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Food Glorious Food

Summer Term 2023

Chocolate Tasting

Today, the children had the opportunity to taste different types of chocolate and flavourings in preparation for making our own chocolate bars. 
Milk chocolate and white chocolate turned out to be firm favourites whilst dark chocolate was the least favourite. Popping candy proved to be the most popular filling. They loved the popping sound so much so that they listened to each other’s mouths popping 😁 We can’t wait to start designing and making our own chocolate products. 

Analysing and evaluating chocolate packaging 

We had a lot of fun studying the packaging of Easter eggs. We looked at what must be included on the packaging and why it’s important to appeal to the consumer. 

Spring Term 2

On Safari

Forest schools

A visitor in class

Last week, we had a very special visitor in class, Cornelius the Praying Mantis. Thank you Amelia for sharing him with us. 

Art event 

A huge well done to four of our Y4s who attended a High Peak art event. They confidently shared they art skills of how to use tint and shade to create texture and depth with other schools and had the opportunity to learn new skills in return. 

Art of Africa

We investigated the natural patterns of animal prints, looking in depth at the repetition, symmetry, shape and texture of the patterns. The children had a choice of different mediums to use to recreate the animal patterns including; charcoal, chalk, watercolours, pencil crayons, felt tips and oil pastels. 


A special visitor for Forest Schools.

Forest schools activities.

Spring Term 1

Bloomin' Marvellous

Year 4 Clarinet Performance

We are so proud of our Year 4 children and how hard they have worked in their Clarinet sessions. They showcased their hard work this week with the help of Kirsty and Andy.

Number Day 2023

We’ve had a great day celebrating the NSPCC’s Number Day. The children looked amazing dressed as their TT Rockstars avatar as well as those who came dressed in patterns. In class, we defined what a pattern is and completed a pattern hunt around the school. As well, we designed a tessellating pattern using 2D shapes. These pictures will be added to the website as soon as we’ve finished them. 

Forest Schools Activities.







Our work from the previous term was so amazing, we decided to leave it here for your viewing pleasure!

Autumn Term 2 - Under The Sea

Sea Aquariums 

The children have done a wonderful job designing and creating their own aquariums. Some children worked independently whilst others chose to work in groups showing excellent team work. All the children displayed exceptional D&T skills and thought carefully about how they would make their aquariums look realistic. What a fantastic way to finish our topic! 

Maths Week England 2022

In support of Maths Week England, we took part in the Mathematics World Cup. Children worked in teams, combining maths and physical education to solve maths problems and become top of the leader board. A huge well done to our winning team - Mathematical Wizards!

We also learnt about fractions through art. The children created an underwater sea picture using fractions. They started with 5 whole circles and made halves, quarters and eighths to make different styles of fish. 

Our hopes for the future
In honour of Remembrance Day, we made wishes for the future. The children displayed a wealth of empathy, kindness and thoughtfulness. 

Paper Plate Fish 🐠 🐟 
What a FINtastic start to the topic! In Art, we designed and created a paper plate fish. The children needed to plan their design, think about what equipment they were going to use and how they would decorate their fish. Take a look at their brilliantly creative, paper plate fish. 

Autumn Term 1 - Tomb Raiders (Ancient Egyptians)

Our exciting Egyptian Exhibition at the Silk Museum


What a fabulous way to conclude our learning about the ancient Egyptians!

During our visit to the Silk Museum, we were able to travel back in time alongside Marianne Brocklehurst. She was an English traveller who lived in Macclesfield and was collector of Egyptian antiquities. She took us on a tour of the museum, telling us factual stories about the artefacts that she had brought back from Egypt. We also had the opportunity to ask historical questions whilst handling real-life artefacts. For our final activity, we decorated Anubis masks, whilst finding out more about this famous God and the afterlife. 

The trip gave the children the opportunity to share all of their superb knowledge that they have learnt over the past six weeks. We all thoroughly enjoyed the experience!


'Discovering' an ancient Egyptian urn...

The children are feeling inspired to write after the exciting discovery of an ancient Egyptian artefact a near to the school. We found our way to a taped off area and conducted a search for the urn before taking it back to our classroom for safe keeping (with the owner's permission, of course).

Who were the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses?

This week, we’ve been learning about some of the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. We’ve learnt their names, what they were the God of and which animals represented their powers. Then we picked one to draw on our papyrus paper. 

How did the Ancient Egyptians use to write?

This week, we have learnt about how the Ancient Egyptians use to write. We have explored how they made papyrus paper then had a go at making our own, using some of their techniques. We have discovered how they used hieroglyphics to record their writing. We compared these to our own alphabet and solved hieroglyphic codes, wrote our names in hieroglyphics and wrote coded messages to each other.  

STEM - Constructing Pyramids

After learning about how Pyramids were made and the Great Pyramid of Giza, the children constructed their own using different materials. We made pyramids out of lego and polydron, we had a go at cutting out 3D nets and putting them together then we challenged ourselves to make pyramids out of  marshmellows and cocktail sticks. A super start to our topic!

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  • High Peak,
  • Derbyshire,
  • SK23 7NJ.
  • Tel: 01663 732426