and our topic of Lifecycles. 


Please see below for the curricululm overview.


Learning to Read and Write


We teach the phonics phases through Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 , if needed. We use  the Department of Education document, Letters and Sounds to guide us and use a variety of fun, active and engaging resources such as Jolly Phonics which help teach children in a multi sensory way.  For more details about jolly phonics please click the link below. 


Our main reading scheme is  Oxford Reading Tree, however we supplement this with other fiction and non- fiction books regularly, to ensure children become confident, capable and fluent readers.  Please click the link below for further details.


Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are expected to share their book with a grown up daily. The more frequently you share their reading experience, the more confident they become.


For more information regarding Phonics please see our Phonics Coordinator Miss Crombleholme or the Literacy Coordinator Mrs Tamkin.

Welcome back to a new term in The Little Conkers' Class. Our topic this term is Winter Wonderland. 

We will be learning about all about Winter in England, The Arctic and The Antarctic. We will think about the land, climate, environment, animals, people and more. We will consider how to keep ourselves and animals warm and comfortable in Winter.


We will be using lots of our Project 25 values and skills throughout the term to make a Winter Wonderland museum where there will be models of Buxworth, The Arctic and The Antarctic,  examples of lots we have learnt and many interactive exhibits. Please come and look at our museum on share in our learning on Tuesday 11th February from 2.45pm.  




For more details please see our curriculum overview  below. 



We have thoroughly enjoyed our topic this term and learnt lots. The children started by learning about their local environment, Buxworth and naming all of the geographical landmarks around. We went on walks around the village and then came back and made the village using junk modelling materials. 


The following week we learnt about the woodland environment and in particular all of the animals. They were really interested in those that hibernate. We used lots of materials to make the animals and particularly enjoyed using clay. 


Week 3 saw us learning about The Arctic . We learnt about the terrain, the weather and the animals. The children amazed me how much they learnt and could recall weeks later. 


Week 4 we looked at the film Frozen and enjoyed learning and writing about the characters, they loved making Olaf biscuits. 


On our final week we used The Polar Express as a stimulus. The children wrote a plan of what they would like to learn which included finding out about different trains, going on journeys and learning about snow and ice. Of course, we did it all.


We went on a journey to London  and learn about different landmarks. The children did some amazing art work and writing about Big Ben, Tower Bridge and The Tower of London. On a different day we went on a journey to Paris; we learnt French greetings, painted pictures in an impressionist style and sampled lots of French food at our ' French Café.'  We carried out a super investigation with big ice balls, placing them around the classroom and outside to see what happened to them. 


It was all very exciting. 


We finished our topic by preparing for our winter Wonderland event when our parents and grandparents came to see our work. The children all LOVED showing off their work. 



Week 6 Beginning 9.12.19

The children had a wonderful penultimate week working and playing hard. They performed brilliantly in their first nativity , Higgledy, Piggledy Stable in St James' Church, in front of a massive crowd. I was very impressed with their confidence and courage. They all sang and acted brilliantly.




We continued learning and using our phonics to write letters to Santa. I was very impressed with how everybody thought of what they would like to ask Santa for, listened to the sounds in the words and wrote them down. 


On Thursday we had a fantastic time walking along the canal in to Whaley Bridge to post our letters. Along the way we learnt so many new things  about different trees, bridges, why things echo, how many steps there are on the bridge over the canal and more. We all bought a nice treat from the bakery and were beautifully polite to the ladies who served us. We walked back to the canal basin and ate our cakes before feeding the ducks and then walking back to school. The children were amazing and I was very proud of them.



The wedding was in St James' Church and was performed brilliantly by Reverend John., whom we thank massively for donating his services to help our children learn. 


All of the children loved dressing up and they  looked brilliant; they performed their roles perfectly and enjoyed the whole experience. Furthermore they showed off their wonderful foxtrot dancing at the wedding breakfast, immediately followed by one of their favourites: Baby Shark.


Well done Little Conkers.


The children have been working really hard on their phonics and have now learnt the letters and sounds for s,a,t,p,i,n,d and m. They always enjoy waking their phonics fingers up with some 'Dough Disco' to music. Tey have learnt actions, songs,  letter formation rhymes and how to form the letters correctly. They have even started to read words and hear lots of sounds.

Well done Little Conkers.   


PCSO Karen Green and PCSO Wilson came in to class to see if they could solve the crime of who trashed the classroom / world with lots of rubbish and waste a couple of weeks ago? The children  told them how they had written incident reports and used the  question words what, where, when , how and why to try to work it out. Everyone enjoyed dressing up as police officers to solve the crime.





In Forest School the children enjoyed looking for different shapes, colours and natural items and using them to make art.  Some children pursued their interest with making minibeast houses, decorating sticks they found or  tying knots. Everybody enjoyed the outdoors environment.



On Thursday we went on a walk to Tesco to recycle the rubbish that had been left. We talked about all of the different things we could recycle. Later we went in to Tesco to look at how much plastic was used in a shop and we tried to find ways to reduce the amount of plastic we used. the children were fantastic at realising  how they could buy their fruit and vegetables loose instead of pre packaged.



Term 4

This term our topic in Marvellous Minibeasts. Please see the attached curriculum Overview for more details.


Curricululm Overview and Information Letter

Week 6 Commencing 1.4.19


What a wonderful, enterprising, hardworking, creative and inspiring class I have.

The children used and demonstrated skills in communication, creativity, positivity, organisation, initiative, problem solving and masses of positivity and resilience to plan, organise, prepare and then deliver their Minibeast Mayhem afternoon.


They provided 10 different activities for their parents and the children from The Horse Chestnuts class. These were: minibeast colouring; making a minibeast garden out of tissue paper and pastel crayons; making a minibeast biscuit; making a healthy eating minibug out of salad and vegetables; paint a bee, doing a minibeast hunt, making a minibeast out of construction and  out of clay; move like a minibeast on the mats and find out about minibeasts at the information desk. Everybody was confident, chatty and totally in charge of their activity. I was very proud of everybody.



Well done Little Conkers.

Week Beginning 25.3.19

In Forest School the children displayed the wonderful skills they have been developing in emotional intelligence; working together, listening to each other; having empathy for others and solving problems together. They worked on minibeast hunts where they looked for different minibeasts, taking care to replace all turned over logs and rocks. They made minibeast houses because they wanted them to be warm and cosy and they tied granny knots and tied sticks together. They all had a fantastic time.



Week Beginning 18.3.19

Well, what a busy week we've had already, and it's only Wednesday!

The children have been learning about snails and slugs this week. They've learnt lots of facts and written superb information cards. They also enjoyed independently making snail biscuits.



In Forest School the children went on a minibeast hunt. They chose their partners and worked together to hunt for different minibeasts. They had already learnt where different minibeasts like to live, so they knew where to look. It was SOOOOO exciting when they found minibeasts on their hunt sheet. The children could hardly contain themselves!!!



In Maths we've been learning to compare lengths and measure using cubes and footprints. We've even moved on to making our own rulers and measuring in cms!



Week 3 Commencing 11.3.19

This week our focus has been worms. smiley

The children were fantastic at looking at the picture instructions and some read the sentences on how to make a  wormery. They all helped collect the ingredients and then make it. They had great fun looking for worms, who were a little reluctant to be found!



We enjoyed the book Mad About Minibeasts and talked about all of the different minibeasts we knew. The children did some beautiful art work using pastels drawing minibeast pictures. They also used tissue paper to collage gardens for the clay worms they had made.




The children also started to design and make their own minibeasts using construction pieces.




Some children thought about what their minibeast would be called, where it would live and what it would eat. They labelled their minibeast.



In Maths we all learnt to measure using non standard units: cubes. It was good fun.










Week 2 Term 4



This week we welcomed some very tiny caterpillars in to our class and we have been watching them grow.  The children have been measuring how long they are each day and filling in a chart.


We have used The Very Hungry Caterpillar as our story focus and enjoyed learning the story. We all completed a Very Hungry Caterpillar maths activity booklet spending time learning about repeating patterns, size, addition and of course symmetry whilst painting butterflies.


We used caterpillars and butterflies to inspire our art work and made some wonderful pieces of art.


We have done some amazing writing about our favourite part of The Very Hungry Caterpillar story which is on a display outside the office. Please go and have a look.


We had a wonderful World Book Day on Thursday and all enjoyed sharing our favourite stories. We  also drew pictures and wrote what we liked about the stories. We all LOVED dressing up in our favourite book characters.



On Friday we enjoyed the first of many yoga sessions I and Diane will be leading with our class. On the whole we are a very active class, so on Friday we started to learn the other skill of balance, calmness and how to be mindful using toys, games and physical skills.






Term 4  Week 1


This week our focus has been ladybirds. The children have learnt lots of facts such as what they look like, how many legs they have, where they live and what they like too eat.  Some children have done some wonderful independent art work making ladybirds.



We have also been learning about what plants and seeds need to grow. We have planted bean seeds. Over the coming weeks the children will be tending their own seeds to see if they can make them grow.


This week the children have enjoyed practising their blending  for reading skills by playing bingo.





They have also learnt how to order numbers 0-20 , add  two groups of objects together and read maths stories.




Week 6 Commencing 11.2.19

This week the children enjoyed a trip to The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. We used lots of public transport to get to and from the museum; enjoying the sights and sounds of a big city. We went in to Piccadilly Station, where the children were quite amazed by how busy it was and how many people there were. We took the public bus and then walked along Deansgate to get to the museum.  

The children absolutely loved the museum;  they learnt about lots of old engines,  including the first steam engine, Stephenson's  Rocket, which paved the way for the modern railway. They spent an hour in the Experience Gallery where they all enjoyed hands on science and they all LOVED eating their packed lunches. All in all, we had a fantastic, busy day out.


Thank you so much to our volunteer helpers Laura, Rebecca and Miss Puri.


In Forest School the children were  thinking about what was in our Eco Area now so we can  make plans about what we would like to plant and how we would like it to look in the future. To help them work out what is currently there the children made a journey page, by sticking natural things they found as they journeyed around the area.






Week 5 Commencing 4.2.19

 This week the children enjoyed a superb trip to Whaley Bridge Fire and Rescue Station.

We walked along the canal, and through the village to the station. We found out what the Fire Service do and what we should do if we find ourselves in an emergency situation. We had a look at the clothing fire fighters wear and then we had a play in the fire engine and with the fire hoses. Everyone had a great time.



Week 4 Commencing 28.1.19


 What a fun week we had this week, learning lots and enjoying the snow.


Our topic focus was aeroplanes which the children learnt about using books and videos. They chose to further their learning in numerous ways; some children wrote about the planes in our story book; some painted pictures and others collaged planes.



In Maths the children learnt how to compare groups of objects, using multi links cubes and the hungry crocodile greater than sign. Later in the week they learnt how to compare numbers and were fantastic working with abstract numbers and greater and less than symbols.



We all enjoyed the snow this week. The children were very excited to come back after the snow day and tell me all about what they had done. As there was still so much snow around we went out and played again, learning what snow was, what it was like and using our senses to experience it.  When we came back we showed our learning in different ways. Some children made snowflakes, using lots of fine motor skills,  and wrote describing words on them; other children painted pictures and some wrote about their experiences.


Next week we are learning about emergency vehicles and on Thursday we will be going on our trip to Whaley Bridge Fire Station to see the fire engines and ambulances. Look out for a letter with further details.


We are rearranging our trip to MOSI for Wednesday 13th February. All other details will remain the same.

Week 3 Commencing 21.1.19

The children did lots of wonderful learning this week, in lots of fun ways.

In Phonics they played Twister , with different phonemes written on the dice and spots that they had to step or balance on. Whilst learning the digraph 'ch', they made a train which they put lots of 'ch. ch ch' digraphs all over. Some children learnt the 'igh' trigraph and spent time in exploring and playing in the 'light and bright' box. They then wrote igh words on a picture and decorated them with light and bright materials.



The children are still enjoying lots of child initiated learning which they spend in all of the areas. Lots of children love to be outside. One little girl cleverly discovered and reinforced her learning about forces and pushes by building a marble run and tipping water down it to see if the marble moved any quicker.


Some other children spent lots of time transporting water from the water wall tray to a box, which they then used to push objects down the drainpipes on water.




Next Wednesday we have our trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. Please don't take your children to school on Wednesday morning rather straight to Whaley Bridge train station by 9. 05. Collection is from the station at 3.29pm. Please refer to the letters for what to wear and bring.

Week 2 Commencing 14.1.19

The children had a superb week learning lots. In Phonics both groups moved on to Phase 3 with the Red group learning j,v,w and x. The Rainbow group learnt the phonemes ar,ear,oa and ow. In Maths the children were amazing at how quickly and well they learnt to count backwards. We counted backwards from 5, 10 and even 20! They used lots of concrete objects to understand and order the numbers as they counted backwards.





In Forest School we started doing a bird survey, as part of the RSPB Big School Birdwatch survey. The children learnt to identify different birds and listen to their calls using the interactive whiteboard and then we went outside to do a survey of the birds in our Eco Area. We also made some bird cake, bird feeders to encourage more small birds in to the area.








During the week it was one of the little girl's birthday so the children put on a party for her   and everyone came. They were brilliant and very amusing as they all took on roles - the hostess, the helpers, the party guests and  the mischief makers. Everyone had a fun time.




Our topic focus this week was trains. We watched a superb video about them  and then everyone did some brilliant writing. Pictures will follow.   See the link below to watch it.





Week 1 Commencing 7.1.19

The children all came back to school well rested and ready to learn. We had a wonderful week enjoying our new topic, being back together and learning new things.

Phonics was fun and we learnt lots of new sounds including j,v,w, ar, or and oa. We used our phonics often to sound and spell everyday. The children are becoming excellent at 'toy talk' when we segment and blend words together.





In Maths they practised forming numbers correctly and then showing the value.



We all enjoyed P.E on Wednesday that was taught by Miss Heath, the teacher from Chapel High School. We were learning ball skills. We learnt how to throw , catch and manage a ball.






In Forest School we went on a hunt for signs of winter. We started by reading a lovely story called ' A Little Bit of Winter', and used it as an inspiration to find a little bit of winter ourselves. The children spent time using their senses of sight and sound  to hunt for things on their winter hunt sheet.





When they found things that weren't on their sheet, they wrote the words themselves. I was very impressed.


This week our topic focus was cars; we enjoyed listening and talking about the story Little Red Bumper Car . We used it as a stimulus to learn how to cross the road safely . We used Super Cat to teach us to ' Stop, Look, Listen and Think.' On Friday we put our learning in to action and practised crossing the road safely.



In Understanding of The World we learnt about the forces of pushing and pulling. We used them in the park, pushing and pulling the swings and on the bikes in the playground.








The children used their road safety and phonic knowledge to draw traffic lights and write stop and go to control the traffic!






The wedding ceremony was amazing, as were the children. They LOVED getting dressed up, having the ceremony in the church, in front of the whole school and the parents and also having the reception afterwards. Their dancing was beautiful and their cake eating was speedy!! They love a cake. smiley



Week 4 Commencing 26.11.8

In Maths this week the children spent time consolidating their learning and understanding of numbers 0-10. For those that were confident and wanted to they challenged themselves  with numbers 11-16. The children spent time counting, ordering,  learning correct number formation with songs, and understanding the value of each number. They showed their understanding by using numbers in all areas of the curriculum; for example counting out the number of tissue paper sheets needed to make a flower, counting the number of cars allowed for a race, ordering number cards and writing the missing numbers.


In PE the children have been learning to move their bodies in different ways and travel in different ways. They crawled, hopped, walked, rolled, shuffled and slid. They learnt to travel in a combination of different ways between mats and then along equipment.

The children have been learning that a wedding  happens when two people love each other. They have learnt about who is in the ceremony and what happens and how as part of the ceremony the bride and groom make promises or vows to each other. The children talked about the promises they  would make to the people they love and then they wrote them down. They made some beautiful promises  such as "I will always love you", "I will always make you pictures", "I will always watch your things on the tele,"  and  one of my favourites "I will always make you pizza!".   Earlier in the week the children wrote invitations to people they would like to invite to the wedding and some children decorated them also. All of the children's writing will be available to look at after our wedding. 

They have been also  busy making flowers for the bouquets and to decorate the church.

On Thursday we went to St James' Church to have a look around, learn about parts of a church and to have a little rehearsal before the big day on Wednesday. It was very exciting. 



Next week we will be making a wedding cake, practising our wedding dance and making our badges so everybody knows what our job is on the wedding day.


We are very pleased to announce that a very kind parent, who is a wedding photographer, has offered to take pictures of the event so please come dressed in your finest wedding clothes. smiley



Week 3 Commencing 19.11.18



Last week our focus was Birthdays; we had a superb week learning what a birthday was and talking about how we celebrate them. We worked hard all week  writing party invitations, writing lists of food we would like at a party, games we would play and teddies we would invite . On Friday , the children got their wish and they all brought in their teddy bear for a teddy bears' birthday party.


I was amazed and very proud at how much the children have already learnt in their phonics lessons. They showed their amazing writing skills when they wrote lists of food, games or toys they would like at the party.


The children spent time practising their communication and language skills; their maths, learning about knowledge and understanding of the world and working on the personal, social and emotional skills whilst making things for the party. They enjoyed making cakes where they were taking turns, listening to each others' ideas and thinking about how materials change when they  added heat and mixed them together. They learnt and used lots of maths language making sandwiches learning shapes, halves and quarters.


In Forest School the children made a party for the animals that live there. They made cakes  using mud, leaves, twigs and anything they could find and decorations using string and natural materials.



On Friday we all brought our teddies in to school and had a super teddy bears' party.

Week 2 Commencing 12.11.19

This week our focus was Diwali.

The children learnt all about  how Diwali is celebrated by Hindu people and why it began.  We spent time listening to and watching shows of the  Rama and Sita story and many children enjoyed making masks to act out the story themselves. We used the story in our writing with everybody having a go at labelling pictures of the characters; some children even wrote a  sentence.  We took the Diwali theme in to Forest School  and the children chose either to make the characters out of leaves and sticks; make something from the story( one little girl made a decorated bridge like the monkey king made to get to Ravannna's island),  and other children chose to make diya lamps, like those used to light up the path of Rama and Sita on their journey back to their kingdom. We also learnt about rangoli patterns and all enjoyed colouring some using chalk and later in the week we made some Indian sweets and used all of our senses when investigating the ingredients , tasting them and then noticing how they changed when we heated them up.

 We all loved Diwali.




We have lots of fun in phonics. We always use dance to start our lessons and help us make the letter shapes with our bodies before we try to write them. We sing songs, learn actions and learn letter formation. To consolidate our learning we try to make the lessons kinaesthetic. We enjoyed cracking lots of eggs and making scrambled egg when we were learning the phoneme 'e'!!!


Term 6


Welcome back to our final term for this academic year! I can't believe how quickly the year has flown by or how much fun we have all had. This term our topic is Julia Donaldson. We will be learning and enjoying lots of her stories and characters in a fun and creative way. Please see our Curriculum Overviews for more details. 


Mrs Somerville and I are really looking forward to enjoying  our last term with a wonderful class  doing lots of fantastic learning.  


Week 3 W/C 19.6.17


The children worked really hard to practice and perform an amazing Julia Donaldson assembly. They were all amazing and made Mrs Somerville and I very proud.


Also in the week we enjoyed lots of Gruffalo learning and activities.




Week 2 commencing 12.6.17


Last week we learnt the story Zog. We had great fun working together to talk about our favourite bits, to put the story in order and to draw picture maps. I am so proud of how the children work so well together.


The children also acted out the story and made it in to a show. They  were very independent and creative making their own costumes and organizing their own shows. Another example of how well they can work together independent of grown up help.






We also enjoyed making the characters.



We did lots of other learning too but of course found time to enjoy playing together.




The Year 1 boys creating a cascading torrent of water.... such fun, especially when it all whooshed up!



We learnt a lot about gravity and forces doing it.


We all loved David's Show and Tell.






Week 1 Commencing 5.6.17

Room on the Broom


This week the children learnt the story of  Room on the Broom. They used their listening ears and their 'talking to a partner about what they have just heard' skills really well. They worked in groups to draw a long picture map of the story which included all of the events in order. I was so impressed with how good the children are at working together in groups, working out which part each person in their group will do and then working, without any adult help, to produce fantastic pieces of work.






Following on from this the Reception children wrote sentences about their favourite parts of the story and the Year 1 children retold the story.


The children worked together to paint big pictures of the characters. They decided what colours they should use and again, they decided who would do what part.



The children enjoyed going to The Eco Area to make their own potions, just as they had done in the story. They collected things they would put in a cauldron. They children worked in groups and made some wonderful spells and potions.






They made wands too.



....and of course had a lovely play.



The children enjoyed making broomsticks .



And painting using computer programs.




On Thursday , Class 1 enjoyed a superb walk along the canal to Tescos. Everybody took their own money in to the shop, decided what they would like to buy, looked at the price and worked out if they had enough money. Then they each took their item to the self server check out, scanned their item and then paid for it. Everybody enjoyed collecting their receipt and change, which they put in to their pockets. Hopefully the parents found it!  Everybody enjoyed eating their treat of course.




To Infinity and Beyond Curriculum Overviews

Welcome back to a new term in Class 1.smiley

This half term our topic is Big and Little. We will be finding out about big and little animals, buildings, places and more. Please see our curriculum overview above, for more information. Next half term our topic will be Julia Donaldson where we will be doing lots of fun games, activities, writing and acting. More details will come home after half term.


Week Commencing 15th May


Take One Picture Week-

Penelope and Her Suitors by Pintoricchio circa 1509


See below for a link to the painting.



Class 1 enjoyed looking at the painting and talking about everything we could see. We spent time hypothesising  about who everyone was. they were especially interested in what the Penelope was doing. They were fascinated to hear the story behind the painting; that Penelope was married to Odysseus who went away for 10 years to fight in the battle of Troy and that during this time she had many suitors come to her to try to take her hand in marriage. Penelope was very dedicated to Odysseus  and wanted to wait for him. She told them all that she would choose somebody new once she had finished her tapestry. She spent all the daylight hours making her tapestry; when the suitors would come to her, and then spent every evening undoing her work. The children were fascinated by Penelope and Odysseus. We spent time learning the story of The Battle of Troy and the children rewrote  it brilliantly. We also made a big Penelope, Odysseus and Odysseus' ship. We dressed up as the characters and acted out when he returned.


Lady Penelope being decorated.



Making jewels to put on Lady Penelope's dress.



Odysseus ;  ready for battle.



Odysseus' ship


Lady Penelope looking beautiful.


The children presented all of their work in an assembly for the school. They showed how much confidence they have developed as they all joined in brilliantly. 








Also this week the children spent time learning their Maypole dances which they performed brilliantly on Thursday, in front of a big audience. See News Headlines on the Home page for lots of fantastic photos.


Exciting move around week next week. Year 1 children will be learning about The Rainforest with Mrs Downings and the Reception children will be learning about it with Mrs Somerville. I am sure  we might walk into a rainforest classroom by Wednesday!



Week commencing 8.5.17

This week we learnt about sea creatures and  The Coral Reef. The children worked together to find information out; they read Non Fiction Books, they watched information videos and they listened to facts being told. They wrote all of their findings on big pieces of paper and then shared them with the whole class. They loved finding out about all of the different animals.




Later in the week we learnt about The Coral Reef. The children did some beautiful pictures and amazing writing, which is now displayed outside the office.






The highlight of the week was when Mrs Povey, Roger and Violet visited. The children were all adorable with both Violet and Roger and they even got to all have a little cuddle. Thank you so much Mrs Povey for visiting.







Week Commencing 1.5.17

Well we packed a lot into 3 days last week.

We learnt about more amazing  big structures including The London Eye. We found that you can see for 25 miles from the top, that it carries 25 people in each carriage and that it takes half an hour to go all of the way round. We recounted our visit to William's farm where we saw big sheep and little lambs and we used how to use exclamation marks.


We all loved learning what wild flowers were and we went on a brilliant wild flower hunt.









On Thursday we spent time out of our classroom and enjoyed doing a lot of learning in The Eco Area. We imagined being as small as an ant and going on an adventure. Some children made a story using environmental resources.




The Reception children enjoyed looking for 2D and 3D shapes. They found lots.


A square.


A square.


A circle.

A cylinder.


A cuboid.


Next week we are learning about big and little sea animals.







Week Commencing 24.4.17

The children had a superb first week back. They really enjoyed seeing each other again and playing and working in each other's company.

We started learning about big structures and found out lots of interesting facts about The Colosseum and The Parthenon. The children loved watching videos showing what The Colosseum was used for and would have been like in Roman times. They all did some wonderful writing about it using lots of finger spaces,  capital letters, full stops, conjunctions, describing words and even exclamation marks!

Many children  enjoyed making a colosseum using lego, duplo and junk modelling.








The Reception children have learnt what tessellation meant this week in Maths and have all been tessellation shapes. They have also been working out which shapes won't tessellate and why.






At the end of the week we enjoyed a wonderful treat. We all walked up to William's farm to see the big sheep and little lambs. Everybody loved it. Thank you very much to William's family for letting us come.




















Term 4


Welcome back to a new term and a new topic. This term our topic is 'How it all Begins.' We will be learning about the  lifecycles of animals and plants; naming trees and plants in our local environment; learning about healthy foods, food choices and  lifestyle choices; we will also be learning about significant people in history, Queen Victoria in particular, and life in Victorian England.   Hopefully,we will also be enjoying  some lovely spring weather,  as we spend even more time then usual outside!!


Week 6 commencing 27/3/17

This week the children enjoyed learning the lifecycle of a frog. They very quickly remembered all of the stages, the names of the stages and the differences between a froglet and a frog. I was very impressed with all of those who became comfortable using the terminology 'amphibian.'


On Wednesday we walked along the tramlines, into Chinley, to visit a pond and look for frogspawn and frogs. We had a wonderful walk with our friends, chatting and looking for signs of spring. We saw lots of animals along the way, including black swans, geese, horses and dogs.

When we arrived at the pond we were all very excited to see how much frogspawn there was and that it was quite well developed ; some had the early stages of wriggling tadpoles inside the jelly. After we looked at the frogspawn we had a wonderful treat of milkshake and an ice cream. Thank you  Gemma and Jamie Lee.  We were quite disappointed to not have seen any frogs at the pond!

On the way back , thanks to the eagle eyes of one little boy, we did get to see a frog. It was hopping across the tramlines, with a little frog on its back.


Everybody had a fantastic time. Thank you so much to all of the parent helpers.


















Week Commencing 20/3/17

The children learnt about the lifecycle of a bee this week and learnt lots of facts; they also  enjoyed looking at a real life wasp's nest that was brought in.



As part of our topic, we have been learning about different periods in history. The children have loved finding out about Queen Victoria and life in  Victorian times over the past few weeks. This week they were learning about toys from the past and comparing them with toys from today. They were fascinated by the big, brown, 100 year old suitcase I brought in, and entranced by it's contents: toys that belonged to my dad and grandad and that were from the 1900's  up to the 1940's. The old cars, planes, boats, musical instruments, potato guns, metal toy rifles and Rupert the Bear annual were closely examined and then played with.  What a treat for the children.






Obviously the children all had lots to say about the toys and they did some brilliant writing about them.


The children used their brains very creatively on Wednesday,  in their P.E lesson, showing lots of ways to travel on, over and around pieces of equipment. They thought of high, low and middle ways to travel; using different parts of their bodies and  going forwards and backwards.





We all loved making Red Nose Chocolate Crispie cakes ready to sell on Red Nose Day.

The Year 1 children wrote amazing, detailed instructions afterwards putting the steps in order, using a new line for each step and even using bossy (imperative) verbs. well done Year 1.








On Thursday the Reception children had a lovely time exploring the Eco Area for signs of spring and new life. They found lots, enjoyed the outdoors, loved climbing and exploring but they had the best time EVER playing in a huge, big box. You can't beat a big box for can be anything.









Week 4 commencing 13/3/17

The children worked really hard this week on preparing and practising for our class assembly. They were excellent at learning their lines and then performing them. The assembly on Thursday was a great success and every child  was wonderful. I hope you enjoyed it as much as all of the children did.


Please see photos above.


Also this week we had visits from The Major of the High Peak and Clare Mahoney, an A & E nurse, to tell us about their jobs. The children loved the Major's visit and were captivated by his outfit and The Mace. The children enjoyed learning about his role and when he has to wear his full clothes.  




They loved Clare's visit and enjoyed learning about broken bones, X-rays and how your bones are plastered. They all enjoyed bandaging each other up and then making some real plaster.












Everybody enjoyed the beautiful weather this week and playing outside.







Week 3 commencing 6/3/17

This week the Reception children did some amazing writing about their favourite part of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Everybody thought of their own sentence, stretched out each word to listen to the sounds and wrote them down. They are getting so good at writing independently now. Some are evn using finger spaces! The Year 1 children took it one step further and wrote their own Very Hungry Animal story; using The Very Hungry caterpillar frame but choosing their own baby animal and different foods it would eat. There are some brilliant stories and lots of wonderful writing.


To help prepare we learnt about baby animals and their adults; we looked at lots of different babies. We were really interested to learn that a baby fish is called a fry!


The children used pastels to draw pictures of the baby animals on paper, they used paint programs on the computer to draw them and they also made them out of construction materials. 


Here is one example of  a fry and a tadpole. 




As is usual, we started the week by looking at our bean plants and talking about what has happened.

It is a daily focus and fascination looing at the changes that are occurring.

 The children all drew a picture of their plant and wrote their week 3 Bean Diary entry. 




 In Maths the Reception children were learning to use comparative language; tall, taller and tallest, small, smaller and smallest for example. They compared the height of lots of things. One little boy decided he wanted to build a sunflower taller than our classroom he did! 






We couldn't quite get it to stand up, but we think he achieved it.


As always, the children enjoyed lots of outside provision; they especially enjoyed it in the sunshine!






Class 1 are still enjoying their Physical Literacy sessions inside and outside. They love playing a game after our Mile A D ay run. One of their favourite's is 'Toilet Tig',  named by the children, when they have to flush the toilet to be released!






The week ended with the Year 1 sleepover. What a superb experience for everybody. The children all had great fun and were absolutely wonderful.






Next week are looking at the lifecycle of a dog. If you have a puppy or dog that would like to come in and visit us please see Miss Crombleholme. Later in the term we are learning about Frogs, hens, cats, snakes and humans. If you have any of these you would bring in, or any other baby, please see Miss Crombleholme.


Week Commencing 27.2.17

This week the children enjoyed the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They enjoyed working together in mixed year groups to act out the story and retell it. Later in the week the Year 1 children rewrote the story.


The children have also learnt the lifecycle of a butterfly and they made some fantastic, detailed and labelled life cycles using lots of art materials. They also did lots of printing to make symmetrical butterflies and  caterpillars.


All of the children have been enjoying checking the  broad beans they planted last week to see if they had grown. They were a little disappointed to see that they hadn't yet sprouted on Monday, but understood that they were probably growing a root first. We are really hoping to see some shoots sprouting this week !!


On Thursday lots of children came dressed up for World Book Day. We had some brilliant characters. They children loved sharing their favourite books with their friends. The Reception children wrote sentences about their books and the Year 1 children wrote amazing book reviews.


Well done class 1.


This week the Sunshine group are going to continue practising spellings out of their yellow booklet. The Stars group are going to be given a different set of spellings on Monday. Please practise these spellings for the test on Monday 13th  instead of those from the green booklet.



Week commencing 20/2/17

Week 1 of 7

This week we started learning the lifecycle of a bean plant and also a sunflower. We all enjoyed planting our own bean which we are going to watch grow over the term and to record it's progress in a weekly Bean Diary.

We all acted out the lifecycle of a sunflower with actions. The Reception enjoyed composing their own music to show the lifecycle to. As always , we have enjoyed lots of creative activities to enhance our learning and understanding about sunflowers.


We also started learning about different vegetables. We named them and talked about  what dishes we enjoy eating them in. Then we cut them up and made healthy potato people  choosing our own vegetables. 


On Wednesday we learnt about Queen Victoria and used charcoal to draw some brilliant portraits.





Week Commencing 30/1/17

We started this week by enjoying Chinese New Year celebrations. We enjoyed learning the story of how the years got their names and also acting it out. We enjoyed using the small world animals to play the story also. Many children made red lanterns and also coloured in Chinese Dragon masks. 




In Topic we were learning about our solar system. To get an understanding of how The Earth orbits the sun and The Moon orbits The Earth the class  wrapped 3 children up in big rolls of paper to make them become The Earth, Moon and Sun. The Earth child learnt how to rotate whilst orbiting The Sun and The Moon child orbited too!! We had a lot of turning children and a lot of fun !!





Throughout the course of the week  we learnt all about the 9 planets in our solar system. The Year 1's wrote fantastic reports. They are really getting good at now using features of reports in their work.


On Friday , in preparation for our Big Write, all of the class worked together to write down all the facts they could remember about the solar system. We then wrote letters to Lecky, an alien from another solar system, telling him all about our galaxy. I was so proud of how every child wrote.





The children really enjoyed sharing their writing with the class.


As always we have loved our Mile A Day run, this week we have joined in with the juniors and I think surprised everyone with quite how fit Class 1 is. I think we might be challenging for the fittest class soon.  

Well done Class 1




We also learnt all about rockets; how many body parts they have and what they do. We loved working together to make our own.





Week Commencing 23.1.17

This week the children continued their learning about the moon. They learnt all about it's surface, it's size, how old it is and about the first man on the moon. The Year 1 children showed their understanding, and also their developing literacy skills, by writing non chronological reports which used features of reports. They all used a title, sub headings, information, pictures and technical vocabulary. Wonderful work guys.





Everybody enjoyed using chalk pastels to draw pictures, play dough to create moon models and also shiny materials to make moon crater plates.






Much fun and a lot of learning happened when we did a science experiment to learn  how craters were made on the moon. We tested our ideas about how the size of the rock or asteroid would impact on the size of the crater, by dropping different sized stones in to 'moon dust'.


The Reception children learnt about repeating patterns in maths and were all brilliant at doing  2 stage and even 3 stage repeating patterns. Some children could even think about 2 factors in the pattern such as size and colour.





On Thursday, the Reception children had a wonderful afternoon. As it was so cold they didn't go to the Eco Area, as is their norm, instead they brought their activities inside. They worked together to build wonderful dens in the hall. Some groups of children did everything themselves, even tying the knots to hold up the tarpaulin. When they heard  Mrs Rackstraw coming they all hid and she couldn't find them for ages!




Week Commencing 16.1.17

This week we spent time making up and writing stories about our aliens. the children were very creative with their ideas and they all did some excellent writing.




We spent time looking at aerial maps to learn how to draw maps from a different perspective. I gave the children maps and asked them where they were of. Everybody soon worked out they were recent and old maps of Buxworth. Then the children drew and labelled their own maps with geographical features.




We learnt about the moon and all of the children in both Reception and Year 1 learnt lots of facts and then did some amazing writing. We compared the moon to Buxworth.



We also did some fantastic moon printing.




As usual we did lot of physical exercise including our Fundamental Movement Skills, 5 a day and Mile a Day run and 2 P.E lessons.


Week Commencing 9.1.17

We continued our learning this week by  finding out about the sun. The children were fascinated to find out that it is a star and that all the other stars in the sky are actually far away suns. They wrote some brilliant sentences and drew lovely pastel pictures, many of which are displayed on our windows.


We read 'Aliens Love Underpants' and spent time describing  and writing noun phrases about all of the different underpants. Later in the week the children made their own aliens and then described them. They all enjoyed 'Quick Write' describing words.


They have really enjoyed the sun inspired continuous provision activities; especially the tweezers in red lentils which they used to pick up lots of small objects.



We have also been making sun collages and weaving in warm colours.


On Tuesday, Mrs Somerville and  the children worked really hard  to make the most amazing rocket. They painted, rolled, stuck, cut, and glittered.





I was absolutely amazed on Wednesday morning when I walked in to our classroom and saw this:



Thank you Mrs Somerville.

On Wednesday, we looked to the questions the children asked on our topic map and we learnt about gravity. The children loved watching a video of an astronaut on the International Space Station floating around when there was no gravity.

We  conducted our own experiments by throwing different objects up in to the air to see if they  would float away or be pulled back down to earth by gravity. We went all around school testing if gravity was present.




Happily, we concluded that gravity was everywhere.


On Friday we had a brilliant 'Snow Day.' The children worked together to make  and then paint lots of snow sculptures. We had such fun. 








Next week we will be writing creative stories about our aliens going on the rocket to the moon. I wonder what adventures they will have? 


Happy New Yearsmiley

Image result for the solar system


Welcome back to Spring Term 1. This term our topic is To Infinity and Beyond. We will be learning about our solar system; the planets; the sun; the moon and  the time line of travel into space. We will be enjoying fiction, non fiction and poetry books to help us . After half term our topic will be

How it all Begins. We will be learning about the lifecycles of many different animals including: frogs, caterpillars, chickens, dogs and humans. To find out more about each topic please read the curriculum overview letters that come home at the beginning of each term or read them on line. Each is attached above.


Week 1 W/c 2/1/17

The children all returned well rested and ready to learn. They have had a great first week  thinking about our new topic. We read Roaring Rockets and Bob The Man on The Moon to inspire them  to think about what they already knew about Space and what they wanted to find out; we made 2 wonderful mind maps full of questions.  " What is a solar system? " , "What is gravity?", :" How far away is the moon?" , "What is the sun made of?", "If the earth is round, why don't we fall off?", "Is the moon made out of cheese?" , "Why do astronauts wear special suits?" and " What are the parts of a rocket?" are just a few of the questions. I can tell we are going to have a WONDERFUL, EXCITING AND MOTIVATED TERM FULL OF LEARNING.


We started off learning about our Solar system. The children were all enthralled and did some wonderful pictures and writing even though it was a Friday afternoon!






I can't wait for next week when we find out more about each planet and the sun.





Week 7 Week Commencing 12/12/16

The children all had a wonderful final week . They enjoyed:  watching the dodgeball tournament in aid of British Heart Foundation, Christmas Party day and meeting Father Christmas, Reindeer Run Cross Country and generally having lots of fun with their friends.





Week 6 

W/ C 5/12.16

The children had a very busy, fun week with lots of different and new experiences.
On Monday we did our Big Write and we all wrote letters to Father Christmas, we folded our letters and put them in an envelope. On Tuesday we put address labels and stamps on our envelopes and then walked all of the way in to Whaley Bridge, along the canal, to post them in the post box. The children then walked very sensibly to Bridge House  Bakery and they asked for and paid for their own treat, which we took to the canal basin to eat. EVERYBODY enjoyed their treat. We then walked back to school in time for lunch. I was very impressed with everybody who walked really sensibly along the canal. We all had a great time.


On Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening we got dressed  up ready for our Christmas production  of One Snowy Night. The children were all amazing and wonderful. They sang beautifully and were very brave standing on stage and acting so well, in front of huge crowds.  Well done Class 1.


​On Wednesday we all enjoyed our Christmas dinner and we loved our crackers and toys.


Next week is going to be a busy week also with 2 super sporting events for us enjoy. On Monday we are watching teams play a dodgeball competition and on Thursday we are all joining in with a  Reindeer Run Cross Country competition. Every body will be in 1 of 4 teams and teams will compete to win the title of Cross Country champions.


Wednesday is Christmas Party day. Children can bring party clothes, in a named bag, to change in to in the afternoon.   

​Week 5

W/C 28.11


The children had a FANTASTIC week last week. Their  focus continued to be Jack and The Beanstalk and they incorporated it in to lots of the curriculum. On Monday the children all worked together to make parts of a beanstalk, leaves and  to paint a superb, life size Jack. They were all amazed, intrigued and VERY excited when they came in on Tuesday morning and the beanstalk was growing up from the floor and was reaching all the way up to ceiling.  They had lots of ideas about how it had happened and why Jack was at the bottom of it.

Their excitement grew further and was barely containable on Wednesday, when big, brown footprints had appeared leading all the way from the bottom of the beanstalk, out of the classroom, down the stairs to the front doors!!! They had lots of fantastic ideas about who had made the footprints, what he looked like and where he was going. The children  did some amazing writing using their ideas.
On Tuesday, it was very exciting when builders arrived at school and spent the whole day in Class 1's little playground. The children were very curious and  kept going to the door to watch them;   they then fed back to the other children about what was happening.  It was very hard to wait until Wednesday when the children could go out and look at what had happened. they were thrilled to see a  new , fantastic, fun and inspiring play area.
They have a  water wall and damning station which  encourages the children to really work together as a team to move the water from the trough up to the buckets and then back down on to the damn. The sand pulley system also requires team work and is a great hit. The mud kitchen has already inspired lots of dishes to be made;  I have had chocolate cake, strawberry cheesecake, vegetable soup, lasagne and fresh orange juice  to date and they were all served by very enthusiastic waiters!! Finally lots of children have enjoyed the play house and I am sure we will see lots of shows come out of it in the future. Everybody in Class 1 feels very lucky.
The children have also been enjoying lots of outdoor P.E everyday including playing hoops, hula, tig, circuit stations with different challenges , basketball and even doing maths and literacy! The Year 1s love doing fast maths when some children have to run from 1 side of the playground to the other whilst the remaining children count in different number patterns. This week we were counting in 2s,5s and 10s.


 Luckily, Class 1 love being outside and cold weather never inhibits our learning. smiley






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​Week 4. Week commencing 21.11.16

 This week the children's focus was Jack and The Beanstalk. They enjoyed reading the story, acting it out and then writing about it. The Reception children  drew pictures of their favourite part and wrote the beginning and end phonemes to label their picture. The Year 1 children wrote the beginning, middle and end of the story and concentrated on  putting full stops at the end of sentences. They ALL did a wonderful job.  


We used Jack and The Beanstalk in our dance lesson and everybody moved like Jack and also the giant. We thought about high, low, middle, front and backward ways to travel.
The reception children  have been working very hard on reading, acting out and even writing their own maths stories. They are BRILLIANT at it.
Everybody enjoyed Christmas Activity Day on Thursday. The children were in  mixed age groups and so worked with different children from all of the classes. They loved having the older children looking after and helping them. It was lovely to see so many new friendships being struck up and also so many children from all of the other classes working so well with Class 1. The children enjoyed 7 different activities including making Christmas cards, snow globes, calendars, reindeer , Christmas trees and chocolate truffles. To be able to see and buy your children's beautiful creations please come along to the Christmas Market and Tree Lighting at school on Friday night.






Week 3 w/c 14/11/16


The children had a week full of excitement and anticipation preparing for our first class assembly on Thursday. Throughout the week everybody practised well and remembered all their words, actions and songs. They showed how much they had grown and developed as the day came closer and they managed to hold  their excitement without it ever bubbling over. 


Thursday was a fantastic day when the children got to dress up in  their favourite dressing up clothes for assembly; dance and sing to their favourite songs and act out shows and perform words in front of a very large audience. All of the children joined in and made me and the Class 1 team very proud. 


This week the children also enjoyed visits from adults coming in to tell us about their jobs. The children loved it when Jo Grace walked in with a big black box on wheels and a microphone. They whispered ideas to each other about what the box might be and what Jo might do as a job. They loved it when she explained that she is a jazz singer who goes into care homes and sings  for the elderly. Jo told the children that her job is to make the old people happy through music. She certainly made us happy when she sang and the children all danced!

The following day Helen Madden visited and told us about her job as a therapist. The children were very interested to hear how she works with children and adults who feel sad and how she helps to make them feel happier. They asked lots of questions about HOW she helps children  the children. Helen explained she uses puppets,  play,  drawing and colouring a lot. It was interesting for the children to hear this as we  often use puppets and talk about our feelings in class. We also use different coloured pencils to draw pictures in the 'colour we are feeling.' We find this helps the children when they can't quite express themselves and what they want to communicate. The children's previous experience in using colours and talking about their feelings  helped them to understands Helen's job better. We all enjoyed drawing pictures using colours to show our feelings at the end.


Our last visitor of the week was Sarah Davies who told us about her job as a Modern Foreign Languages teacher at High School. She taught us how to say 'Hello', 'How are you?' 'I feel happy' and 'I feel grumpy' in Spanish.

 This week the children still enjoyed lots of physical literacy and P.E. the highlights this week were practicing their agility, dodging and movement skills whilst touching as many cones as they could in a given time. Things got trickier when they has to touch different colours, then use only their right hand and when they had to travel on all was really fun! Later on in the week they enjoyed hockey and practised 'taking their dogs for a walk' using the hockey stick. They were all great.

 Week 2  W/C 7/11/16


This week the children learnt The Gingerbread Man story. They spent time joining in with the story and retelling it. They loved the book and an interactive version on the whiteboard. The Year 1s learnt to read and follow instructions  using a gingerbread man recipe. They worked together to make lots of yummy gingerbread man biscuits.  They then drew the instructions before writing them themselves. The Reception children will be making gingerbread men next week in their independent baking. 


The Reception children have been working really hard in their phonics lessons and this week have learnt d , g, o and c. They can sing the songs, form the letters and do the corresponding actions. This week they have also been learning to blend phonemes together to read words. Well done Reception.


In our physical literacy sessions each morning the children are starting to show real progress. Everybody is correctly copying the 5 a Day  dance routines , managing to run for 5 minutes during our mile a day run and is working really hard on their fundamental movement skills. I was really impressed with

everybody's throwing and catching, using small balls, this week.  


On Thursday the children brought their favourite story books in to school, they all enjoyed talking about them and sharing them with their friends.


Remember it is our Class assembly on Thursday at 3pm, in the hall. Please come and watch the children show off their amazing work.




​Term 2 , Week 1

                             W/C 31/10/16             
The children enjoyed learning about the Hindu festival Diwali this week. They loved reading, acting out, and writing the story of Rama and Sita . They were especially captivated by Ravanna, the ten headed demon. The Y1 drew wonderful picture maps and then wrote some fantastic sentences to retell the story.




All of the children enjoyed finding out how Diwali is celebrated . They made Rangoli chalk patterns, chalk foot and hand prints , diya lamps and diya lamp stands.
This week the children also described themselves and painted fantastic self portraits.


They talked about Bonfire night,  drew exciting firework pictures and everybody did firework writing. The Year 1s used describing words and the Reception children listened for and wrote  the beginning sounds of words.  


 Next week we are learning about the story of The Gingerbread Man. Beware of children hunting for gingerbread men around the house and school! ​We are also talking about and sharing our favourite story books from home. 

Please could the children bring their favourite story book in to school on Thursday and Friday.

       Week 6 W/C 10.10.16


Class 1 had a great week with lots of fantastic learning going on. Year 1 spent time focusing on capital letters and full stops and adding them in to sentences . The Reception children started Phase 2 phonics; learning 's' and 'a'. They all absolutely loved the dough disco exercises to warm their fingers up ready to do hand actions and to form letters. They also enjoyed reading each letter's story and singing its song.


Year 1 did lots of fun maths including weighing mass in beans! Each child learnt that 1 bean equals 1g by putting 1 bean in their hands. They could feel the mass of 1g and then 2g,3g,4g,5g and 6grams etc in their hands. They soon got over the fact that the beans were cold and wet and enjoyed learning what 1 g and then what 1 kg  feels like. They used weighed out bags of sugar for the kilogram; not 1000 beans!

The Reception children started learning how to form numbers 0,1,2 and 3 using songs and actions.
Our class focus last week was autumn and the children enjoyed learning about the changes that are happening and why. They all loved going on an autumn hunt in our school grounds and then along the tramlines.
The Year 1 children looked in Sally Scientist's backpack and found a picture showing them a close up of taste buds. She asked them where on their body they would find these and what do they use them for?
This led the children into a great experiment and lots of learning about taste, which they all loved... especially the taste experiment where they had to taste a bitter, sour, sweet and salty food.
Everybody is still enjoying independent baking and they are doing really well following the pictorial instructions; they are also doing well at washing up afterwards.


Next week we are making cheese straws.


The last fun thing this week was a special show and tell that fitted very well with our 'Furry and Cuddly' theme. One little boy brought his lamb in and the  rosettes that he had won at different shows by displaying his  lamb handling skills.  All of the children loved it.

Our focus for next week is The Three Little Pigs.

​Week 5  w/c 3.10.16

This week the children enjoyed learning, singing and performing the Incy Wincy Spider nursery rhyme. The Reception children used their drawing, cutting out and joining skills to make wonderful Incy Wincy spiders, which would have looked lovely dangling from our ceiling....but the children were so enamored with their spiders they all took them home!!  The Year 1 children are still in the process of completing theirs so we may yet get to hang some up!
The Year 1 children completed some brilliant writing about Incy Wincy. They coloured in a scene  and thought of sentences about Incy, that are not in the rhyme. One child coloured their drainpipe and Incy like a rainbow and wrote how sliding down the colourful drainpipe transformed  Incy into a rainbow spider.


The Reception children did some wonderful counting, number ordering and learning about positional language.




The Year 1 children loved finding out about, and using their sense of touch in Science. We tried to only use our sense of touch to say where we were being touched, in our first experiment and then to guess the object we were touching in the second. 



Nature colour hunt 7.10.16

A huge well done to everybody in Class 1 for their fantastic performance ,in front of a big crowd, at our Harvest Festival. Their singing and actions for Big Red Combine Harvester were superb.


We are learning about ​autumn  ​next week.



​Week 4

Week Commencing 26.9.16


Everybody had a beartastic week this week. The children all brought their teddy bears in to school each day, to join in with their fun learning and activities.  On Monday the children used their sandwich making skills to independently make cheese and ham sandwiches, in preparation for a teddy bears' picnic later in the week. They also watched Miss Crombleholme demonstrate how to make Rich Biscuits, and then in groups, they independently made their own biscuits, with great success.  On Tuesday they enjoyed sharing the fruits of their labour, with their teddy bears, at a picnic. Also on  Tuesday, they demonstrated some amazing art skills and painted brilliant bears, which are on display in our classroom, with Mrs Somerville.


Later in the week the children nearly burst with  excitement as they got themselves ready to go on a Bear Hunt. They crept through school, looking along every wall and in every little alcove, they then explored the Eco Area, at the top and also down by the river, on the decking. They looked high and low; in amongst the bushes and in the trees, soon they were rewarded as they began to find beautifully created bears, that they had made in Art and Design, the week before. The excitement never waned, until we finally crept back along the path and into school.... being careful to remove our muddy, bear hunting shoes, on the mat! The children all drew amazing pictures of the hunt and the Year 1 children wrote their best pieces of writing yet; using wonderfully descriptive words and exciting sentences.


Also this week the Reception children have started their Phonics lessons, and have been listening for different sounds. They have discovered that they are all very good at naming and identifying what the sound is.


Everybody has loved our Physical Literacy session each morning, enjoying doing a 5- a day dance, some fundamental movement skills and finding different ways to move outside.  Well done Class 1 for being so active.



Please bring in empty kitchen rolls , if you have any. Thank you.
And beware of the spiders !!!!




Week 3

This week the children became familiar with our everyday routines. The Reception children practised coming in each morning and putting their trainers on ready for our active start to the day. They then went to self register by finding and posting their name in the box. The Year 1 children  put their trainers on each morning, and then practised writing their spellings . This is the routine the children will follow every day.  


They all enjoyed and participated in our Physical Literacy sessions by doing: a 5-a Day song and dance; they strengthened their bodies through Fundamental Movement Skills, and they increased their aerobic fitness with the mile a day run. The Y1 also  enjoyed doing Tag Rugby in their P.A.S lesson and the Reception children enjoyed Balanceability on Wednesday and  learning  different ways to travel in  P.E on Tursday..... Phew..... what an active bunch they are!


Independent baking this week was making cheese or ham sandwiches. Everybody is getting very good at signing in on the baking list, writing their name on their sandwich bag, spreading the butter on the bread and also cutting their sandwiches. Well done everybody who is following the routines. Next week they will be baking biscuits and making sandwiches for a teddy bears picnic on Thursday. 


Sally the Scientist , our scientist teddy, posted a question this week in her backpack, asking us to find out what our 5 senses are and what they are used for. They spent time working out the answer and then they used  their sense of smell by doing a smell investigation. They each made a nose mask, to help them smell, and then went on a smell discovery walk in and around school; after that they wore  a blindfold and did a smell test to see if they could identify 5 different smells. They all squealed with excitement when the different smells were presented to them,  they had a fun and exciting time. We are all wondering what Sally the Scientist's next  question will be????


Next week our focus is going to be teddy bears. We are going to talk about and show our favourite teddy bear; we are going to go on a bear hunt and see if we can find anymore bears in and around school; especially in the Eco Area and we are going to have a teddy bears picnic.


Please bring in your child's favourite teddy bear on Monday, Thursday and Friday.







Week 2 W/C 12.9.16

A busy week for all in class 1. We spent time getting to know each other and our class routines. 

The children enjoyed lots of fun activities whilst learning; they enjoyed playing, exploring and discovering inside and outside, with big equipment and small. They all really enjoyed our new, independent  baking area where this week  they were making jam sandwiches and writing labels to put on their bags to take home. The Reception children started Balanceability sessions with Mrs Somerville , who is teaching all those who can't ride their bikes to gain balance and riding skills on balance bikes.


The Year 1 children began their Challenge Cards, which they will work on in the afternoons. These  allow the children to  take ownership over some of their learning and give them the ability to choose which learning activity they find the most interesting and challenging, whilst also increasing their independence skills. The Reception children started recording their feelings each day through colours.

Well done Class 1.

I can't wait to come back to school next week for more fun!


​Welcome to a new year in Class 1.

​Our topic this term is ​Furry and Cuddly​. We will be finding out all about ourselves and who we like to cuddle; our family; our pets and our favourite cuddly toys. We will also be learning traditional tales including  Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, The 3 Little Pigs and more.

We  have lots of new exciting things this term to look forward to including:  physical literacy and physical activities every day; independent baking each week and indoor and outdoor independent exploration. The Year 1 children will also be enjoying  Travelling Thursdays and Leapfrog Fridays ,where they will travel to different classrooms to be taught a range of subjects such as: French, art and crafts, computing, music, world citizen, P.E and Forest Schools by specialist teachers.
Please read our curriculum newsletter to find out more.
Week 1 News

We have welcomed lots of new children into our class and they have all settled really well.


This week we have spent time  getting to know each other and our new classroom. We have enjoyed dressing up, playing in the home corner, doing jigsaws and 3d dominoes, mark making and painting, playing with playdough, investigating using our senses, playing in the mud kitchen, water tray and sand pit , playing on the train and playing with the parachute.


Have a look at our pictures to get a little glimpse into some of our fun.  


Forest school 9.9.16

Have a look at our parade!  Click on 'News Headlines' on the

Thank you to everyone in Class 1 for a wonderful year in which we have all learnt and laughed a lot together. We wish all of those who are moving up, good luck in Class 2, for those who are staying in Class 1,  we can't wait to see you next year when our topic will be : ​Cuddly and Furry. See you soon.smiley



Everybody had a superb time at Chester Zoo today. The children enjoyed spending the day seeing all the wild animals and also some fantastic looking models of dinosaurs....."Are they real?" was heard many times.




Chester Zoo

​Summer Term 2016

 Welcome to the summer term where our topic is ...Fast and Furious.
We will be learning about fictional Superheroes and real life super heroes,  and then the Olympics.

For the first half term we will be  enjoying finding out about superheroes in books and on tv, and we will thinking about and making up  our own superheroes. We will be learning about real life super heroes such as: firefighters, nurses and police officers. As part of our learning we will be using ouenterprise skills , to plan, make and run a  superhero shindig tea party. Look out for news in the next few weeks.

For the second half term, we will be learning about the world, Brazil and the Olympics. We will find out about the history of the Olympics and how it has changed over time. Please read our curriculum overview for more specific information.


Everyday, at first play, the children have the opportunity to have a drink of milk. If the children are 4 years old, this is funded by the government, after their 5th birthday, this funding stops. If you would like your child to continue to receive milk each day; or if you would like them to start receiving it; you can pay for it via The Cool Milk website. Please speak to Mrs Arnfield in the office, about how to subscribe. 


Chester Zoo trip on Wednesday 13th July. Please look in book bags for extra information.


Week 5 W/C 4.7.16

This week the children spent time watching  finals from the 2012 Olympics in gymnastics, rowing, cycling, running and swimming. They then wrote some brilliant  sports reports using lots of finger spaces, capital letters, full stops, conjunctions and descriptive language.
Also this week the children have been learning to name animal body parts and  to classify animals into different groups. They are now brilliant at identifying whether an animal is a mammal, a reptile, a fish, a bird , an insect or an amphibian. They all enjoyed working with partners to: make animals out of junk modelling, ensuring they could name all its body parts;draw and label  animals, sort  and group all of our small  world animals; cut, stick and classify animals or learn about animals on the computers.








​Week 4 w/c 27.6.16

The children had a very enterprising and successful week third week of term. We started off by thinking about what games and challenges we would like to have at our Olympic tea party on Wednesday. The children used their plans from the previous week to set the games up in the playground outside. Everybody then went and  had a go and together we decided which games we would put on at the tea party. Next we set about making the props and resources needed for each event. We also made name signs for each stall and volunteer badges to wear, to let everybody know we were helpers.  All of the children were totally engaged in a job and all on task. They were wonderful.

Practising our games.


Practising our games.


Making signs for each game.


Making numbers for the target board.



Decorating cakes for the cake stall.


On the day of the tea party, the children were very excited.  I was so  impressed with everybody in the class, they all worked really hard throughout the tea party, they spoke to lots of different people, many of whom were adults, they could explain what they needed to and everybody  communicated clearly and politely.


The colouring stall.

Explaining the ball bouncing game.

Helping on the cake stall.

The target game.

Guess the name of the mascots


Well done Class 1 for putting on such a wonderful event. Thank you very much to everybody who donated their time or cakes to help support it. The event raised 124.33 .


Week 3 W/C 20.6.16

This week, the children enjoyed  learning opportunities on varied things.


We embraced the opportunity to talk about democracy, decision making and voting, by the Year 1 children thinking about and then writing motions for what  activity the  class would do next Thursday afternoon. The learning activity was put in their hands; they were told that they had to think of an activity and then persuade the audience, and me what they would learn if we did it! They came up with super ideas such as  having the bikes out in the big playground, as children would learn to pedal and take turns; going on the park in The Rec, as they would learn to climb, swing and work together; having sports equipment out, as they would learn new sporting skills, and baking cakes, to learn to share and take turns. They rest of the class listened to their proposals and then they all voted. Going on the bikes received 6 votes, going to the park also received 6 votes but there was 1 undecided child who wanted both! ( Decisions can be hard when you are only 5!) As a result we are going to combine both activities and hopefully, many children will be happy!


We started thinking about our Olympic tea party, which is next Wednesday, the 29th June at 3pm. The children used the 6 Early enterprise skills of : teamwork, initiative, communication, positivity, finance and creativity to think of  ideas for games and challenges they would like to run, they wrote them all down and again presented them to the class who voted on what we should do at the tea party.




We then spent time making posters to advertise the event and writing invitations.



The children have been learning about the history of the Olympic games, what the logo is and also about mascots. They enjoyed designing their own mascots and then making them.


Three of our Year 1 children had a wonderful time at Map Quest on Tuesday. They used orienteering skills to find 12 pictures around  Manor Park in Glossop. They were brilliant and ran around constantly for 20 minutes. Our 'Mile a Day'  run has definitely improved their stamina. (They were quite  hot and tired afterwards though!)


All of the children enjoyed watching our Key Stage 2 Children in a Cyclo Cross competition.




Week 2 W/C 13.6.16


​This week we continued learning about Brazil. We focused especially on The Amazon  Rainforest and learnt all about the trees, plants and animals we would find. We learnt about the 4 different layers in the rainforest; The Emergent Layer, The Canopy; The Understory and The Forest Floor. The children spent lots of time learning about parts of plants and also studying out own 'rainforest' in The Eco Area. They made lots of astute comparisons and links. They all produced some brilliant descriptive writing about the rainforest.










As ever, we did lots of playing together and learning together.





Week 1 T6    W/C 6.6.16

This week we started our whole term focus of The Olympics,  by learning about  where this year's Olympics will be staged: Brazil.

We learnt many interesting facts about the country, the land and the culture. The Y1 children wrote superb  reports using a title, sub headings, diagrams, the present tense and exciting vocabulary. If you would like to learn about Brazil, come and read them, they are on the wall in our role play area. The children were all really excited to learn about  the Rio de Janeiro Carnival that happens at the beginning of lent and of course, being so creative; the children wanted to do their own  carnival and aprocession too.  They spent time working out costumes, making colourful masks and even learning to samba dance!! The children were much better at it than Miss Crombleholme and Mrs Povey!  They all worked together really well, helping each other with ideas, to find everything they needed and helping each other to cut out and make things. It is lovely to hear so many children saying " I will help you," when somebody has a problem.

On Thursday the Y1 children started learning about persuasive writing and wrote letters to Ms Moore to persuade her that she should let us do a carnival procession for the whole school. They all included really good noun phrases, describing what the costumes, music and dancing would be like. The Reception children used their writing skills and wrote invitations for the other classes. They were really good and showed how everybody is stretching their words to listen all the sounds in each word before writing them down.










On Thursday we welcomed the children who will be joining Reception next year on their first  'Stay and Play' session. The new children were brilliant and I was very proud of our current Class 1 children who helped all of the newcomers and made them feel very welcome. Well done Class 1 .


Next week we are learning all about The Amazon Rainforest. 


Week 7  W/C 23.5. 16


​Class 1 had a super last week, filled with lots of learning, activities and fun.

They enjoyed their PAS lesson on Tuesday where they played Cat and Mouse and learnt  how to throw a Frisbee.



They all enjoyed their afternoon in The Eco Area on Tuesday making magic power potions for their superheroes and also superhero lairs. Everybody worked really well together.







On Wednesday PCO Karen Green visited to talk about her job. She brought some speed watch equipment with her and the children all went to do speed checks on the cars travelling through Buxworth. They were very happy that nobody was breaking the speed limit and everybody drove very responsibly.




On Thursday morning everybody worked really hard in their Big Write and produced some brilliant writing. Well done everybody.



And we finished the week by skipping beautifully around the maypole during the school Maypole celebrations. Everybody was superb and did so well performing in front of the whole school and parents. 




Happy holidays everybody. See you on Monday 6th June.


Week 6 W/C 16.5.16


Class 1 had a extremely theatrical and creative week, as is our usual way.


On Wednesday we performed an outstanding assembly which saw everyone dressed up as their own superhero with fantastic costumes, and everybody introducing their superhero and  powers. Children read out work they had written, with loud, clear voices. They shared their comic strips, the life story of Florence Nightingale and their recounts of our trip to Buxton Fire Station. Two groups of children  showed how superb everybody is at using their enterprise skills, by performing  shows they had created of The Great Fire of London. The shows were outstanding; as were the theatre sign, tickets and posters everybody had made. Everybody in the class worked together, with very little support from the teachers. They finished their assembly by showing off all the amazing physical skills they have developed this term; they bounced and caught balls, they threw to each other and they dribbled.

Well done Class 1 for an amazing assembly.



 Making the theatre and show signs.


Welcoming the audience and giving out tickets to the shows.




All dressed up and ready to go.



 The Great Fire of London Show

We moved straight from  excitement about our assembly onto excitement about the Take One Picture challenge. As in every class at school this week, we studied Peter Paul Rubens' A Roman Triumph picture. The children talked about what they could see, hear and how it made them feel. They were asked what it made them want to do; to which they replied " Have a parade,"  so they spent Thursday afternoon and Friday deciding who they wanted to be, designing their costumes and then  making them. When they were all ready they performed an AMAZING ROMAN TRIUMPH PARADE, which included music , dancing and marching in front of the whole school. 


​Another  outstanding day in Class 1.








Week 5 W/C 9.5.16


This week, the Year 1 children worked extremely hard completing core objective tests in Maths, SPAG and Reading . They did very well and I was really proud of the effort everybody put in. 


Our focus for this week has been real life superheroes; firefighters in particular.  We have been thinking about what firefighters do  and acting it out. We have also been learning about The Great Fire of London.

It has really captured the children's attention and inspired lots of re enactments and shows. Everybody has used all of the early enterprise skills to; plan, write and act in a show; to produce posters advertising their show, make  tickets for entrance and also costumes and props! They have done this with very little guidance from the teachers and a lot of team work, positivity, use of their own initiative and  communication skills. They are going to perform some of the shows during their class assembly next week.


On Thursday the children visited Buxton Fire Station and received a fantastic experience care of Blue Watch.


They found out about all the different things fire fighters do in a days work. They had a look at the fire engines and were amazed to find out how much equipment they carry and use.



They had a go in the fire engines and also at trying on the helmets.



They loved watching Mrs Povey dress up.



They  loved watching the big fire engines outside and were so thrilled when they had a go with the hose pipes.



......and they were thrilled when they all got wet !!!





Week 4  W/c 2.5.16


​Class 1 had another excellent week where they worked hard and enjoyed themselves.

Everybody came back to school after the bank holiday and got stuck into their PAS sports lesson with enthusiasm. They followed  2 step instructions and learnt how to throw and catch a cricket ball.
In the afternoon the Reception children extended their experiences and understanding of different countries. They listened to music from different countries and talked about all the things they know and have heard about countries around the world. They then went on to focus on a South African piece of music called 'Vulani'; they enjoyed making up actions to the music, playing instruments in time and dancing with partners.
We had an exciting morning on Wednesday when one of the children's granddad brought in a lamb from his farm. The little lamb, named 'Sucky Chewy' was a great hit with all the children. They enjoyed finding out about why he was being hand reared and how he was being looked after.


Sucky Chewy's visit inspired the children to all write about him. 




The children have been enjoying their math lessons and also all other opportunities to use their math skills.

Working together playing Snakes and Ladders.




Working together playing skittles and counting up scores. The 2 year groups work together so well; they always help each other. 


On Thursday we enjoyed a day learning in our local environment. We walked along the canal in to Whaley Bridge where we stopped at the bakery and bought a snack to eat. We  had a look  at the bakery kitchen and we compared it to  the kitchen of the royal baker  Thomas Farynor in 1666.

We walked to the park and enjoyed playing on all the equipment . The children challenged themselves on the climbing frame, enjoyed the thrill of the zip wire and the high bucket swing and worked together on the swings pushing each other and learning how to keep themselves swinging. 


Everybody enjoyed sharing a picnic lunch in the sunshine before we walked slowly back to school. A great day was had by all.













I was so impressed with all of the children; they walked a long way carrying all of their own things. They listened to instructions and behaved well.


Thank you so much to our parent helpers, we wouldn't have been able to do it without you.


Next week our focus is real life super heroes, firefighters and  The Great Fire of London. We will all be enjoying a trip to Buxton Fire Station on Thursday morning.


​Week 3 w/c 25.4.16

This week the children have been learning about Florence Nightingale. They were all interested in her life and the impact she had on today's nursing. The children focused on using conjunctions and exciting word choices to add detail when writing her life story. 
We all enjoyed looking at pictures of her and thinking about her clothes and hair style. The children thought about how they would draw a portrait; particularly thinking about which lines to draw and colours to use. They all produced some amazing art work by either painting or drawing charcoal portraits.


All of the children's Florence Nightingale work will soon be on display in the classroom.


The Reception children have all been working hard to write the math stories they were told.




Everybody has enjoyed finding, showing or writing the magic number this week which is 14.




The children have started to learn about and use the 6 early years enterprise skills of: initiative, creativity, communication, positivity, teamwork and finance. Through the use of characters the children have planned, written, advertised and made tickets for drama shows. They used Tim and Tom the teamwork twins to listen to each others ideas and work together ; Pippa Positivity to believe they could produce what they wanted; Izzy Initiative to think about what they needed to do and to collect all their resources; Charlie Communicate to talk about their ideas, Freddie Finance to put prices on the tickets and Chloe Creativity to think of all their ideas. They made posters, tickets, and invitations. They all enjoyed watching each others shows, as did Ms Moore who was sent a special invitation. 





They all showed  Pippa Positivity and great determination to not give up  during our mile runs, even when it was raining. Well done Class 1; a great attitude.


Next Thursday we will be going on a trip to Whaley Bridge to spend the day learning in our local environment. Look out for a letter and permission slip going home on Tuesday. Parent helpers are needed. Please speak to us if you can help.


Week 2 W/c 18.4.16




​This week the Y1 children have learnt to write a comic strip. They have thought of superheroes and what their characteristics are; they planned and drew scenery where the action would take place; they learnt to set the scene so the reader was aware of what had  happened so far and then they wrote an action scene using speech. Their comic strips are brilliant and will soon be on a display in the classroom.



The Reception children have been doing lots of writing also when writing down their ideas and plans for what they want to do each session. their writing has really come on and you can see lots of children  sounding out each word to spell it and then write. Well done Reception.

Both year groups have enjoyed their regular phonics sessions. The Yellow and Green groups especially enjoyed their sessions outside.


All the children have enjoyed finding this week's magic number which was 13. They have written it, found it in the classroom on different objects and shown me the value of it.





The children have been working together lots and thinking about how to be kind friends.


They enjoyed doing The opposites puzzle and worked together to help each other.

We learnt about the artist Keith Haring ; we thought about his style and related the subjects of his art to our topic. We noticed that he painted lots of pictures of people doing things. We talked about what our super bodies can do and we  did lots of art work in his style.



The Reception children enjoyed Travelling Tuesday when they designed, planned and made superhero masks. They used lots of different thinking, concentration and physical  skills. Afterwards they had a fantastic time outside with the parachute.




Week 1
The children all came back to school relaxed and ready to learn.
The Reception children have been enjoying lots of continuous provision opportunities and  have been making sensible choices about what they want to do, and learn, each day. They have started using their Ideas Book  to write a plan and a sentence of what they want to do each session; and then a review of what they actually did do.

The Year 1 children have been thinking about different superheroes. They have learnt to use alliteration in sentences . They have also learnt to put the correct ending on third person singular verbs, when saying what each superhero does.

The Reception children have been planning and designing superhero clothes. They started by designing shoes.



The children have enjoyed lots of making, for example: masks; superhero lairs and control panels and superhero biscuits.



 The children enjoyed finding out about real life super hero Florence Nightingale and how she changed and improved nursing. Many of them then went and played being a nurse or preparing healthy food for patients in hospitals.



They also made healthy soups outside, for Miss Crombleholme to enjoy !!!


Spring Term 2 2016

Week 5

Easter Preparations and Celebrations.

We practised and performed a song, as part of our school Easter service, in church. The children sang 'We have a King Who Rides a Donkey' brilliantly.



We all enjoyed making Easter bonnets and wearing them for our fun Easter sing.

We loved the egg rolling competition.

We also enjoyed our own class Easter egg hunt.


Week 4


 This week we have been practising our class assembly on minibeasts. The children worked really hard practising their words, making up dances, practising songs and poems. They also made their minibeast masks,  flowers for the back drop and habitat props for the front of the stage. 


The assembly on Thursday was very well attended by all of the parents who seemed to enjoy it greatly. The children performed really well, spoke and sang with very loud voices and danced beautifully. They all showed how much they had developed from their very first assembly in December.

Class 1 have also enjoyed lots of time outside this week. They loved returning to the Eco Area to see if any minibeasts had visited the habitats that they made last week. We also spent the afternoon in The Eco Area on Thursday making up stories about different minibeasts. The children were very creative .



The children are working really well together now and help each other often. They are so good at it, even down to helping each other on to the  swing, creating the boundary where other children can't walk in to  and pushing the swing, the teachers aren't actually needed anymore! We can just take the photos!!


The Reception children this week had a wonderful time on Tuesday, with Mrs Somerville. They worked hard on their pop up books on The Easter Story and then spent time outside.


Week 3 




​This week we learnt about worms, spiders, bees and snails! We wrote some amazing non fiction texts. The children now know so many facts about Minibeasts! We started learning about the different habitats minibeasts like and have made our own habitats and left  them in the Eco Area as an investigation. We will return to them next week to find out which minibeasts go to which habitats. The children were also really interested in learning about worms and are very keen on making a wormery.

We have been very creative and made bees, snails and spiders using a variety of different media.


We spent a lot of time in the Eco Area hunting for minibeasts.



We also spent time  finding things to make minibeast habitats. We are investigating which habitats the minibeasts go and visit over the course of a week. We will return next week to find out.


We really enjoyed all the visitors for Life Lesson's Week.

A police lady came in and told us about her job. the children enjoyed listening and then trying on her uniform.




A Oral Health Educator came in and talked to us about how to keep our teeth healthy. We learnt about good foods for our teeth and some that aren't so good. we were interested to find out when it is ok to eat sugar.  We also  learnt how many teeth we should have now and we all counted our teeth.


  We had a visit from an Estate Agent who explained how he sells houses. The children were really interested to find out how much he uses Maths, English and Technology in his job to help him make brochures, measure rooms and gardens and draw  diagrams. They loved his laser to measure rooms. 

Finally we had a visit from  a Special Educational Needs Teacher. The children were really interested to find out how she teaches children with profound disabilities. They found out that she has to teach by using the children's senses a lot. Class 1 loved using their sense of sight, hearing and touch to enjoy a story.

Remember it is our class assembly next Thursday at 3pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Please help your child to practice their words this week. Some children will have letters in their book bags about bringing special clothes in. Please could they come in as soon as possible.


Week 2

This week we learnt about caterpillars and butterflies. We learnt the lifecycle of a butterfly and acted it out. The children then retold the lifecycle putting the stages in order. They used technical vocabulary and great describing words.

​Through our continuous provision activities we furthered our learning about a variety of different minibeasts, particularly looking at insects. 


The children sorted them in a variety of ways.



We have started learning about plants and what they need to grow. Everybody has planted a seed and is going to keep a diary of what is happening to the seed on a weekly basis.




Everybody really enjoyed Forest Schools this week and showed some superb team work. Together the class built an amazing den. Each child played their part and they all worked as a team. Mrs Pattison was VERY impressed with them.


On Thursday we enjoyed World Book Day. Some Year 6 children helped us to read our favourite books and then they worked with our class to make something to help us talk about the story.









Week  1

This week we enjoyed launching our new topic Minibeasts. We investigated lots of different minibeasts to get an understanding of what we would be learning about. We enjoyed using microscopes to make close observations and then completing Bug observation Forms.


 We learnt lots of amazing facts about beetles and ladybirds and did some brilliant non fiction writing.


We played lots of team games such a Ladybird Number Bingo and Build a Beetle.




We learnt how to add the suffix 'ed' to a verb to make it a past tense and we learnt how to add the suffixes 'er' and 'est' to a root word.   We read lots of Ladybird stories and used Look Out Ladybird in our own writing.

We continued practising  Fundamental Movement Skills and this week learnt the seated balance. We  extended it to learn how to do perform a seated balance holding up 1 arm, and 1 leg.  



Holding our bodies still and straight,  and holding the balance for 10 seconds is really developing the our core muscles. Of course we did the mile a day run 3 times this week and enjoyed a dance and P.A.S  P.E lesson as well. The children made up their own dances showing the lifecycle of a ladybird. They were amazing.

On Thursday the children LOVED their first Forest Schools lesson with Mrs Pattison. They practised good listening; found out what the sessions will help them  develop;  learnt key skills such as how to  use tools and  played team work games. They especially enjoyed blindfolding each other and then guiding their partner. This  developed huge trust between the children and strengthened their relationships.





Well done Class 1 for a great first week back.



​Week 6

The children had a superb  last week of this half term.
On Monday they did their Big Write and everybody drew a picture of their favourite polar animal. Lots of children then wrote brilliant  sentences giving lots of factual information.   In the afternoon we had our first of many outdoor learning opportunities this week. We had a walk down to the canal basin to look at signs of nature. the children were very good at looking for detail. They took photographs of nature that interested them and we then used the photographs in class to paint. They loved using water colours for the first time and creating different effects.


On Tuesday the children enjoyed a great PE session with Adam and then did lots of learning about Shrove Tuesday and Chinese New Year. They loved learning about the story of the zodiac and the race to name the new year. The foundation stage children enjoyed picking one of the animals to be and acting out the story , racing across the river. When they played out later they played Nian the dragon. They had a very busy day!
On Wednesday everybody had a superb day. We walked along the canal in to Whaley Bridge looking for signs of winter, we also noticed lots of other things that we had been learning about this term. The children were able to answer all of my questions; such as why their  noise was louder inside the bridge than when they were outside of it and why we could see 2 metal bridges, 1  going over the water and what looked like one in the water.




We went to the bakery where the children had to ask for what they would like and they paid their money themselves. We walked to the park to enjoy our treat. Afterwards everybody used some brilliant physical skills on the play equipment. They ran, pushed, climbed, balanced, negotiated spaces and  decided how to approach a challenge. Furthermore, they helped each other on equipment and were brilliant friends. All of the children walked back from the park despite feeling tired. The whole morning really highlighted the benefits  our mile a day run, daily physical exercise  and our many PE lessons each week are having on the children, making them  stronger, fitter and  more determined.





Well done Class 1 for working really hard all term. I hope you all have a restful and relaxing holiday and come back fully charged. Next term our topic is Minibeasts and it is going to be fun.

Week 5    1.2.16

Last week our focus was  The Antarctic. The children  all learnt so much and  all became experts! The Year 1 children wrote amazing non chronological reports. They included a big, bold title, subheadings, pictures, labels and  information in the present tense!! They are on our Antarctic display outside the classroom. Be sure to have a look. The Reception children wrote about animals in The Antarctic. They have been working on segmenting the words to hear all of the sounds. They also  produced some amazing work.





We were very creative and made papier mache globes. The children painted on the oceans, continents, The Arctic and The Antarctic.  They also made some superb penguins which will be displayed with The Antarctic non chronological reports.












The children spent time thinking about the weather in The Antarctic and enjoyed sorting clothes in to piles of those suitable to wear in The Antarctic and those that wouldn't be suitable.


During Travelling Tuesday the Year 1 children are learning lots. They are loving Computing with Mrs Pattison and often come back to class and practise their new skills  on the computers.They are really benefitting from Music with Ms Moore and from learning French with Mrs Rackstraw. Miss Wright has been very impressed with their drawing skills and their  focus during her art lessons and they have all enjoyed our R.E topic this term which has been Sacred Stories.
The Reception children have a wonderful time each week with Mrs Somerville. Last week they  learnt about ice melting. They conducted an experiment to find out where the pots of ice would melt the quickest. They made predictions, carried out their experiment and collected their findings. Not being content at learning this much, they then extended their learning even further and thought about dissolving. They made jelly to see it in action.

 Look at the amazing pictures on Tapestry to see and read what your child got up to.


Next Wednesday we are planning a trip to Whaley Bridge Park . Please look in  your child's bag for the letter and consent form. Please return this as soon as possible. If you could volunteer  for the morning, please see Miss Crombleholme. Year 1 parents, please also look for a letter about Parents Evening next term.  



​Week 4 25.1.16
​We continued learning about The Arctic and particularly focused on what it is like for people and animals that live there. We looked at the daylight hours in Tromso in Norway and were amazed to find out that sometimes it is dark all day and all night, also that in the middle of their summer the sun never sets!
We thought about  what clothes people would need to wear in The Arctic and watched a video of Inuit children  going outside. We made peg  people and selected suitable materials to make clothes for them. The children were also really interested to find out that most Inuit children go to Boarding school for 8 months of the year. Surprisingly, none of our class thought they would prefer that school system!


The Reception children enjoyed thinking about time on Travelling Tuesdays and worked really hard  to make their own clocks. They enjoyed using 'O Clock' to play What time is it Mr Wolf? when they went outside

In Literacy the children have been writing their own story using arctic animals as characters. Their stories are brilliant and show fantastic progress.
In Science we continued the theme of light and carried out an investigation to find out which source of light was the strongest. the children listened well to how to carry out the investigation and then both year groups , if they wanted to, carried out an investigation, recorded their findings and answered questions on them. Well done all the budding scientists.
Everybody has really enjoyed all of our P.E lessons this week. They are a very active class and do something physical everyday.
We are getting really good at the mile run and everybody loves feeling their heart afterwards to see how hard it has been working.



Week 3 beginning 18.1.16

Last week the children began learning about The Arctic. They enjoyed using the globe to locate the  arctic and then transferred their knowledge to finding it on a map. They found out about the environment and  how it changes depending on where you are; the weather and arctic animals. They all recalled amazing facts about different animals and wrote some brilliant sentences.



They made arctic environments using a range of art resources


Arctic animal masks.



The children explored white textures using  all of their senses and wrote superb describing words.



In Literacy we rewrote The Snowman story by Raymond Briggs. The Reception children used all of their phonic sounds to label the pictures and some even wrote a sentence.





The Year 1 children used some brilliant describing words to make their sentences exciting and interesting.  

Next week we are writing our own winter stories using arctic animals as characters  and an arctic setting .


Class 1 joined in with the ' Mile a Day' challenge. We are working up to running or walking  half a mile each day.




They  also enjoyed  3 P.E lessons this week and lots of outdoor activities.


What a busy bunch they are.


Week 2 beginning 11.1.16

The children continued their learning about winter in the UK.

The Reception children enjoyed a winter adventure going down to the Eco Area and then the river, looking for signs of winter. They learnt lots about the plants, trees and  wildlife around them. There was lots of lovely language and brilliant vocabulary being shared.



The children continued to talk about  their adventure the following day when they all created an image using play dough and a range of other materials. Their work was breath taking.



The Year 1 children had a different experience and made some hot chocolate. Then they wrote brilliant instructions using the  features of instructions.


Of course, they enjoyed drinking them !


In Maths, the Reception children acted out and wrote maths stories.



The Year 1 children acted out division maths stories.


They all enjoyed a P.E lesson in Boccia and target practice .


They have enjoyed learning about hot and cold colours and have drawn brilliant winter pictures using cold coloured, chalk pastels. Have a look at our Winter Display  outside the office, and on the classroom  windows.

Sorting hot and cold colours.


We have  been learning what animals do during the winter. We  learnt  about hibernation and which animals hibernate. We  also learnt  how non hibernating animals survive.



We made some bird feeders for the birds, to help them over the winter months.


Well done Class 1 for your superb work this week. Next week we are going to The Arctic!

If you know of anybody who has been to The Arctic or had any type of winter expedition and they would come to talk to us, please could you let me know.


Next week Polar Expedition homework is going home. Please complete it by the last week of term.Bring in anything the children have made on Wednesday 10th February.





Week 1 .

Week beginning 4.1.16


The children all returned to school rested, relaxed and ready to learn. They were eager to get straight back into it.We have all had a wonderful week, enjoying learning together. 




Everybody enjoyed talking and then writing about their Christmas holiday.


In Maths this week the Y1 children really enjoyed starting to write maths stories in their new squared maths books and the Reception children learnt names and properties of shapes. They loved challenging each other by describing properties of shapes for their partners to guess. 


The Year 1 children have all engaged in our new challenge card system . They have to complete 4 out of 7 challenges off their card in a week and it is up to them which ones they choose. They have loved the independence this has given them and the opportunity to choose how to show their  learning and understanding.


Everybody has learnt lots about winter in Great Britain.


Making snowballs.



Playing Winter bingo.



Thinking about what clothes we need in winter.


Making winter pictures.


The children have all completed daily weather charts on the computer and on paper.


 They have all enjoyed time outside in our little playground and The Eco Area.


Making a minibeast hotel to look after the minibeasts when it gets cold.


Having fun and using our bodies.


Well done Class 1 for an outstanding first week back.




Happy New Year smiley


This term our topic is .....Winter Wonderland. We will be learning all about winter at home and around the world, in  The Arctic and The Antarctic. We will be enjoying lots of exciting learning and fun activities. Please read our Curriculum Overview letters to find out more.





Autumn Term 2015 


Welcome to Class 1's Page.

We hope  you enjoy reading about our learning and all the fun adventures we have each week.  


This term our topic is:

ME, HE and SHE.

We will be  learning all about ourselves: what we look like, what our favourite things are, and  what we like to. We will be learning about our friends and families and making family tress. Later we will be learning nursery rhymes and thinking about the characters in the rhymes and finally we will be learning about characters in traditional tales. 


Everyday in physical literacy sessions we will be learning fundamental movement skills in: walking, running, climbing, hopping, crawling, sliding, galloping, skipping, dodging and rolling. We will be learning body awareness skills in: bending, lifting, carrying, pulling, pushing, standing, stopping, twisting, turning, stretching and swinging. We will also be learning manipulation skills in carrying, dribbling, kicking, throwing, striking and catching. 



For more information on our topic or the running of our class, please see the curriculum overview and welcome letter . If you have any questions, at any time, PLEASE pop in for a chat. After school is always  quieter and will allow more time. 


Week beginning 7/12/15



Christmas arrived this week and the children were very excited about it. 

Each morning, when the children came in they  added cotton wool to Santa's beard on their advent calendar, they  also enjoyed having a go on the interactive advent calendar that gives the children different challenges each day. Try the link to access it at home.


The children performed their Christmas nativity, Baubles, to  two separate audiences last week and they were brilliant in both. I am sure all the parents, grandparents and friends were amazed at how well they sang, did actions and performed their lines. We were  so proud of all of  them.



Our role play became Santa's Grotto and the children have been enjoying designing and making presents and then wrapping them. I have been really happy to see lots of children working together to help each other wrap their presents. Some of those 3D shapes are quite tricky!!




The Children have enjoyed making Chocolate Snowball Crispy Cakes in Literacy and then ordering and writing the instructions. The younger children had to concentrate and showed a great understanding when they orally retold the instructions.



On Thursday we read the Nativity Story. The children then showed their understanding through art. Some children made beautiful paintings, some acted the story out and worked on digital images.





Last week the children also enjoyed their Christmas dinner. They had a feast. They particularly enjoyed their crackers and party hats.



What a busy, fun and exciting week we had.


Next week is our last of the term and we are going to try to keep the children going, without making them burst !!


We will again be thinking about Christmas but our  focus will  be Christmas for other people. We are going to be thinking how other people might feel at Christmas time and how we can help somebody else.  




Week beginning 30/11/15

Last week the children learnt the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. The Foundation Stage enjoyed learning the song to retell the story and acting it out. The Year 1 children rewrote the story using capital letters, full stops, conjunctions and wow words. They are getting so good at  applying their knowledge.


In phonics the Green group continued to learn about split digraphs, the Yellow group began Phase 5 and started learning alternative ways to make already known digraphs. The Red group learnt 'e', 'u' and 'r.'



The children continued to practise the songs and actions for our Christmas production; Baubles. They all looked fantastic and performed brilliantly in the dress rehearsals an Wednesday.


Last week we also continued to work on our listening and attention skills. We worked on how to be a good listener and all that that entails. We also continued to work on our independence skills and our tidying up.


The children loved playing outside, as always and demonstrated lots of learning and understanding whilst playing in the sand, water, mud kitchen and traditional kitchen. Lots of meals were made by Goldilocks.


Next week look out for our changing role play. Santa's Grotto is arriving. The children are very excited. If you have any toy tools we could borrow to put in it, please bring in early next week.


Performances of the Christmas performance are as follows:

Tuesday, 1.30pm start for the afternoon performance. Wednesday 6.30pm,for the evening performance. 




Term 2

Week beginning 23/11/15

Last week we spent a lot of time practising our Class Assembly. The children amazed me in how well they sat and listened and then practised their lines and actions. The Reception children showed how much they had progressed since they started school and the Year 1 children how much they had matured by taking on the leadership roles.


Our assembly was well attended and all the children in the other classes loved finding out about our class. I was very proud of all of the children. They remembered their lines, their actions, their songs and they used big voices. WELL DONE Class 1.



The children  also showed their  progress in P.A.S. They  showed their excellent listening skills whilst listening to Adam explain different skills.  They practised bouncing the balls and then patting them, they practised weaving balls around their legs and then throwing and catching.







On Thursday everybody enjoyed Christmas Activity Day.

The children made a calendar, a Christmas card, Christmas decorations and chocolate truffles. Watching the children as they left, I am not sure how many truffles made it home! I promise they were only given out at the door, on the way home!


Next week is our Dress Rehearsal of our Christmas Production. Thank you to all those who have sent in their child's costume. Please could any remaining ones be in by MONDAY 30th NOVEMBER , please.


Term 2

Week beginning 16/11/15 


This week we have been learning  what makes us special, and what makes us individual. The children thought of 5 different things that they like to do. We talked about how these things make us individual.  The children then made a hand print and on each finger drew a picture or wrote a sentence about each thing that makes them special. 


To tie in with this theme, we have been doing lots of circle time. We had a super time outside. We went into partners with children  we don't usually play with. We introduced ourselves to each other and then we found out 3 things our partners like to do. Each child  fed back to the group  about their partner. After this we found out 3 things we both like and 3 things we both dislike. 




Later in the week we talked about our favourite books. The children loved sharing the stories with their friends. We then drew beautiful, vibrant illustrations of the books, using pastel crayons. The reception children labelled their pictures with the initial sounds they have been learning and the Y1 children wrote about their favourite part of the  story.


In maths the Y1 children have been learning about 'ty' numbers; for example 20,30,40,50. They have learnt to say and write maths stories using ty numbers. They have also learnt to act out multiplication maths stories;  to measure in cms and in metres.


The reception children have been practising counting, ordering, forming numbers correctly and acting out maths stories. 



On Wednesday, we had a special visit from Laura, who told us all about her job as a paramedic. The children enjoyed watching a short video clip which showed us a day in the life of a paramedic. They learnt about Dr ABC and how to check for a pulse.



They all especially enjoyed trying on Laura's helmet and jacket.




We also started to practise our assembly which is next Wednesday at 3pm.


Well done Class 1 for another excellent week.


Term 2

Week beginning 2/11/15


This  week we have  learnt  The Gingerbread Man story in Literacy. We have re told  the story and captured images of us playing and learning the story.





We have been  talking about the characters and learning about maths whilst playing gingerbread man dominoes.


We have also  learnt about Bonfire Night. We learnt the story about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot.


 We made lots of fantastic firework and bonfire  pictures.





In Maths the Reception children have worked really hard forming numbers 0,1,3,5 and 6.








Week 7


This week our learning focus has been describing. We spent lots of time talking about and describing our friends. Everybody drew a picture and the Year 1 children wrote sentences about things they enjoy doing with their friends. We continued our learning about The Three Little Pigs by describing the  pigs and the big, bad wolf. The children then used their labelled pictures to write fantastic sentences.


The Reception children all drew a picture from the story and labelled their pictures with the sounds they have been learning.

 During maths the Reception have been doing lots of counting, sometimes  up to 30. They have loved playing dominoes as a class and then independently. 



All of the children have worked really hard during their daily phonics sessions. The Yellow group  continued their learning on digraphs, the Green group  learnt alternate ways to make  previously learnt sounds and the Red group  learnt 'i' and 'n'. The Red group loved their  dough gym sessions to music. ,Manipulating the playdough and moving their fingers helps to develop their fine motor muscles in preparation for writing.



The afternoon sessions saw lots and lots of learning inside and out. The children  loved extending their learning about The Three Little Pigs. They built lots of houses and dens, out of sticks, straw and bricks. They  also used big sticks to make dens that they could sit in.





Well done Class 1 for a brilliant final week.


Enjoy a lovely rest and come back to school ready for lots more learning and fun.





Week 6

This week the children have been learning the story of The Three Little Pigs. The Year 1 children have rewritten the story, in their own words. They have worked really hard on using capital letters, full stops and connectives. They are really getting the hang of capital letters and full stops now. The Reception children have been retelling the story with actions. They particularly love the part where the big, bad wolf comes along and they huff and puff and blow the houses down.




In phonics the Red Group have been working really hard and can now recognise and sound out s,a,t,and p. They can sing the associated songs and show the actions. They have also been practising writing the letters.

Well done Red Group.



There has also been lots of talking about The Three Little Pigs during Bingo.



Alongside all of our indoor learning, of course there has been lots going on outside too.


The children have been making houses with big sticks and ropes, Duplo and smaller Lego bricks. They turned the  outdoor role play in to a builder's yard and used the building tools to build houses.. They have been making pigs with the playdo and they have been building stages and  putting on shows of the story.




Our classroom is such a busy, learning environment !


Next week we are continuing with The Three Little Pigs. We  will be thinking about the different characters and how to describe them and draw them. We will be  using the water tray to do experiments into the best materials to use to make houses;  and in the sand pit, we will be building houses .


Prepare for some wet, sandy but  engaged and motivated children next week.


Remember it is Parents' Evening for Y1 children next week.


For the Reception parents, you will have  a parent's meeting with me the week after your child has been the Focus child. Everyone will have a meeting before the end of Term.



Week 5 


This week our focus has been Autumn . We have enjoyed learning about the season and all the changes that occur. In our Investigation Tray the children have spent time looking closely at the autumn leaves, conkers and acorns. The Year 1 children have been using describing words to write about the things they have found.



 On Thursday we all explored the The Eco Area to find interesting autumn things that we described and put into an autumn poem. The Reception children all found super things that they were able to name and talk about. The Y1 children thought of describing words and added them to a poem. 


On Wednesday afternoon we went for an autumn walk. The children took spotter sheets to help them identify different leaves and little bags so they could collect autumn things that they found interesting. On our return I put big pieces of paper on the floor, but didn't give any instructions. The children organised themselves into groups and started to stick their findings onto the paper. They created an autumn display, all on their own. Well done Class 1.

Whilst on the walk, the children's choice of descriptive language was wonderful and showed how much they had learned this week.  


The Reception children have been working hard this week in Phonics. They have learnt to read and write 's','a' and 't.' Please ask them about the songs and actions they have learnt to accompany the sound and ask them to show you how it is written. 


Our major accomplishment this week was our performance at the school Harvest Festival. Class 1 were amazing. They stood in front of a large audience,  sang and did actions to Big Red Combine Harvester. Their voices were brilliant and I was SO SO impressed that they all joined in.  Amazing work Class 1.




Week 4

Week beginning 28.9.15 

This week we our focus was  Incy Wincy Spider. The  Reception children enjoyed learning the nursery rhyme and joining in with the actions I showed them. Over the course of the week, they continued to practise and began to use instruments and develop new actions and a dance. At the end of the week they performed many  different versions in front of the rest of the class. This showed how their confidence is growing. 

The Year 1 children focused on writing about Incy and what he would see, feel or think at different points in the nursery rhyme. They particularly concentrated on using capital letters and full stops in their sentences. 






The children made lots of different spiders at the Creation Station and many of them are now dangling from the ceiling. Come and see..........if you dare! 




In maths the Reception children started the Maths Makes Sense scheme and enjoyed counting and recognising numbers. They also enjoyed being introduced the the Maths and Resource tables and the  cups that help them to do their maths. 


The Year 1 children practised their number formation, making 2d shapes and drawing straight lines using a ruler.


The Reception children worked really hard in phonics playing lots of games with environment sounds and body percussion.  Next week they are beginning to learn their first letters : s, a, and  t. They will be blending sounds together in to words before we know it. 


The Year 1 children  have worked hard revising previously learnt sounds.   I am sending home sounds cards for you to look at with your child and ask them what sound each digraph makes. Please go through these sounds as often as possible, until they are really confident at recognising each diagraph. 

Next week we are starting to learn alternative ways to make the 42 known sounds. 


This week we have also continued our learning about 'myself.'

In art we learnt about Matisse and how he  used bold colours. We followed his style to make self portraits. Just as he did the children 'painted with scissors.' They cut out shapes for their backgrounds and then used charcoal to draw their portrait. Their master pieces are on the wall in the classroom. Come and admire their hard work. 



The children spent  time  weaving this week, as spiders do with webs. They progressed this into wrapping and became nurses and medics, wrapping bandages around poorly patients.

 In response to their interests we have changed the role play area in to a Dr's Surgery, which they are all loving. If you have any spare bandages or first aid kit that we could use in our play, please bring it in to school.


Next week we are learning the nursery rhyme 'The Wheels on the Bus,' and we are also learning about autumn and harvest to tie in with our Harvest Festival  on Thursday. Please come to church at 2.30 to enjoy our school performance. 


On Wednesday afternoon we are going on an autumn walk. If you could volunteer to help us, please see one of the team.



Week 3 

Week beginning 21.9.15


Our focus this week was 'Our Senses.' The children spent time exploring and using their sense of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste.


On Monday they used their sense of sight to explore their environment and the Year 1 children did some beautiful writing about what they could see. On Tuesday and Wednesday the children experimented with their senses of smell, hearing and touch. They explored the herb garden in the investigation tray, using all of these senses. They made music shakers with different pulses inside and they used flowers and herbs on their bodies to see what it felt like.  




The Reception children spent all of their phonics lessons listening for and making different sounds with sticks, the environment and their voices. 




On Thursday we went for a senses learning walk. We walked all the way to Tesco and we used all of our senses along the way. The children were brilliant. They really paid attention to what they could see, what different sounds they could hear and what they could feel. They noticed the wind on their skin straight away. When they were inside the shop they identified different smells and really liked going near the bakery.

When we returned, we used the ingredients that we had bought to make cookies. The children especially enjoyed using their sense of taste!



Everybody loved making shadows and describing what they could see.



This week everybody in Class 1 worked really hard at being a kind friend and working together. 



Well done Class 1 for having such a productive and enjoyable week.

Next week our focus is 'Incy Wincy Spider' and 'Our Family.'


Phonics Meeting , Tuesday 29.9.15 at 3.45 in Class 1

If you have any large pine cones, kitchen rolls and egg boxes please could we have them .


Week 2

Week beginning 14.9.15 

Our new Reception children are settling in nicely. They are spending time learning about their friends and getting used to their new environment. They are all loving playing with the toys and spending time learning and discovering together. 


We have been up to lots of different things.

We have spent time reading stories and then the children have gone off on their own and enjoyed reading in the Reading Area.




The children  in both year groups have started writing . They are all now signing in in the morning. They are also  writing lots of notes, menus and  signs during their play.  

The Year 1 children enjoyed spending time in the Eco Area during one of their Literacy lessons. They had to talk about themselves and their families. They made art images to help them, using anything they could find. 





We learnt to name our body parts and all enjoyed drawing around each other and writing labels. The Reception showed some superb cutting out skills and the Year 1 children labelled brilliantly.




We all enjoyed doing lots of P.E and physical activities. We enjoyed Balanceability, P.A.S , riding on our bikes, and doing lots of physical literacy, learning to side step slowly and then quickly. 


As ever, we spent a lot of time outside. The children loved using the drain pipes  to learn about trajectory. They used lots of  cars and boats this week. Following on from this we went on a class trip to the canal and looked at lots of real  cars on the roads and barges on the canal. 



We all had a superb week and really enjoyed ourselves. 


Please remember there is a quick phonics meeting for new Reception parents on Tuesday, Class 1. 3.45-4.15pm. The children are welcome to stay with you. 


Please also remember that we are proud of everything that your children achieve, both at home and school. We love to hear about academic, social and emotional achievements. Please write a Wow moment note to tell us about things they do well at home and we will share them with the class. The note will then go on the Wow Board in the cloakroom.  The notes are on the window sill in the cloakroom. 


We would like to go on a walk to Tesco, along the canal on Thursday morning. If you can help, please let us know.You can bring another child in a push chair, if you need to. 



Week 1 

This week we have all been getting to know each other and our classroom. We have done lots of circle games and had lots of chances to learn about each other.  


We have enjoyed playing in all the areas inside and outside. We have loved playing in the home corner and have cooked up a storm in the kitchen. We have tried on all of our dressing up clothes and had some brilliant characters visiting the home corner. We have loved playing with the playdo; making brilliant things at The Creation Station, and we have made some beautiful perfumes using little bottles, petals and water.  

We have loved the outside water tray and how we can arrange the drainpipes to make a track the length of the playground. The rubber ducks have enjoyed going down the pipes too, all the way the end! We have played in the sand pit , on the train and had a brilliant outdoor cafe, where the chefs and waiters have worked very hard taking orders and making food.  








We all practised our tidying up skills everyday and everybody was brilliant. 



All the children loved going to the Park on Thursday afternoon and displayed some superb kind friends skills.


We all had the most exciting and amazing day on Friday when  it was bike day.   The children loved watching The Tour of Britain  ride past school with lots of police motorbikes helping them. They loved  bringing their bikes to school and riding them and our balance bikes  in the afternoon. They were all amazing. The Year 1's later joined in in a duathlon on The Rec and were brilliant. 


What a superb first week we all had. I am sure after all that, everybody slept very soundly on Friday night. 


Summer Term 

This term our topic is Dinosaurs. We will be learning all about the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous  periods. We will be learning what the world was like during those times. We will be learning about many different dinosaurs, what they looked like, what they ate and where they lived. We will be doing a multitude of creative and independent learning to show our learning. 


no   smiley 

Week 7 

The children have had a brilliant week this week continuing their learning about dinosaurs and  other reptiles from the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. 


They showed us just how much they had learnt so far over the topic, when we asked them to independently write whatever they wanted about dinosaurs. Gosh they have learnt so much!!


We extended their learning even further when they learnt about Flying Reptiles and Sea Reptiles. They really enjoyed this and loved the songs and websites they used to find information out. Search and  if you want to brush up your knowledge first!!    The children as so good, they will now be able to confidently tell you about dinosaurs and  other animals alive during the dinosaur times.


 On Wednesday we made some dinosaur biscuits and then wrote instructions on how to make them. The children wrote beautifully and independently and showed me how far they have all come this year. I was amazed and very proud.  Their instructions are coming home to you so you can make them again with the children. 



The children had 2 performances of their end of year production this week and were amazing in both. They sang and performed brilliantly in front of big audiences. Well done Class 1 .


They have all worked hard in maths and shown us just how much they have learnt over the term. I have been very impressed with the Year 1's ability to write and calculate 4 digit vertical addition and subtractions and their ability to show the time on an analogue clock. The Reception children did lots of number and shape hunts in and around school.


Everybody has loved their independent learning time this week. The children really enjoyed their time in the Eco Area and made some superb dens for different types of dinosaurs. They put a lot of thought into where they would build their dens and what materials they could use. Every groups den looked different. 




The children have also really enjoyed being creative and have been making up lots and lots of shows. Most of which have included many different characters. I have been really impressed with those that included a story line .





Well done Class 1 for another excellent week. 


Remember Monday the 20th July is Open Day where you you can come into class and share all of the work your child has been doing this year. It is a lovely opportunity to see their books and  how much progress they have made over the year. 


 Wednesday from 2.30- 4.30 pm is our extra Special Tea Party for Mrs Hartley. Please come along. Any cakes you would like to make for the occasion will be gratefully received. 


Thursday 23rd July is our class trip to Whaley Park. If you haven't completed and returned the consent form, please do so as soon as possible. 



Week 6 

The children continued to work hard and try their best all week long. 

In maths the Year 1 children were working on estimating and counting, writing 4 digit vertical maths stories, naming the 2d faces on 3d shapes and writing the hour and minute hands on analogue clocks. They enjoyed estimating how many shapes the dinosaurs had collected.


They also enjoyed challenging themselves during their Early Morning Work to 1 minute maths challenges.


The Reception children learned how to  recognise ,say  and write 1/4 . The enjoyed making toast and cutting it in to quarters, colouring quarters on a whiteboard game , cutting up 2d shapes into quarters and writing it on whiteboards, amongst other things.





The children enjoyed learning about carnivorous dinosaurs in the Cretaceous Period this week. They did lots of independent learning using books, websites and songs and then produced little booklets on their chosen dinosaur or showed their learning through art. Between them they learnt about T Rex, Gigantosaurus and Spinosaurus .





Some children chose to sort all the dinosaurs in to Plant Eaters and Meat Eaters.



On Tuesday all the children enjoyed 'Move Up Morning,' when they visited their new classes or in Reception's case, enjoyed welcoming our new intake in. 


The children also put in a superb performance during our Dress Rehearsal of 'A Deck of Cards ' for Class 4.  All of the audience were really impressed.


 Don't forget it is the real thing next week. Afternoon Performance on Tuesday at 1.30 pm and evening performance on Wednesday at 6pm. 


Week 5


We had a very sporty, active and performance based week.


Tuesday was our school Sports Spectacular event where everybody enjoyed a whole morning of sports activities. The children enjoyed being in mixed aged teams and they loved visiting all 16 different activities throughout the morning. I was very impressed with all the children who had a go at every activity and attacked them all with determination and focus. Well done Class 1. 




The children also joined in the Key Stage 1 Area Sports competition where we competed against lots of other local schools. The children participated in flat races, hurdles, sack races, bean bag relays, square games and more. They all tried so hard and were AMAZING. We were SO proud of your effort and team spirit. Well done Classes 1 and 2.

It was an added bonus that we WON the whole competition!!! 

All those Friday afternoon PE lessons practising the events paid off.  








This week we worked very hard on our Class assembly. We practised every day and performed really well in the real thing. The children showed off their work and understanding about life cycles and dinosaurs. They acted out and explained different life cycles brilliantly and then read their stories on dinosaurs beautifully. Everybody loved their dinosaur dance!




Amongst all our events we have found time to enjoy dinosaur activities too.




The children thought of some superb describing words whilst exploring the dinosaur ice eggs. 

Dinosaur playdo.



Dinosaur Maths.


  • Another great week Class 1 . Well done.



Week 1 

This week we roared into our learning by reading  Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs. We are learning to use lots of adjectives and connectives in our work. We have also been  finding out about The Triassic Period.   We have done lots of independent learning. 

Dinosaur Role Play

Dinosaur Bingo


Dinosaur and Triassic Period paintings

We painted footprints with dinosaurs then made big dinosaur footprints!

Making dinosaurs.


The Reception children did lots of learning in the Eco Area. They found  stones that they thought might be dinosaur teeth, they found branches that might be bones and they made dinosaur dens.



The week ended with a super visit from Derbyshire Fire Service. the children enjoyed a video and a talk from a firefighter. 


Over the next few weeks we are going to be making dinosaur skeletons using kitchen rolls and smaller rolls. Please could you collect them and bring them in on the third week of term. 


Costumes for The Deck Of Cards, end of term production are now due in. If you no longer have the costume letter or are unsure what costume your child needs, please see Miss Crombleholme.



Week 2 

This week we have been reading Harry and The Robots in Writer's Workshop. We also remembered all the other Harry and The Bucketful of Dinosaur stories we have read. The children did some superb acting on Tuesday when they worked together and acted out their favourite story so far. On Wednesday we started to think about our own stories and what characters will be in them. We used Wednesday's Writers Workshop lesson to make our characters.  The end results were fantastic ..........robots.




In Maths the Reception Children have been learning numbers 17,18,19. 27,28 and 29. They have been giving dinosaurs 18 spikes, 17 dinosaur kisses, and putting the right number of dinosaur eggs in the nests , amongst other things.  




We have been learning about the Jurrasic Period and what it was like. The children explored our Eco Area and collected materials to make their own Jurrasic habitats. They worked very hard in teams to create some superb habitats.  






Later in the week  we learnt about some herbivores in the Jurassic period. We learnt about the Stegosaurus, the Brontosaurus and the Brachiosaurus. Some  children chose to make the dinosaurs using different malleable materials.








The children also got creative building their own swamp outside which they, and the dinosaurs loved.



On a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon the children who will be joining our Reception class next year have been coming to our 'Stay and Play' induction sessions. The new children have been brilliant but so have our current class 1. They have been very welcoming and very well behaved. 


Well done Class 1. Another great week.


Week 4



Class 1 have had a superb week enjoying lots of art opportunities. We have been learning and using a range of skills linking to arts, creative thinking and challenges. 


We started the week on Monday with an architecture workshop. The children were amazed to find out that with just  sticks and elastic bands they could build many different structures. 


The Reception children used canes to make triangles before joining them together to make  strong dens which they could fit inside. 

The Year 1 children started with simple triangles and ultimately made Octahedrons which they used as a den for a teddy.



On Tuesday we enjoyed PAS as usual and played really well as teams. the children were learning to play croquet. 



Later that day we took part in a puzzle challenge workshop with Class 2 .

The children had to use their problem solving and critical  thinking skills to work out how to solve different puzzles. The children showed superb team work qualities and thought of ways they could solve their problems. I was also proud of how they shared their ideas in their teams.

Balancing penguins on a moving iceberg.


Jigsaw puzzles.


Building structures.


We continued using our problem solving skills all day. In the afternoon we enjoyed doing a dinosaur map quest challenge. The children enjoyed using a map and learning to orientate it, to locate dinosaurs in the playground. They used their team work skills again. 





Later on that day we looked at pictures of dinosaur skeletons and started collecting sticks, stones and leaves from the Eco Area to make the dinosaurs. Unfortunately we did such a good job collecting and took so long over it that we didn't have time to make them so we will return to this job next week. 




Later in the week we were inspired by a Photography Workshop. The children loved using each other as subjects for their pictures  and then of creating a story through photographs. 





We even had time in our busy week to work on making thrones for our Deck of Cards production. 







And of course we found some time to play.





Well done Class 1 for another excellent week.


Next week is Class 1's assembly. The children have been sent home with words to learn.  Please could you help them to do so. Don't forget to come and watch them on Thursday at 3pm.

Please also continue to read with them, at least 3 times a week. 


Tuesday is Sports Spectacular morning so ensure your child has a water bottle and sun hat and cream on. They will be outside all morning. Come along and watch if you can.

On Wednesday afternoon we are participating in a KS1 Area Sports competition so the same applies for then. 




Y1 children have been asked to revise all the alternative ways to make Phase 3 sounds this week  for their spellings homework.  The sounds are on the assessment sheet sent home before half term. 

Please also try to hear your child read , ATLEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK.

It really does make a difference to them.



Summer Term 1 


Welcome back to a sunny summer term. 

This term our topic is 'Changes'. We will be learning about changes that have happened over time, changes in our environment and changes that occur  in life cycles . We will be watching many lifecycles , including, frogs, butterflies and plants.   For more details on our curriculum please see our Curriculum overview. 

As we are now in our last term, we are really hoping to push all the children to help them reach their full potential. Any work you do with them at home really helps and your efforts definitely show . Please try and listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Remember to ask them questions about what they have read.   Check the phonics notice board in class each week so you are aware of the sounds they are learning and please try and spot these sounds when you are with your child. They might occur in words you see whilst you are out or you may hear them in the words you say.   Ask them to do mental maths calculations or patterns.  Finally Y1 children, practise spellings every week . Foundation Stage children, look out for the start of spelling tests soon!

Week 6 


We had a busy last week, spending a lot of time outside, despite the weather. 


At the end of week 5 ,our butterflies started to hatch out of their chrysalis'. On Monday  we enjoyed observing and talking about the beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies that had emerged. We also spent time watching them as they experienced going outside for the first time and as they took their first tentative flights into our  wonderful world.


This linked nicely with our R.E lesson this week. All term we have been learning about different creation stories from different religions and cultures. This week we talked about and explored the wonderful world that had been created and we spent time thinking about how we should look after it. We went down to the canal and sketched pictures of the beautiful flowers, plants and leaves we could find. We then returned to school and used water colours to paint them.  






We spent time this week learning what children can do, during the child stage of the human life cycle. We made some superb reports and posters about ourselves. 


In Maths the Y1 children extended their learning about 2d and 3d shapes. They did a very thorough shape hunt around school and were quite surprised to learn how many 3d shapes there were in real life , when you just look! They also enjoyed playing shops to learn about giving change. The Reception children played postmen, and made streets. They concentrated on  writing house numbers and ordering them,   to deliver the letters to the right houses. .  


The Reception children enjoyed their Balanceability sessions and were superb at listening to  instructions. They enjoyed riding down the made up roads in the playground and looking at the road signs. 




As part of our topic we have been learning about changes in time. We have particularly looked at life in Victorian Britain. This week we enjoyed looking at toys from the past and we played some of the games. 

The children were enthralled playing a big game of marbles and they tried rolling hoops along the hall.  



We also spent time tending to our gardening beds. We tidied the beds where we planted  carrots and poppies last week and we prepared the last bed before planting radishes. Hopefully, when we return to school we shall see some shoots.




The other group spent time exploring the Eco Area finding out what minibeasts they could find. .




We had a very busy, very active last week of term and a superb half term learning all about Life Cycles. 


I hope you all have a brilliant half term  and look forward to seeing you next term for .....Dinosaurs.


Remember school starts on TUESDAY 2nd June. The children have PAS that day and so will need their P.E kits on the first day back. Please could you check that they still fit and that they have

 all of the correct, named kit, in their bags. 


Week 5 

Our focus this week was The Life Cycle of a Human.

In Literacy , we enjoyed listening to and writing our own poetry.  We were learning how to hear rhyming words and to think of some words that rhyme ourselves. We wrote  brilliant rhyming couplets. We also enjoyed listening to the poems; What Are Little Girls Made of? and,  What Are Little Boys Made of?   The children  wrote their own versions. There is a display of their poetry work, in the classroom. Please come and have a look.


In other work, the children sequenced and role played the different stages of the human life cycle. Watching their interpretations of the elderley, I am not sure I am looking forward to it! The children  made people , in all the stages of the life cycle using pipe cleaners and lollypop sticks.


We spent time this week practising for our  Maypole  dances and they were all brilliant. The children skipped perfectly and all remembered what to do.  Well done Class 1. 


We did 1 dance on our own...




and The Ribbon Tunnel dance with Class 2.



Each Thursday afternoon,  we enjoy learning in 'The Eco Area'. Half of the class do Eco activities and the other half do gardening. The groups swap over each week. This week, the Gardening Group were making sure the beds were ready to plant our seeds and  they enjoyed planting carrots and poppy seeds. The Eco Area group were doing minibeast hunts.




As we work outside every Thursday, please could you ensure that your child has their gardening clothes and wellies in school, every week. It is probably easier to leave them at school and we will send them home for a wash  at the end of the term. Many children don't seem to have theirs at the moment, so please could you come in to class and check whether your child has theirs. Thanks.



Week 4

This week was a very short but productive week, where the children still learnt lots, and had a lot of fun.

After the Bank Holiday weekend the children were well rested and came back to  school very eager. Our focus  for the week was chickens.  We learnt  about the life cycle of a chicken.  The children loved learning and acting out the story  of The Little Red Hen. They worked well in groups and put on some lovely performances.


They worked hard in Maths, with the Reception children counting and learning to recognise numbers up to  100 !! The Year 1 children extended their understanding on 2d and 3d shapes, and the were using money. They are getting very good at working out how much change is needed.


The Reception children enjoyed their 'Ace Adventure Afternoon' on Tuesday. As our focus was chickens, they were looking for nests and things that a bird might use to make a nest. They made some super nests with the things they collected in the Eco Area.    


On Wednesday they continued their 'Balanceability' sessions and showed massive improvements in their balancing. They could even walk along the thin edge of a bench, all the way, from one end to the other! They are all becoming very proficient at managing themselves and their balance bikes. 


On Thursday, we had a super day trip to Whaley Bridge. We walked along the canal and spotted lots of ducks with their ducklings. The children enjoyed feeding them the bread we bought. We walked in to the village and then to the park. Everybody loved going to the park and they all had superb fun. There were lots of smiles and some lovely laughs. The children challenged themselves on the climbing frames and many of them got right to the top!









Our focus next week is The Life cycle of a human. 


Week 3 

This week our focus has been The Lifecycle of a frog. The children have enjoyed using non fiction books and using video sources to learn lots. They are now very knowledgeable about the whole lifecycle and can tell you lots of interesting facts about frogs.  They have written brilliant reports using super sentences, wow words and good punctuation. Our work is on display in the classroom.  To support our writing the children have also made frogspawn, tadpoles, froglets and frogs for the display. 


The children have been working hard in phonics and maths. The Reception children did some brilliant tessellating of 2d shapes and were very competent at explaining what shapes we could tessellate. They could also confidently work out what shapes we couldn't tessellate and why. 


As ever, we have loved our outdoor learning. We have been enjoying the Eco Area and doing more work on our gardening beds. They are now prepared and  ready  for us to plant some vegetable and flower seeds. 


The Reception Children enjoying tessellating.



Outdoor Learning.




On Thursday 7th May, we will be enjoying a day trip to Whaley Bridge. Please ensure you have signed and returned the consent slip which was given out on Friday. Please could you make sure your child wears sensible walking shoes, a waterproof coat and brings their packed lunch. We will be out all day, returning just in time for the end of the school day. 


Week 2 


We had a super week learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. The children have learnt so much and have written some brilliant reports. They have loved watching the caterpillars in the classroom and measuring them to see how much they have grown. 


They have worked very hard in maths also. The Y1 children have been working on 4 digit vertical additions , paying for goods and giving change and word problems. The Reception children have been learning to understand and write a half in maths. They have also been revising their understanding of 2d shape and learning 3d shapes.



We have made the most of the beautiful weather and spent  a lot of time outside. The children loved learning ball skills with small balls outside in PAS.




The Reception enjoyed their Balanceability session on bikes. They are learning so much and having great fun.



We have enjoyed a leaf and tree hunt and absolutely loved preparing one of our Class Gardening beds









The children have also enjoyed their choosing time.




What a great week we have had. 

Next week will be equally busy. Please remember your child will be doing gardening on Thursday and so make  sure they have the appropriate clothing requested. Also on Thursday, after school , there will be a short meeting for the Reception parents showing how to use Tapestry, the on line Learning Journal. Please let us know if you will be attending. 



Week 1 

This week  we have been busy planting broad bean seeds and have started writing our Broad Bean Diary. We are going to watch our beans grow and write a diary to record everything that changes.  We have also been learning about Sunflowers and writing superb Non Chronological Reports. The children have planted  sunflower seeds and are going to watch them grow also.  The seeds were the first live things to go into our Life Cycle Lab.


The second thing to enter got the children CancelSave very excited and curious. They arrived in a very small box with 'Fragile' and 'Open immediately' typed on the side. We opened the box to discover some very small caterpillars.  The children are really enjoying watching them and filling in the daily record of how they change.


On  Thursday, we went for a walk in our local environment and noticed  changes that have occurred since we last walked along the tramway. We walked all the way into Chinley . We looked for tadpoles and collected some to go into our tank, which is also in our Life Cycles Lab. The children were brilliant on the walk and I really noticed how much they had grown up since our first walk to Chinley in September. 







The children really enjoyed making their own choice  about which ice cream to choose or which piece of fruit. A super time was had by all. 


This term  we are intending to go into the Eco Area and help with the gardening on a weekly basis. We  are going to be learning how to get the beds ready, how to plant different vegetables and how to look after them as they grow. We will also be learning how to handle tools safely. 


Look out for a letter in book bags  about gardening next week.






Week 6 

This week flew by with so many things to do and enjoy. 


We started with our class trip to the Superworm Trail at Sherwood Forest. The trail was excellent with lots of activities to do at each board we came across. The children thoroughly enjoyed the many play parks there and all the challenges they presented. I was so impressed with their positive attitudes to give everything a go.





The children loved climbing.




The dens were brilliant.



And they were so happy when we came across this fella ! 



As with every school trip, having a picnic was one of the highlights! 


Class one also spent time this week preparing for Easter. They made Easter bonnets.



And looked beautiful wearing them. 



They made Easter cards and Easter baskets too.


The children had a super day on Thursday and performed brilliantly in St James Church during our Easter Service. They sang and acted out 'We Have a King Who Rides a Donkey' with beautiful voices and beautiful smiles.



They also enjoyed the singing back at school, and of course the egg rolling competitions.



Despite all this fun the children still found time to do do lots of work too!!


They have had a superb term and have all developed well. Well done Class 1.


Next term our topic is ' Changes'.  

We will be looking at the  life cycles of different animals; historical changes and events in different time periods;  and changes that are occurring in our local environment. I am sure the children will love it.


Happy Easter. 


Week 5

This week we were learning the story 'What the Ladybird Heard.' The children loved the story. They enjoyed the idea of the naughty men making a plan to seal the cow and that the ladybird listened and finally talked.  They used the ideas from the book as a stimulus to write their own instructions on how to steal the fine prize cow. They drew maps of a farm yard and then wrote amazing instructions which all included bossy verbs, put the steps in order and were very clear. The children all used a variety of bossy verbs including jump, hop, run, swim, crawl, climb and walk. Well done Class 1.


In Maths the Reception children were reading, acting out and  writing maths stories. They also learnt about symmetry and made some brilliant symmetrical ladybirds, butterflies and shapes. 

The Year 1 children worked very hard writing and finishing vertical maths stories. They did lots of counting in 2s,5s,and 10s. They also practised their times tables. 


The children really enjoyed PAS and were brilliant at listening and following Adam's instructions. They showed superb rolling skills with small balls.




The Reception children had a super time on their  Ace Adventure Afternoon. This week they enjoyed some time on the park. They used so many skills climbing, balancing, pushing, running and swinging. Not to mention superb social skills being good friends.  





On Wednesday afternoon, we welcomed the Preschool children into school to join in with the Balance ability course. Over 10 weeks the children are learning to balance and ride on balance bikes. Everyone loved the first session. It as such good fun. Well done Mrs Somerville for leading such an excellent session. 




The children really enjoyed playing in The Eco Area this week. We have made many visits. On Thursday I gave the children a little pack which contained some string, tape, and pieces of leather. They were put in pairs and given the challenge of making a home for the ladybird in the story. The children worked so hard and created some brilliant homes. Some even had different floors, a bedroom and furniture for the inside! They came up with such different designs and ideas. 




Next week we will be concentrating on The Easter Story and Easter Activities.


On Monday  Class 1 will be enjoying our trip to The Superworm Trail. We have enjoyed the Julia Donaldson story in class and are now looking forward to finding some of the animals in the story in Sherwood Forest.


Please remember to wear warm, comfortable, waterproof clothing and sensible shoes. Please bring in the new consent form signed on Monday.


Term 4

Week 4 

The children also worked really hard learning The Stickman this week.They wrote some amazing acrostic poems using the words 'Stick' and 'Tree' . 



The children loved spending time in the Eco Area collecting sticks we could use to make 'Stickman.'




We enjoyed thinking what our sticks would be if they were Stickman.



Class 1 really enjoyed visiting the medieval times when they visited Class 2's Living History event. Class 2's enterprise event was so interesting. The medieval banquet was brilliant and all of the children in Class 1 learnt lots when they talked to the king and queen,  the guards and read all the interesting facts about medieval times.




The children especially enjoyed eating the pottage and gingerbread Class 2 had made and learning how to do Medieval dances. 



To end the week, all the children got dressed up as spies or secret agents in aid of Red Nose Day. They looked fantastic. 



What a super, busy week in the life of Class 1.

Despite all of these events, they still managed to do lots of

work in every lesson. Well done Class 1.


Next week we are learning the story 'What the Ladybird Heard' and will be learning how to give instructions.

We will also be learning lots about ladybirds, other mini beasts and farm animals.  


Monday the 23rd of March is Class 1's trip to The Gruffalo Trail. If you haven't returned your slip and money , and you wish for your child to participate, please return them by Wednesday 18th March.


Term 4.

Week 3

This week our focus was The Smartest Giant in Town. The children really enjoyed learning the story and thinking about who George helped. We used George as a stimulus for thinking about who we help in our class and how we can be a kind friend, just like George.


The children worked hard on being good friends this week. Whilst I was busy for 5 minutes and all the children were sat on the carpet, they started their own game of Chinese whispers. They organised themselves into groups and all worked really well together. I was so proud of them.



The children  were really excited when they got a letter from the publishers asking them to write a new page for the story book. They  thought about other  animals George could help, and what clothes he could use to help them. The children's plans and written pieces were fantastic. George helped pigs, elephants and even an octopus! The children will be sharing some of their amazing ideas in our assembly on Wednesday.  


In Phonics we have been very busy. Throughout the groups  we have been learning the 'th','sh','ch', 'ng', 'er','air' and 'ure' phonemes. We have also been learning alternative ways to make the 's' sound; 'se' at the end of a word and 'st' in the middle .  Look on the Sounds of the Week sign to find out what phonemes the Red, Yellow and Green groups are learning each week. 


The children enjoyed sharing books on World Book Day and reading  in the classroom .



We changed the role play and it became a Giant's clothes shop. The children loved playing in the shop. They enjoyed serving customers; using their maths skills to pay for the clothes and give change;and they really enjoyed trying all the giants huge clothes on. 



The children used lots of skills in all of our Continuous Provision  activities this week. 

In our cooking activity, they were developing their fine motor skills by making  Gruffalo crumbles, moving and manipulating their fingers.They were using maths skills  when measuring and speaking and listening skills to listen to the instructions and respond. 


In another activity we did an experiment to find out what the best material would be to make a boat for the goat, in The Smartest Giant in Town. We tried all sorts of materials such as card, fabric, clay and plastic. We  made boats out of some in the hope they would be waterproof and not sink.  We enjoyed testing the materials out. 






When we finally found the best material , we found things we could use, made of this material, that we could make into boats. We loved painting them and making sails to go inside. 



As you can see, the children had a brilliant week. Next week our focus is Stickman. 


Please remember it is Class 1's assembly this Wednesday, at 3pm. The children are very excited about sharing their work on Space, from last term and their work on Julia Donaldson, this term. 


Term 4

Week 2 

This week we learnt about The Gruffalo. We enjoyed  listening to  Miss Crombleholme reading the the story but also listening to the story when it was  sung to music. Have a look using the link below. . We also enjoyed learning what the gruffalo looks like by learning The Gruffalo song. If you would like to listen too, google ' Gruffalo song.'  The children thought a lot about the characters. We hot seated being the gruffalo and we took turns being the gruffalo to answer the questions .


























We thought about the mouse and what the animals in the forest might think of him. Our ideas were amazing. We wrote some

some brilliant 'Wanted' posters, to help catch the mouse.























We have enjoyed our music session with Mrs Somerville. We sang some of our favourite songs, we learnt how to hold  and play instruments. We learnt about long and short sounds, soft and loud and stop and go. 





The Reception children have started to enjoy their 'Ace Adventure Afternoon' sessions with Mrs Somerville. Every Tuesday afternoon the children are going out and about in the local environment. This Tuesday they explored our Eco Area and did some super learning and playing.  





We all worked really hard and had an enjoyable week. The Smartest Giant in Town next week. Look out for a change in the role play area. It is becoming a clothes shop for giants. If you need any items, I am sure the children would love to serve you. 


We are going on a really exciting adventure on the 23rd of March . We are hunting for the gruffalo at The Gruffalo Trail in Delamere Forest. Look out for a letter going home in book bags this week. 



Term 4

Week 1

Our topic this term is Julia Donaldson. We are learning many of her wonderful stories in Literacy and using them as a basis for all our other lessons.


Our focus this week was 'Room on the Broom.' The children have really enjoyed learning the story. We have been sequencing the story on story plates, learning about the characters and thinking about how to make our writing better by using describing words. 





We enjoyed thinking about questions we would ask the witch if we met her and we  wrote them down using question marks. We were really surprised when she actually visited us on Thursday morning, with her cat and we got to ask her the questions we had thought of. 


In maths , the Reception children have been learning how to form numbers 2,5,7 and 9. 

They have also been learning about ordinal numbers. They enjoyed doing lots of races and saying who was 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th.



We have been looking at the illustrations in Room on the Broom and we have painted our own backgrounds for a Julia Donaldson story. We learnt how to mix colours using black and white to shade. 




We have enjoyed learning new computing skills.

The Year 1 children were learning how to turn the laptops on and log into Purple Mash  using their own passwords. They also learnt how to close programs down and shut down the computers safely.

The Reception children enjoyed using the tablets to play on different games.




We thought about the plants we see in Room on the Broom and we went outside to see what plants we could find. The children took their own photographs. Here are some of them.When we came inside we make models of the plants we saw and have created a lovely early spring garden in our Gruffalo Woodland area.




Whilst we were in the Eco Area we had some fun too. We loved playing on the swing.




On Friday, the Reception children finished the week by making Gingerbread characters from Room on the Broom. 


We also found time to make up a dance to The Room on the Broom song and think about how the characters would move. Phew, what a  busy and enjoyable week in the life of a child in Class 1.


Next week we are learning about The Gruffalo. We can't wait. 


Week 3 

This week our focus was 'The moon.' We spent time learning about it's physical features and how it moves. We found it really interesting thinking about the lack of gravity and what it would feel like. We enjoyed watching clips of astronauts floating around in their space ships. 


In Art we created images of the moon by printing with different materials and textures. 





We thought about the geographical features of the moon and learnt about craters and mountains. We designed and made moon buggies that would cope with travel on the moon. 


In Literacy we started learning the story 'Whatever Next.' We really enjoyed learning about the characters and hot seating being Baby Bear. We thought of some wonderful things we would do if we went to the moon and what we would take for our picnic. 


In P.E we had  super lessons. We enjoyed games skills with Adam in PAS. We also learnt a lot about different shapes and ways to travel in our gymnastic lesson by Miss Heath, from C.E.L.F High School.



Week 4 

This week we had a short week due to the snow but we still packed lots in. 


In Literacy we continued our work on 'Whatever Next' and did some amazing writing retelling the story. We worked independently and I was so impressed with everybody's  work. The Reception children tried hard to listen to all the sounds they heard in the words and write them down.  The Year 1 children were focussing on writing in sentences and using capital letters and full stops. 


Our topic focus this week was 'The Sun.' We enjoyed learning facts about the sun and were amazed to find out that it was only a medium sized star and that 100 million Earth's would fit inside !!!


We created  beautiful images of the sun using pastels, collages and weaving in hot colours.








In Maths , Year 1 learnt how to add 2 digits numbers and 1 digit numbers together using partitioning. The Reception children were counting, sequencing, writing and ordering numbers. 


We really enjoyed playing outside in the snow and used each  outside playtime as an opportunity to improve our independence skills. we practised, and got very good at  getting our own wellies, hats, gloves and scarves on.


We also enjoyed painting the moon buggies we had made the week before. 



We have produced so much amazing work this term. We have made 3 displays showcasing our work. Two are our classroom and one is outside Mrs Hartley's office. Please pop in to have a look. 


Week 5 


This week we learnt about Neil Armstrong and his life. We did some brilliant writing telling his life story. 


All term we have been learning in History  about time lines. We have learnt a time line of Space travel, one of the race to the moon and then about Neil Armstrong's life. We culminated our learning about time lines by making a time line of our own life. The children enjoyed drawing pictures and writing about their lives. These are on a display outside our classroom. Please have a little look.  


In Maths, Year 1 worked very hard learning how to write vertical additions with 2 digit numbers. This is very tricky but they all did really well.

Reception children practised writing, acting out and reading maths stories. They also consolidated their learning on numbers.



The children are improving their computing skills all the time and are now very adept at using the class camera on their own to capture images of their own work. These are photos of things the children have taken, that they wanted to capture.




We have had a superb term and the children have worked really hard. Their progress  blasted off into space.

Well done Class 1.


smiley  heart


Next term our topic is Julia Donaldson. I am really looking forward to it as we have so  

many exciting things planned. 

Our role play area is going to be a woodland forest, so if you have any woodland !!  you can donate or cuddly animal toys to go in it, please bring them in. 







Minibeast Curriculum Overview T4 and newsletter

Week 2,  12.1.15

We had such a busy week, the time flew by.
In Literacy we enjoyed learning the story Aliens Love Underpants.We described the aliens and all the pants that they liked. We made our own aliens and really enjoyed making some super pants for them!   We looked at their pants and thought of rhyming words. We also made up some rhyming couplets!

In Dance we have started listening to different pieces of music and putting together dance movements. This week we were moving like aliens in their underpants.

In music we have been exploring the sounds different instruments make and then picking the instruments we think are best suited to make us think of different space pictures.

We have been using ICT to do research into the time line of space travel. The children really enjoyed using QR codes to go straight to web pages and listening to questions and information on sound buttons. They also used books and pictures to learn about and order the events in the time line of space travel starting with the first monkey to go to space and ending with Neil Armstrong landing on the moon. This week we will be learning more about the events of 1969.

Keep watching this space to see photos of the week. 

Week Commencing 5.1.15

We had a super first week back. The children got straight back in to the swing of things and worked very hard. 
In Literacy we were learning what rhyming words are. We used Roaring Rockets to help us spot rhyming words and we went on to think of rhyming words ourselves. We also wrote rhyming couplets.

In phonics the Year 1 children  were busy revising the 'ie' digraph making an 'ee' sound and they have really got to grips with it now. In other phonics we were revising 'u', 'r' 'oi' and 2 syllable words.

In Maths Makes Sense the reception children were securing and expanding their knowledge on 2d shapes. The Year 1 children were working on the perimeters of shapes, measuring using cms and making up real life maths stories. 

We really enjoyed starting our new topic. We  designed and made super rockets. We then made launch pads in the sand pit outside and launched them. 

We started learning about the geographical features of Buxworth. We went on a walk around the village and used technical words to say what things were.

We started learning about  timelines. We  made a time line of significant events in history including the dinosaurs, The Romans, the birth of Christ, and more recent events. We learnt about the first aeroplane flight in 1903 by The Wright Brothers. The children did some beautiful writing to show their understanding.

Well done Class 1. You had a brilliant week.


Spring Term 1

 Happy New Year to everyone.
Welcome back to a new year and a new topic.This term our topic is 'To Infinity and Beyond.'
We will be learning about our planet, our moon and the planets in our solar system. We will be using some super text books in  Literacy to write stories, poems and a biography about Neil Armstrong. We will be enjoying Roaring Rockets, Aliens Love Underpants, Whatever Next and The Man on the Moon.
We will be doing lots of creative activities including making aliens, rockets and  the equipment we would need to go to space. We will also be using marbelling inks to create space pictures.  To find out all the other exciting things we will be doing during our topic see the curriculum overview.  

A few reminders. 

Please try and listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Please help them practise their spellings ready for their test on a Thursday. Handwriting books will go home when children need to practise their letter formation. Please check the books each week to see which pages are date stamped. The children need to complete the pages by the date stamped. Extra homework activities will  be sent home when the children need it. 

During Week 3 we will be making aliens out of bottle corks, to go with the stories we will be writing. Please could you send in any bottle corks you have to help us. We are particularly wanting  champagne corks.

As ever, if you have any problems or concerns, at any time, please come and speak to one of the team. After schools are better for us and will allow us more time. 

All that is left to say is make sure you all have your seat belts fastened... our learning is about to take off to infinity and beyond.


Week 6 
Christmas Productions Week 

This week the children were amazing in their Christmas shows. We performed 'Children of The World' in front of two packed audiences. The children sang all the songs brilliantly, danced to their hearts' content and acted brilliantly. We were all so, so proud of them - as I am sure their parents were too. 

We also did lots of writing this week.  On Monday, we made our own Santa advent calendars that have cotton wool beards. We have enjoyed adding a new bit of beard each morning. We have also written  instructions on how to make a Santa Advent Calendar using all our previous learning on writing instructions.

The Foundation Stage have been doing some superb labelling and even started writing sentences too. 

In maths, the Reception children have been recognising numbers up to 25 and ordering them using Christmas bingo and Christmas advent calendars. 

In the afternoons, we have done some super Christmas activities including make wreaths, making biscuits, printing Penguin pictures using potatoes, and making robin pictures using finger prints. 

The children have loved doing online Christmas activities. Please  check them out.

More pictures to follow. 

Next week 

Week 5 
Wedding Week
We had an amazing time on Tuesday. We really enjoyed going to St James' Church to celebrate 'Class 1's Wedding' ,in front of our parents, grandparents and all of the school.  

The children had worked very hard to organise the wedding and make everything they would need.  They had written the invitations, made the flowers , made their rings, made a delicious cake and iced it, written their own vows and also  some prayers.  

They listened really well, when Reverend Edgerton was talking to them before the service.
Our bride , her bridesmaids and the bride's father walked down the aisle in brilliant time to 'The Wedding March', played by Mrs Hartley.
The wedding ceremony was brilliant and the children were outstanding.

The bride and groom, and their witnesses signed the register.

We had a brilliant time and the whole school watched. Well done  Class 1 , you were amazing.

As well as enjoying our wedding, we have still been doing lots of learning.

The green phonics group have been enjoying forming their letters with different equipment. Here they were using cones.

The  Year 1 children  enjoyed learning a number bonds to 10 chant and even chose to practise it again in their lunch time !!

We did some superb speaking and listening in Literacy on Tuesday. One child had to describe a picture, that only they could see, and the other children had to draw what the describer said.  This really made us concentrate on describing.

Week 4 
Week four flew by in a blink.
The children worked really hard practising all our songs for the Christmas Production, learning their lines, where to say them and where to stand on stage. Not only that, some children have been learning dances and actions too!!! The children sound amazing. We are all getting very excited about our dress rehearsal on Wednesday. 

The children have also been preparing for our class assembly which is on TUESDAY 2ND DECEMBER at 2.45 pm in St James' Church.  We have written our own vows and prayers for the wedding service and we have been learning what happens at a real wedding. Mrs Downings came to talk to us about her wedding , last year, and showed us some photos.

On Thursday we all enjoyed Christmas Activities day. We were in mixed age groups and we did 5 different Christmas activities in different classrooms. We enjoyed making tree decorations, Christmas biscuits, calendars, Christmas cards and Christmas wreaths. 

As always, we loved playing outside. We enjoyed working out how to get the dinosaur to travel from 1 side of the playground to the other. 

Week 3. 
We  have had another  busy week in Class 1.  Our focus for this week was 'Weddings.' The children started to learn all about what a wedding is and  what it involves. We have spent time learning what vows are and we have been writing our own 'vows' or promises . The children wrote  and spoke beautifully. 

We have been  busy organising our wedding too . We have  been learning about the different roles people have at weddings and we have picked the roles  we would like to  take . We now have a bride and groom, bridesmaids,  2 best men,  the brides mother and father, ushers and a photographer.
 We have been  very creative writing invitations, making flowers and making a wedding cake. 

In  maths the Foundation Stage have been learning to name , identify properties of and draw 2d shapes. Year 1 have been writing and acting out multiplication maths stories, They have been measuring length in cms and mass in grams and kgs.

In PAS Class 1 were as brilliant as ever. Adam commented how much all of the children had developed in their skills since September. Well done Class 1. This week we were learning basketball  skills. We  were learning  to bounce, throw and catch. We were also working on our team work skills.

In phonics  the  Red group have been learning about the soft 'c' and soft 'g.' The yellow group learnt 'ur', 'ow', 'oi' and 'ear' and the green group have started to revise all their previously learnt phonemes. This week they  focussed on 's', 'a', a
nd 't.'  

Amongst all this hard work, we even found time to think about anti bullying week and we enjoyed pairing up with  a partner from  a different class ,to do an anti bullying activity. Every child made an anti bullying snowflake and wrote  their ideas about how to stop bullying or what to do if they  saw or experienced bullying.  All of the snowflakes  look amazing and  are on  the winter tree , on the balcony. 

Finally, we have been practising our lines for the Christmas Production and the songs. Please could you try to practise your child's words with them each day, if they have any.  Please also try and  read with your child  at least 3 times a week and practise  their spellings. Help at home really does make such a difference. 


Week 2 Term 2
Diwali Week.

This week we have been learning all about Diwali.
In  Writer's Workshop  this week, we have been enjoying learning  a Diwali story. We  listened to the story and talked about it  with our Writer's Workshop partners. We acted it out , making sure we had  the story in order. We learnt all about the characters and then we did some amazing  character descriptions. 

In phonics we have been learning lots of new sounds. The  Red group have been learning alternative sounds for i and o. The yellow group have been learning  oa, ar, or and igh  and the green group have  been learning friendly letters ff,ll, and ss.
In  Maths  the Reception children have been learning to count, order and write numbers up to 20 !!
The Year 1 children have been writing maths stories with  tens, hundreds and thousands!! We have also been measuring in metres. 

Our learning about Diwali has been brilliant. The children have enjoyed learning  what Diwali is and how it is celebrated. We have been designing and making Diya lamps.
We have been designing our own Mendhi Patterns and then  drawing them.
We really enjoyed tasting Indian sweets and then making our own.

We have been making Rangoli patterns on the computers, on paper and on the floors with chalk. We have been learning about symmetrical patterns.

As always we have spent lots of time outside and have really been putting our problem solving skills to the test. We were working out how to get all the drainpipes  so the water would flow all the way in to the bowl at the end. 

We have also been thinking about caring for our friends and our things. We have been looking after our environment by cleaning up all the leaves. 

For the next 2 weeks we are learning about  weddings.

We will be putting all of our Early Enterprise Skills in to good use by planning, organising  and taking part in our own wedding led by Reverend Egerton  on Tuesday 2nd December, in church.  This will be our Class assembly. Please clear your diaries , it 's an event not to be missed. 

Week 1   Term 2 
Welcome back to  our new term.  We have started our new topic  of
Festivals and Celebrations'
and we are enjoying ourselves already. This week we have been learning  about Bonfire Night. We have learnt all about Guy Fawkes and The Gun Powder Plot. We have done some  AMAZING writing in Literacy, learning about onomatopoeia and using our sound words to write brilliant firework night poems. We have written them out and created firework poems on the computer,  making our onomatopoeiac words  move like fireworks and make firework sounds.

We have  also done some brilliant art work  creating firework pictures  by combining different materials, including string, oil pastels, brusho paints and shiny materials. We also made firework book marks and made rockets. The children have worked really hard  and  have done themselves proud.

Next week is Diwali week. We can't wait. 

Week 6
Class 1 had a fantastic ,enterprising week. We used all our early enterprise skills to plan, prepare and run an enterprise event. On Thursday we hosted 'Class 1's Make Believe Magic Tea Party. The children used 'Chloe Creativity', 'Freddie Finance', 'Izzy Initiative', 'Tim and Tom the Teamwork Twins', 'Pippa Positive'  and 'Charlie Communicate' all week . They decided what stalls we would have,  what we would need for each stall and how much we would charge. They made signs for each stall, name badges, gingerbread men to sell, a bread beanstalk so people could guess how long it was, and they decorated the table cloths. They were so busy , and so involved in the whole event.

 On the day of our event, the children were SO excited , I thought they might pop - especially when they were all dressed up in their make believe costumes! I was so proud of them all. They were all brilliantly behaved and so very polite. Well done Class 1. You are all superstars.

Week 5 

What a superb week we had learning about the gingerbread man. In Literacy we enjoyed reading the story and learning about the animals  who tried to catch the gingerbread man. We spent time sequencing the events and rewriting the story. Year 1 were learning what a sentence is and we focussed on writing in whole sentences and putting in capital letters and full stops. The Reception children  started trying to apply the new sounds they have learnt in phonics by writing their weekend news and writing about the gingerbread man.  

On Thursday we really enjoyed making our own gingerbread men and then writing instructions telling  how to do it. When we made the biscuits, we carefully counted how many gingerbread men went into the oven. There were 25. We carefully counted them when they came out of the oven and we were amazed that there were only 24!!! One little gingerbread man had escaped!  We spent time over the next two days trying to find him and talking about where he had gone and why. 

Also last week, Class 1 shone in their first school performance of the year. They performed a brilliant rendition of 'Big Red Combine Harvester,' in our school Harvest Festival. The children were fabulous. They sang brilliantly and performed actions too!!! Well done Class 1. I am so very proud of you.  

Week 4
We are really into swing of things now and our new Reception children are  settling in to their routines.  It is lovely to see how enthusiastic they are about learning and how they are eager for everything new. They are loving their reading books and it is a joy to share the stories with them. 

Our focus for the  week was 'The Gingerbread Man. '  The children have loved listening to the story and  acting it out. They have drawn some amazing story maps with lots of detail which we are now using to help us write.  

In the afternoons, we have been amazing artists and created outstanding pictures of the gingerbread man and characters. We used wax pastel crayons and Brusho paints to create some beautiful effects.

Have a little peek below. 

Week 3
Well done Class 1. You've had a superb week.
The Reception children started learning new sounds and have so far learnt s,a,t, and i. They learnt actions, songs and letter formation and really enjoyed practising writing their new letters really big on rolls of paper.

Year 1 children did some amazing work on The 3 Little Pigs. I really enjoyed reading their 'Wanted' posters for The Big Bad Wolf and later in the week, their 'Sorry' letters, written from the wolf to the little pigs. I could tell from reading them just how sorry the wolf really was.

The Reception children focussed on the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty and performed it beautifully for the Year 1 children.

As some of our focus for the week was Humpty Dumpty, we spent a lot of time in the afternoon focussing on eggs. We made Humpty Dumpty models out of clay and really enjoyed manipulating the clay in different ways. We spent an afternoon learning how eggs can change  by cooking them in lots of different ways. We really enjoyed tasting the fruits of our labour. The children thought their egg dishes were 'eggtastic.' 
On Thursday we had an excellent trip out to visit some real hens and see them laying some eggs. The children loved the walk in our local environment and loved feeding the hens.
Photos will follow soon.

Well done Class 1 for an eggcellent week.

Week 2
Another fantastic week has come to an end. My 'Fantastic Foxes' have settled in really well and have started adapting to school life in  Reception. My 'Brilliant Badgers' have come back into Year 1, rearing to go, and have blown my socks off with their excellent writing and maths work. Well done everyone in Class 1.
Our Focus this week has been, The 3 Little Pigs and Incy Wincy Spider.  Reception children have learnt to sing, perform and make music to the nursery rhyme. They performed it brilliantly in front of all the Year 1s. I was so very proud of how confident they all were. They have enjoyed finding out about spiders this week,  looking for real life spiders, playing on Incy Wincy games on the tablets and making some superb Incy Wincy Spiders to send down the drain pipes.

Year 1 children have been learning about the 3 little pigs. They have written some excellent descriptions of the little pig's houses, really focussing on painting pictures with words.
In support of our work, we visited the Eco Area to collect, sticks, stones and grasses to make our own houses. They were brilliant. Some children decided to build brick houses with lego and they made  houses the third pig would be very proud of. As was I.
The children are all looking forward to making the pigs out of salt dough or clay next week to go into their houses. Just one of the many, fun and exciting things we have planned.
I'm looking forward to next week already.

Keep up the good work Class 1. 

A HUGE well done  to every one in Class 1 for having a super first week.

The new Reception children have spent lots of time making new friends in both Reception and Year 1 and some wonderful new relationships have started to blossom. 

They have been very busy learning through lots of play and they have particularly loved all our outdoors. It has been very difficult to spot anybody from Class 1 inside this week!

The Year 1s have settled back very well and got down to some superb writing. Using our theme this week of 'Fantastic me, Fantastic Friends and my Fantastic Family,' they have worked really hard describing  what makes a good friend. 

Everybody loved making party hats and sandwiches this afternoon, which we shared at our Fantastic Friends' Tea Party.

Well done Class 1. Keep up the hard work.

Welcome to Class 1

Welcome back to our big Year 1 children and a huge welcome to all our new faces in Reception.  

We have got a very exciting term ahead of us with lots of lovely learning, fantastic fun and laughs  smiles and giggles along the way.

In our first week  we will be settling into school life using  'Fantastic Me and Fantastic Friends.' as our stimulus. We will be sharing things about ourselves and be learning about our friends.

From next week we will be starting our main topic which is 'Make Believe.' We will be using nursery rhymes and fairy tales as a stimulus for our learning, our writing, lots of our creative activities and of course , our playing.

Please follow the link below to see our curriculum overview in more detail.

Our role play this term is a fairy tale village. If you have any toys or dressing up clothes that you would be willing to share, please could you bring them into class. Please ensure that they are clearly named.  

As always, at the start of a new term, there is lots of information about the running of our new class to impart. Please follow the link below for a copy of the welcome letter. 


Please could you try and listen to your child read at least 3 times a week, the more the better. Every opportunity your child gets to read really helps them develop.

Year 1 children will do their spelling test each Thursday. They will receive their new spellings for the following week after their test. The spellings will reflect the phonics they will be doing the following week.

Please check our Class page each week as we will keep you up to date with important events and reminders and with work that has been done in class.

Dates for your Diaries

8th October: Harvest Festival
14th October : Open Day.
16th October: Individual photos.
16th October : Class 1 Tea Party.
21st and 22nd October : Parent's Evening.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Class page.
If you have any questions or anything you would like to tell us, please pop in. Our door is always open. (After school is quieter for us.)

Here's to a magnificent Make Believe term
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  • Tel: 01663 732426