Inspired by the 'Fiver Challenge', the enterprising trio Charlie Pattison, Alfie Cubitt and Theo Cubitt got sponsorship for colour posters and t-shirts with their Skate School logo printed on and opened Buxworth School's first lunchtime coaching for skateboarding and riding a scooter. Fully aware of the need for safety, the team choose whether or not Skate School (three times a week at lunchtime) will run and are careful to match skateboards to pupils if they need to borrow one. No-one can attend unless they are wearing a helmet. On Day 1, only three people attended, but Charlie was undaunted. " We saw loads of people were watching and they all said they'd do it next time." Sometimes there are as many as 20 pupils being coached during their lunch break.
Skate School ran during June and was so successful that the boys had to bring a helper (Callam Wright) in to help with the coaching.
They have invested some of their earnings in three mini-boards and are planning to donate some of the remaining profits to a local skate park.