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What have we been doing in class?

Spring Term 2024

Romans Trip to Chester - We had such a fantastic day in Chester. The children did us proud and really entered into the spirit of the day, marching around the town as Roman soldiers, chanting at the tops of their voices. We learnt lots of new information which we will be using in our work back in school. We can't wait to see the children's writing!

The children in action!

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Number Day 2024 - We had a blast dressing up and completing lots of different maths activities

Art & DT - Designing and Making Roman Shields

Year 4 violin performance - The Year 4s were amazing in their violin performance! Florence and Parker also played their clarinets and were both fabulous!

A little snapshot of the violins in action!

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We started our new topic with a volcano! Over the next couple of weeks we will be learning all about Pompeii and writing our own newspaper articles about what happened. Today we imagined what it would be like to see a volcano erupting!


  • Make your own volcano If you fancy making your own volcano at home, have a look at the link and follow the instructions.

Autumn Term 2023

Year 4 - Violin - Open String Boogie

Use these notes to strum in time to the music: DDDDGG DDDDGG DDDDGG EEEEAAD. Repeat straight away.

Year 4 - Violin - Trick or Treat

Use these notes to strum in time to the music: GG DD AA EE EE AA DD GG. Repeat after introduction.

Year 4 - Violin - 9 A Blues

Use this track to practise with your violin.

Year 4 - Violin - Strumming

Use this track to practise with your violin.

Rainy days

We've had some wet days over the past couple of weeks but this just gives us more opportunities to learn and be creative.

Class debate - Would it be good to live in the Stone Age?

As part of our English work, the children have been learning about how to hold a class debate. We learnt what a debate was, arguments for and against an idea as well as opposing ideas and how to make these stronger and more persuasive by using subordinating conjunctions e.g. because, so that, therefore. The children came up with some excellent reasons for and against living in the Stone Age.

Woolly Mammoths

As part of our English work we have been learning to read, write and follow instructions. In DT, we followed instructions to make a woolly mammoth. We used a variety of media to turn our milk bottles into woolly mammoths. We had lots of fun whilst improving and learning new design and technology skills.