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Morning ID: 89675765939
Passcode: ConkersAM
Afternoon ID: 83679219058
Passcode: ConkersPM
If you find yourself learning from home please try to do a phonics, maths and a fun activity every day.
Please read your school reading book every day and ask your parent to read a book to you also. Talk about the story, who are the characters and what happens. Draw a picture to show the story and write about it.
In Phonics you could pick any of the sounds that we have been learning recently and go on a hunt around the house to find things that start with that letter. Try to draw pictures of all of the the things you find and label your pictures with the beginning, middle and end sounds.
You could play on www.phonicsplay.co.uk and have a go at blending words.
You could watch an episode of alphablocks on youtube and read the words that you see.
You can also pick 1 page of any of the phonics worksheets below and complete that. There are lots to choose from.
In Maths practise counting and writing numbers. Count how many different things you have in your house. For example how many stairs, windows, pans , chairs etc do you have?. Think of 1 more and 1 less than each number. Go online and play numberbots using your login or go onto www.topmarks.co,uk and choose a maths game.
Alternatively watch numberblocks up to 20 on Youtube or Cbeebies.
There are lots of maths paper worksheets below also if you would like to do a paper based activity.
Please try and play outside everyday and go for a walk , if you are able.