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Y1, 2 and 3 had a super sleepover at school. After the torch lit peg hunt - lots of fun! - they played Lion Hunt and the Star Game before having supper and into pyjamas. They then loved the showing of Up!, though some of them had to give up and go to bed. There followed a mass bedtime and by ..... errr.. just after 11pm ..... they were all asleep. Maybe not the staff! The first children woke at just after 5:30am (what joy) and at 6:30 they had transferred sleeping bags to Class 3 to watch Horrid Henry. A magnificent breakfast was provided by some rather tired staff before we had a mass tidy-up and waited for parents to collect their (almost) rested off-spring.

The children were fantastic together, and took the night away from home in their stride. They all helped each other and there were no fallings out.


Now we're just looking forward to next year .... or the staff think perhaps the year after that!


  • Station Road,
  • Buxworth,
  • High Peak,
  • Derbyshire,
  • SK23 7NJ.
  • Tel: 01663 732426