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Who's Who​​​​​​​

Meet the staff at our school


Staffing for 2024/25

Paul Bertram - Headteacher
Lindsey Crombleholme - KS1 Co-ordinator and Little Conkers Class teacher

Charlotte Tamkin  -  Horse Chestnut Class teachers
Carla Downings & Lucy Turega - Sycamore Class teachers

Melanie Brammer - SENCo and Hawthorn Class teacher

Ruth Kime -  KS2 Co-ordinator and Redwood Class teacher

Helen Rudder- Supply Teacher
Hayley Povey is our Teaching & Learning Assistants and Team Leader.
Sam Swann is our Curriculum Assistant and Sports Coach.

Debbie Hussey KS1 and 2 Teaching Assistant

Katy Fay- Apprentice Teaching Assistant KS1 and LKS2

Katie Hill is our School Business Officer

At lunchtimes. Zanie Nolan is our cook; Linda Mellor is assistant cook;
Gemma Moore, Lydia Ormiston and Diane Cooper are our midday supervisors