MFL- French
MFL at Buxworth Primary School
At Buxworth Primary School we want children to reach their full potential in physical, intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, social and spiritual growth. Therefore, MFL is intended to teach and inspire children and ensure that high quality language education is fostered in our children. This is to encourage curiosity and passion that will help to deepen their understanding of the world. We are committed to ensuring that competence and enthusiasm in learning another language enables children to interpret, create and exchange meaning within and across cultures. We endeavour to guide our children to become and grow as global citizens, developing skills that could help to open further opportunities later in life. The teaching of French in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 focuses on the 4 areas: reading, writing (KS2), speaking and listening and provides an appropriate balance of these domains, laying the foundations for further foreign language teaching in KS3.
Curriculum Threads:
- All French lessons are complimented by the Language Angels Scheme throughout the school to provide consistency, continuity and to ensure that the teaching and learning of French is of the upmost high quality experience
- Children are taught to listen attentively to spoken language and respond, joining in with songs rhymes and games
- Children develop an appreciation of a variety of stories, songs, poems and rhymes in French that are delivered through the curriculum content
- Building on vocabulary throughout the school
- Acquire an appreciation, enjoyment and life-long love of languages
- Develop confident and positive attitudes towards language learning
- Demonstrate awareness of culture, traditions and languages spoken by families across the school
- Demonstrate their pride and the high status of MFL through classroom, school and online display of their quality work.